Saturday, July 12, 2014

Trayvon: Highlighted A Craven Racial Hatred In The U.S.

The killer 'stood' his bloodied ground.
Trayvon was unable to 'stand' his.
The jury was unwilling to 'stand' on the ground of justice for Trayvon.
Trayvon was not quite so much like Emmit Till, because those killers hid from law enforcement.
Trayvon was not as much like Medgar Evers, because that killer hid from law enforcement.
Law enforcement embraced Trayvon's murder from the local level, to the state house, to the Florida
Many of us realize Trayvon has martyred himself so that we can open our eyes to this new expression
of hatred, and its power in America.
He did give us the gift of screaming for the murderer to stop what he was doing.
Even the killer's relative admitted the scream was that of a teen-aged boy.
Trayvon fought for his life and he did not go quietly.
As tragic as that is, we must hope it saves the life of even one other African American young person
who sees or senses someone "creepy" and is able to get away in time.

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