Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Rev. Al Sharpton Avenges Oprah

Years ago Oprah let her viewers know she was careful about eating beef.
Texas ranchers decided to sue her.
Dr. Phil indelicately offered her his services, and she repaid him by unleashing him on the rest of us.
Now Rev. Sharpton has told us about the horrible way cattle, even sick cattle are treated, then
killed and processed as food.
Further, he let us know that 'Ag Gag' rules have been enacted in many state legislatures to stop any
filming or other undercover work on these very obnoxious farms and ranches. ALEC (American
Legislative Exchange Council) of course, has written the legislation it serves up to state congressmen
and women- who enact it principally in Republican state legislatures.
So perhaps we can cut out some meat after all, without anyone being able to blame Oprah.
The pigs and chickens aren't being treated any better...not even the egg layers.

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