Monday, August 12, 2013

NYC Crime Drop? Slop!

Crime has dropped in the country in general.  Bloomberg claims he has to stop a group who prove
in practice to be 89% not guilty. The group is 80% Black and Latino.
He has to criminalize your minority sons to keep you safe.
Does he at the same time criminalize those who destroy your savings, your pensions, your college funds, your salary costs of living increases? Why should he? He is one of them.
NYC incidence of what Bloomberg likes to call crime may be down.
Incidences of what we in stop and frisk victimization communities call crime are not down at all. We
call 'stop and frisk' as it is practiced in our communities, criminal. We think of it as 'high crimes',
because we cannot afford it; yet we are the ones who pay for it. These practices financially burden
the black and Latino communities with nonsensical fines. But Bloomberg and Quinn are wonderful
cosmetic artists- so skilled at putting lipstick on pigs.
Didn't we find out again in the first decade of this century that New York needs to be healthy?
If it does get better, we all will.

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