Friday, July 11, 2014

We Are Now A Threat To The Biggest Central American Cash Crop

Now that states are legalizing marijuana, Central American drug cartels have to sell twice as much
heroin and cocaine to control the markets which have made them rich. They could instead go up on
the price of other drugs, but if they do that, they run more risks of drawing more law enforcement groups into their businesses. When addicted people find themselves short of cash for drugs, they
inevitably institute all sorts of crime to enrich themselves enough to pay for their substances.
Law enforcement gets slammed with an onslaught of all sorts of crimes, as well as an urgency to stop the source of the generation of these new crime waves.
I would say cartels who cannot control their countrysides anymore have told citizens there to "get out
or else". And I feel certain ordinary people don't have to be told twice.
Parents aren't going to send their children away alone unless they have no choice.
If your family were rounded up and you could send the young ones to America or have them killed-
what would you do?
These are people who lived, and worked, and took care of their young at the behest of the cartel.
When a cartel loses money, it loses power. It cannot pay enough people to watch and supervise enough people to protect all of its holdings. So why shouldn't it dispel a great many of these people?
What I can't understand is why the international consequences of legalized drugs haven't been
adequately anticipated by our elected officials. And where is the more realistic news analysis? Absent...
When a big violent entity loses market share, it likely reacts violently.
What's worse is that the families coming across waving down border patrol may principally be
decoys so that cartel bosses have a much easier time crossing into the country undetected.
If bosses are looking for new clients, they may not want to do it on email, right? And while you are
out doing your obvious screeching at little kids- the cartel may be at your house, quietly smiling while showing your kids how glamorous sniffing or injecting hard drugs can make a youngster feel.
What can you do? You aren't there. You are out attacking someone else's kids.

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