Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Why Would Augusta, GA Arrest A Working Mom?

A lady who works at McDonald's has a daughter.
The little girl was spending her summer at the family computer.
The little girl lost her access to the computer.
So, she asked her mom if she could spend her days at a neighborhood park.
The mom dropped her off, but the police found out about it.
Did the police give the mom a warning about this?
Did the police give the mom a ticket?
Did the police get the mom from work and make her pick up her daughter?
No, of course the police were dumb enough to arrest the mom.
Now is the little girl better off?
How will a McDonald's worker pay the ensuing court costs, or will the state pay them all?
How will that mom make up for her lost wages, or will the little girl have to step into that
breach of what mom cannot provide?
Who takes care of the little girl now? Or do officials care?
Was the child's father held to account?
Since women, and black women in droves, voted overwhelmingly for President Obama,
maybe officials have decided we have to pay. The message may be: don't do that again.
He won't be able to protect you from us.
We will beat you in the streets.
We will arrest you while you are postpartum.
We will arrest you for willfully sending your child to the wrong school.
We will arrest you if you let your child play outside while you are at work.
We will arrest you if you seem to have a drug problem, even after you have conceived.
If you are a black woman- you are fair game, and ripe for our systems of prisons and jails.
Of course, white women don't fare all  that much better.
Martha Stewart seems to have gone to jail for not knuckling under when asked to save K Mart
from losses they didn't want. Why they'd hired an uneducated white male CEO was completely
beyond me. Weren't they begging for losses?
And there's the case a few years back of a lady in Michigan who was threatened for letting neighbor
children wait at her house for the school bus which stopped at her address- especially when it was
Authorities said she needed to pay for a child care license.
She tried on more than one occasion to explain the children were not there on any regular basis, and
even then only for a few moments.
She was spitting in the wind. Authorities in her town told her to stop or be arrested.
I think in the end she was as nice to the kids as she could be without letting them into he house.
It gets very very cold in Michigan, so the standard should be the weight of the risk for harm to each
party involved. But no, a group of children getting shelter for a few moments now and then from a
lady they know, a lady their parents know, in a quite small town, is a situational enemy of the state
of Michigan.
All of these things and more are brought to women courtesy of the Republican party of the U.S.A.

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