Wednesday, July 9, 2014

New Jails For Detroit Children

Detroit social workers have been telling private citizens for some months now that the state of
Michissippi has been building scores of incarceration centers for children.
Honestly, we haven't known what to make of it or how to prepare ourselves for it except to stay
as close to the kids as possible without tempting them to escape from our own grasps.
Now the picture has become a bit clearer.
Last year people were getting their water shut off, and were required to travel long, long distances
to get it cut back on if they were not the home owner.
Many times the travelling was in vain because often an illusive document is required before a person
can be considered 'the home owner' in the state of Michissippi, for purposes of getting running water
Mayor Coleman A. Young, and Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick did such a good job of insulating Detroiters form outer lying but surrounding cities and their hatreds, we now feel swept up without
such stellar leadership. We are a bit lost. We're in the forest after dark with wild, rabid wolves howling and barking up a storm.
Now the city, under state rule, has cut off the water of thousands of citizens.
Once the city/state has a record of who has no water, but does have minor children in their care,
authorities take the children to fostering places.
So Detroiters- lose your job, lose your house, move in with mom or grandma.
But then, grandma is losing her pension, so she gets behind in her water bill.
Now you lose running water.
So it's time for you to lose your children.
Detroiters live in a third world country. We really should secede, not so much from the country,
but from this nightmare of a state. With food so scarce, and now water missing, typhoid may not
be long in the coming if this goes on for a while.
Take the DIA? We cannot afford to think about that, now can we? Besides, we have always been
restricted to using a very small part of the square footage of the total space in that museum  anyway.

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