Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Oh No! Those Are Kids!

Kids at the border could mean there will be less power for 61% of America's white voting populace,
and President Obama doesn't even care! What is going on?
President Obama didn't want to be the 'deporter in chief', but Republicans insisted he become that official.
Now that we have a crisis, they won't help undo the damage. So fine. If President Obama acts on his
own, it will be incumbent on them to try to undo his facilitation. And one thing that will mean for a
long, long time, is that the Republicans really can kiss the White House good-bye for practically time
immemorial. The bulk of the Hispanic community will not be going back to Central and South America...and they are not going back home.
Ordinary people had better begin to be way more careful about who their state and local officials
actually are, and what their agendas really are.
President Obama has to be President of all the people, and sorry 'Teas' that means he is also
President of 39% of the white voting electorate too.
Maybe you should rethink some of your Davy Crockett fervor. Most of your ancestors didn't get to
America before all the rest of ours anyway. So get in line with your mouth-foaming demands.

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