Friday, July 11, 2014

Kwame! Help Us!!!

I was going to vote for Warren Evans for Wayne County Executive. Now I'm not so sure.
The "one who calls himself Detroit mayor" is backing Warren Evans. That, I don't like at all.
The more time passes, the more I miss Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick.
He helped us with our inflated property taxes.
He refused to take away our schools.
He would never in a million years left thousands of us without water.
I also miss Mayor Dave Bing.
These men were truly elected.
Our politics is also complicated by the fact that many younger Detroit voters have been educated in
the suburbs. Their parents didn't explain to them how hard fought the gains which led them to be able to live in Detroit suburbs had been.
The less politically astute older voters in Detroit believe some of what Detroit newspapers said about
The most politically aware Detroit voters, and the voters who have less income than the most politically astute, all hate Detroit newspapers. Those papers now depend on the suburbs for their support. They don't seem to care much, but they would love to have more sway over our low information voters.
People like me, who don't believe we have had a mayor since Mayor Dave Bing, are waiting our
turn. We will be heard in the end. The Michigan legislature is so destructive it will eventually
destroy itself. It is a Frankenstein, seeking its creator. Hate is its creator; and so it will continue to
self destruct.
President Obama helped when he bailed out the auto industry. He had to do it. However, our legislature will continue to do what it can to destroy our infrastructure and the entire population
of the city of Detroit.
Nearly every vote on everything this legislature takes is based, has been based for decades, on
how best to be destructive to our key city.
I wish Jennifer Granholm would write a book on her tenure here.

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