Should POTUS go to the border to speak to children and parents?
Should he speak English or Spanish?
Should he say, "I am head of the most powerful country in the world, but I am required to work with
'Congress', and they won't let me help you. Sorry. Sucks to be all of you."
Or should he say, "I am going to help you! You can stay in the U.S. without penalty and everything is
going to be fine!"
Or maybe POTUS could say, "I have no idea how any of this will turn out. I wish I could offer some
guidance on the law and the lack of good will some Americans are showing you. Perhaps it's because
they are Christian? Those shouting at you are the same ones who go on and on ad nauseum about how Christian they are."
Or maybe POTUS should stick to talking to us about our borders.
We are the ones who seem intent on running the Roman Empire into the ground again, while complaining there are barbarians at the gate. But, am I wrong now? Don't we already know how that
turns out?
I think when American Christians begin to go on about religion, what they mean is, 'I am not Muslim,
or Buddhist, or Shinto, or Hindi. They could care less about Christianity in the bodies of our neighbors to the south.
Who among them has offered any alternatives?
Say we fly all those people at our borders back to their home countries tomorrow.
Won't they still come back or be replaced by others in their country unless we seek some root causes
for their sudden exoduses in the first place?
Won't we wind up with some sort of back and forth situation?
I would like to know what the extreme right wing suggests we do and pay to round up little kids and
send them back over and over again.
See, here's the thing. Their parents don't want to see them in mass graves, or as the Desaparacidos
of Argentina.
Or what? Do you think POTUS intends to spend the rest of his life and presidency as Joel Brand?
POTUS has no intention at all of listening to your terrible, horrible, no good very bad idea.
Very, very bad idea.
No intention whatsoever...
Thank you President Obama. Some thought because you had an odd last name it might be
Epomonandous. That is NOT your name.
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