Monday, April 30, 2012

John Doar

I can't believe John Doar will finally get a Presidential Medal of Freedom this year, and from this particular White House. I am overjoyed.
Most white people in the 60s civil rights struggles have remained as famous, and not so famous, names of brave persons and deeds, or martyrs.
John Doar has been neither; yet he was one of the most stalwart, most formidable icons in the struggle to get civil rights laws implemented and obeyed that any of us had ever heard of or learned about. And during the grief and struggle immediately following the death of Medgar Evers, John Doar ran into an alley to reason with a large gathering of black youth who had guns and plenty of
anger. They relaxed all the rage initiative fueling them, mainly out of respect for John Doar, and the
legacy of Mr. Evers.
I imagine only a small fraction of the young people who know the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.have ever even heard Mr. Doar's name. But Mr. Doar was in Mississippi at the inception of the
voter rights struggle, long before President Kennedy sent troops to the South to enforce the laws of
our land.
I wonder if when Mr. Doar began at the Justice Department  he had any inkling,while undertaking the work of enforcing the Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1960, that in about three years he would be
in a photo on the front page of the New York Times, nearly getting his head bashed in with a tire iron at the Farish St. riots in Jackson, Mississippi, once the body of Medgar Evers lay in state there- on the same day a young man took aim at Mr. Doar with a rifle.
Mr.Doar was an enforcer who had a face off with staunch segregationists, and those who sometimes became reactionary toward these lovers of the status-quo.
I doubt he knew.
We know. And we know we owe Mr. Doar a great debt. All of America owes him. At least he is getting a Medal of  Freedom, from the first African-American President of the United States of America.
Thank you Mr. John Doar. Thank you.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Born And Bred

When Governor Romney comes to Michigan, he says every ridiculous thing
he can think of to say, but never, 'I was born in, or- I was raised, in Michigan."
I imagine he has a lot of unpleasant Michigan memories.
For one thing, his father was head of an auto company, which is supposed
to be one of the penultimate positions and industries in this country, and The
penultimate in Michigan. However, that company went broke, some years after
George Romney fashioned it as a future auto company powerhouse.
For another thing, the Romney family was Mormon; so none of the elite in the
auto baron culture would accept his family into the social folds of their worlds.
Auto elites built homes in the Grosse Pointes, and the women were
eligible for, and welcome in, The Junior League. The Romneys were not going
to fit into any of that. Perhaps their religion would not even have allowed it.
Consequently, he was then, and always will be, nouveau riche.
The Fords wouldn't even accept Lee Iaccoca into their societal bosom; and we all
know a guy couldn't be more top drawer than Iaccoca.
Henry Ford II couldn't get into the Yale club in college because he wasn't a
fifth or sixth generation millionaire. Auto industry titans were not ever after that
going to be in the mood to open their "elites" status to any relaxed rules or
acceptance without extreme rigor in requirements expectations. One either fit the
auto baron part of the Grosse Pointe mold, or one did not. The Romneys did not;
and for all their talk of "dressage", they never will. Though there is not one thing
wrong with that, I doubt 'the Mitt' will ever feel or believe that way.
Auto elite is a tough crowd. Mr. Romney's family wasn't even educated.
He was always on the outside looking in; so I know he would have loved Detroit
to go bankrupt, even though he is as American.
Oh, the scars of childhood.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

You Are Fired

Can anyone fire Secret Service personnel?
Don't the Secret Service have our secrets?
Of course they can be relieved of duty. However, we have to do that with proper caution.Right?
It is a shame the Columbia kerfuffle became so public. We would have been much better
off coming to an agreement of severed employment with our "secret" service members if
we could have done it without announcing we were scouring the planet to find the accusing
sex workers so that they could further, publicly, point their complainant fingers.

Saving More Money In Primary Politics

Why, if we are cutting our American budget, do we need to do it in our presidential election processes?
I still see no reason at all for Newt Gingrich to drop out of his party's primary. He is doing something
few Americans will ever have an opportunity to do. He should stay in until the end so that as many citizens as possible can interact with the process in person, and hear his policy ideas for our future, even
though like me, they may agree with none of them.
Democracy depends on the fact that we have an electorate as informed as possible.
If we pay tax dollars in order to participate as fully as we can in these democratic processes, then so be it.


POTUS spoke at University of North Carolina this afternoon, saying he is like other student parents,
wanting their children to do better than they could.
Does that mean one Obama daughter should one day be a POTUS with the other as her Secretary of
State? Well that would be an excellent family administration.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Nice Doggy

Did the Romneys dry Seamus off and give him something for an upset tummy, or hose him down and
put him back up top for the wind to fly at him again on the highway?

Friday, April 20, 2012


If joblessness is in a  heightened state in November, and that causes us to neglect getting POTUS back into the office of President, we are all going to have jobs worth half of what they are worth now.
And then, we are all going to be homeless, or living in neighborhoods with more empty houses than family houses no municipality wants to take responsibility to maintain.
Lucky taxpayers one and all...

More Lies

Why would Trayvon Martin's killer say on a 911 police call that the person he was stalking was a
teenager, then say in a courtroom for public fodder that he thought the child was only a little younger
than him?
Why would it be unusual for a teenager to attempt to protect himself from some creature stranger engaging him in a life and death struggle?

Mark Sullivan

I don't know this Secret Service leader.
I'm not supposed to know a lot about him.
I do know this: I don't believe one word of what the Columbians are asserting.

Women In America

Are you a first world person?
In some states, you seem to have the same status of a woman in Saudi Arabia.
If you don't  a) have a lot of money and b) have sole control of your money whether or not you are
married, single, widowed or divorced you may be in trouble.
You may have to 1. Sit down.
                             2. Be quiet.
                             3. Avoid the most effective birth control methods.
                             4. Get pregnant by chance or on purpose ... just get pregnant.
                             5. Reject any attempt to avail yourself of the law of the land- Roe vs. Wade.
                                 Your U.S. citizenship isn't worth squat under states' rights.
                             6. Work for whatever remuneration and benefits your boss tells you.
                             7. Work when and if your mate wants you to do so.
                             8. Avoid looking for a right to get equal pay for doing the same work men do.
                             9. Seek the 'dignity' work whether or not you have a preschooler...or
                            10. Seek the 'dignity' of work at home, without earning any income at all.
If you are an American woman, you may be in big 1st world trouble.
You may have met a nice guy, but be relegated to Foster Frieze methods of birth control.
You may have a good education, but find it difficult to afford child care so you can start a career.
You may have a good education and a career job,but find it difficult to pay for birth control, childcare, and school loans on your new salary.
You may have a good education, a career job, faulty birth control, school loans, and an added
unwanted pregnancy with no clinics in your state to help you maintain privacy in this personal trial.
You may be rattled by needing to fight for already won rights when you know should be demanding
child care subsidies, family leave, strong public schools, and the definition of 'the economy' as an
embodiment of all of the above.
If you get Mitt Romney as a president, you won't get anywhere near having any of the conversations
you should be having with your leadership.
Is that what women want?

Mittmer's Budget

Mitt has not developed a plan for our economy.
He has a 'do not' plan for a 'non' economy.
Let Detroit go bankrupt.
Let the housing market stay in mass foreclosure.
Destroy businesses in trouble.
Privatize services which will die without citizen tax support.
Destroy tax revenue support.
Why would Romney try to attract regular independent, moderate voters?
None of them are going to vote for him. The only persons who will vote for him are
those who hate POTUS.
Mitt has no reason to be polite, cordial, funny or honest when interacting with the voting public.
Mitt is self-consciously nuveau-riche. He cannot want to fit in with ordinary people for one moment.
And he doesn't have to do so.
He knows his money people will help destroy five million democratic votes by pretending voters are unidentified, lie to voters about our President's record, misrepresent his own positions, and cheer the rants of the right wing.
He will do all that, because he can.

Cisco- Pays Its Taxes!

I heard in an interview on the Charlie Rose show that the tech giant Cisco pays a 33.3% tax rate. I find this information unbelievable but refreshing.
Still, the company claims it can move more business from abroad back to America's shores if it gets some tax forgiveness.
Charlie Rose pointed out the somewhat hushed facts pointing to a trend in which companies take the money from tax relief, giving it directly to their shareholders.
American taxpayers would much prefer the companies use the money to hire more workers, invested,
unionized workers, and to invest in the company's fostering further development in our country.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

MSNBC: Alex - Martin - And Music

Alex Wagner and Martin Bashir have genius choices for the music on their programs. Whatever
the topic of their program happens to be, they have the most appropo modern songs play in their
segues from a programming segment to a break.
Ms. Wagner is an expert on rap music. She plays absolutely the best rap music on any segment
she finds will match a certain topic in her show.
Martin Bashir also chooses the most exciting music to go along with whatever he may be discussing or with whatever he has just finished discussing.
There are actually times I watch these shows to hear what music has been chosen!

Elizabeth Holtzman

Ms. Holtzman's new book, Cheating Justice, highlights the case for bringing George Bush and
Dick Cheney to justice for knowingly and conspiratorially breaking at least two federal laws
during the George W. years in D.C.
These two admittedly wire-tapped American citizens without getting the court approval our laws
made it incumbent upon them to seek.
They willfully ordered torture of persons in U.S. custody.
Other problems of their lawlessness are reportedly cited.
We may not have the will, of course to make them answerable for these crimes and others.
However, even had he not stood by "plausible deniability" in the Iran-Contra case in our country,
Ronald Reagan decided he was not bound by The Boland Ammendment, the law of the land,
because he was President of The United States, and as such, was above the law of he land.
I didn't believe it; but it has set a bit of a precedent.
Besides, the Supreme Court during Bush-Cheney was normally willing to rubber stamp
whatever that administration wanted to do for much of the eight years Bush was in the White

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

We Are Braveheart Too - Crazy Rocker

What bothers me about ex-rockers shouting violent rhetoric is the Braveheart reference.
I saw the movie, but I no longer believe the star of the movie was acting. He is like that in real life; and doesn't realize we live in a civilized 21st century society. I mean, I think we do.

Our U.S. Secret Service

Please, don't talk to strangers.

Columbian What?

How can anyone know what the price of services were for the Columbian women to keep company with our U.S.Secret Service?
How can anyone know what services were performed?
How can anyone know if the women were properly compensated?
Why would Columbian police bang on the door of the U. S. Secret Service?!
The thing for police to do would be to tell the women/ woman not to work with these officers again, and simply ask the hotel to curb traffic while requesting the adult workers vacate the premises.
The police could have quietly asked our officers to come to an agreement with the complainer/s.
Something is not at all right in Columbia.
How do Columbian police have access to our Secret Service under any circumstances at all which don't comprise some national emergency in our country or theirs?
No, no, a thousand times No way is the president very safe if our Secret Service agents are so easily available to any armed officials. Apparently, our Service decided on some gallantry, by Not
causing the police any real trouble. They surely could have if they felt the need, citing any reason they could agree upon. We need to give them some credit and some benefit of the
doubt, because even if they began a wrong-headed planned (or spontaneous) evening, they may not have precipitated any of the resultant complaining or disagreement. Any person can go to police with some lie if she has been made to know she can get away with it. If Columbia is still Columbia, someone with authority surely made it known to those bringing the complaint, that the accusers could get away with it, could get police to become involved.
The average American citizen won't get a say on what will happen to these Americans' officers. We have the freedom of speech, however, to assert we are not dumb enough to believe too quickly that our Secret Service can be so totally and so easily compromised. They had to have cooperated for the good of the overall mission they were assigned. They are, after all, by all accounts, one tough bunch.
If American elites go to Columbia again, they need a lot more undercover work and workers aside
from U.S. Secret Service, themselves elites.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Times They Have A Changed

Anne Romney has never worked a day in her life, unless she has done a lot of volunteering.
When I began adult life, saying a woman had never worked a day in her life made that woman
grin from ear to ear, or giggle.
Rich women do carve out careers. Maria Schriver did. She's a good mom.
Rich women with admirable careers are great moms. Hillary Clinton is.
Many rich women earn good pay, donating it to charity.
Anne Romney's life is as valid as any other mom's. Yet, she has never earned income.
How can a choice of words change that?

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Ms. Rosen Is Great

America...Taking care of your kids is just taking care of your kids, no matter how much work you assign yourself in the concomitant tasks you want to complete in order to do so. You, whomever you are, are supposed to take care of your kids. You are not supposed to have a choice about it; even though some people choose not to take care of their children.
My advice: don't come home in the evenings when your children have gotten hungry, and tell them to go grocery shopping and get to cooking because you already worked that day.
At the same time, I would not try getting breakfast in the morning, clearing the dishes off the table, packing school lunches, or getting the maid to do it all- then arriving at your job to tell your
boss you have already put in work hours that day.
Having to get up and go to work each day is something aside from having to take care of your
children, while at the same time getting yourself to work each day for earned income.
Some rich women, with and without children, contribute a lot of earned income from a job in our
economic sectors; and still- some of these same women raise wonderful children.
One thing is what it is.
The other is something else.
Your children are your children, especially in a genetic sense, or an adoptive sense, no matter what you do.
Your job for earned income... not so much.
Choosing to shun earned income from work or a 'job', doesn't give anyone any expertise whatsoever on economic issues in the lives of the average American woman, no matter how wonderful that person and her choices may happen be.

The Free Market Conservatives

If you can make money from it, and you can get away with it, do it.
Anyone who interferes with you in the interest of the public good is a nosy, interfering, bleeding heart.
If some nosy ninny muggins doesn't tell you pink slime is dangerous to your health ... EAT IT!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Hilary Rosen

Once I heard a young African national teenager living in Washington D.C. give an interview, saying he was not allowed to quit school to sign a multi-million dollar contract with an Italian soccer league because his mom thought he needed an education if she couldn't be with him abroad.
She couldn't be with him because she had other younger children and she did not want her young son, because of the money he would earn, have to act as head of his family in yet another foreign country.
The young man then forced himself to graduate high school early so mom would sign the papers
for him to go, and she did. His dad had left the family, not much taking to Americanization.
Mom kept her promise. When her son graduated with honors from high school, she signed for
him to go abroad, even though he was not yet of age. He did, after all, become a soccer star.
This young man described his mom as someone who worked from 7am to 3pm during the day.
She had a second job she had to work from 4pm until midnight.
She got a few hours sleep between jobs, but took care of her children by setting things up for
them while she should have been sleeping.
I worked like that for a while when I was young.
I had to take high pay part-time temp jobs with no benefits.
I worked one job during the day.
I worked another Monday and Wednesday nights.
I worked a third Tuesday and Thursday nights.
I worked a fourth on Saturday mornings.
I worked a fifth on Sunday mornings.
My little kindergartener got into trouble at school, so I resentfully took the time to go in and see
what the teacher could be complaining about so early in this little one's educational life.
"She is in trouble for telling lies", the teacher explained.
"She keeps saying her mother has five jobs, and I told her no one can have five jobs."
I was quite embarrassed. Of course I hadn't explained to my small one anything unusual about our lifestyle.
Well, I needed five jobs, because the children's dad was a true deadbeat; the jobs were part-time, and there were five of us.
Yes, whenever I was not working, I did have to keep up the children's dentist appointments,
the pediatricians' appointments, the laundromat, the cleaners, the grocery store, the post office,
the upkeep on the car (for as long as we managed to have a car) cleaning the fridge, and for three
years- the ironing. (They do get bigger eventually.) I did the housecleaning, the cooking, the parent-teacher conferences, and for some schools, a packed lunch.
My family was way too busy to help with any of it. I will say this: I was a native English speaker.
Twice, however, I wound up with walking pneumonia.
My life wasn't half as bad as some. My goals were partially met because I had gotten my bachelor's degree, and two of the children graduated from Ivory League universities. Another graduated from a city university with a professional degree. So three of them avoided the struggle of working without an education.
If Hilary Rosen does owe Mrs. Romney an apology, however, I'd love her to know she doesn't have to speak for the Obama campaign, and she sure doesn't owe me an apology. Somehow, I know millions of American women agree with me on this!

Sabrina Fulton

If Ms. Fulton believes her son was accidentally killed, then she needs to believe that. This
cannot be the time in her life for her to absorb Sigmund Freud. I don't blame her at all for needing to believe the death was accidental.
But we know that man did not accidentally get out of his car.
He did not accidentally stalk someone else's child he himself described as "late teens".
He did not accidentally take his gun with him in order to complete an act of stalking.
For those non-accidents, for hearing the screams, and not withdrawing, we have to hold him
as depraved, indifferent to violence, and to possibly very dangerous assaultive behavior.
We have to hold him to it. He is a full grown man. If he doesn't know any better, who does?

Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money

Our economy is still fragile. University students need good classes, and great professors more than ever now. But what are we spending money to do? Talk, belaboring the obvious...
The NRA is costing us too much money, and too many lives.
We have spent millions and millions and millions of visual media dollars in just 45 days or so.
We have spent millions and millions and millions of dollars on radio air in just 45 days or so.
We have spent millions and millions and millions of dollars in the print media in just about 45 days.
We have spent millions of dollars in the legal professions in just 45 days or so.
We are about to spend millions more on courts and trial. It has all been on the same subject.
Why? What do we need to prove?
We have to spend an aggregate tens or hundreds of millions of dollars in 2012 A.D. to argue about one thing: is it sometimes OK to stalk and then gun down an under-aged child in the streets?
I will cede this to the resultant second degree murder charge language in the statute; ANYBODY could have gotten hurt!
Does anyone remember Joel Grey and Liza Minnelli in the movie- Cabaret.
Can anyone spell v-u-l-g-a-r, and/or c-r-i-m-i-n-a-l and/or c-o-s-t-l-y?
Not the movie, the things it depicted, of course.

The News Is So Agonizingly Boring

MSNBC has informative content. The remainder of the news...not very engaging.
Alice Wagner I find an excellent way of hearing great debate.
Martin Bashir is hilarious.
There is no way I ever want to miss Al Sharpton, Ed Schultz, or Lawrence O'Donnell.
Andrea Mitchell can be enlightening as well, and she is so skillful on location.
Rachel Maddow does an unequaled job covering Michigan.
I hope never to miss Up with Chris Hayes early Saturdays and Sundays.
I won't hear any debate more spirited or intellectually challenging, anywhere.
I did get frustrated when Up intellectualized atheism. Atheism itself, unlike religion. IS a purely
intellectual endeavor. For some reason that bores me to tears. Speaking of it in the context of non-belief finds me yawning. I'd rather them talk to God about it, not me. Why would I want to
hear about "nons"?
Then nerdland with Melissa Harris Perry comes on right after Up on week-ends. Her show has such wonderful guest appearances, and her take on ordinary events is usually unexpectedly nuanced.
Right after the Perry show I may be burnt out, but Alice Witt's show comes on to
give breaking news and update weekly events.
Now that Keith Olbermann is off Current, I only have to catch Bill Press and Stephanie Miller
at times on that station. Sometimes, I fail to catch Savannah Guthrie on NBC. Darn
Oh well, there is always C-Span and Book TV. After all that, if I am still bored I have to read.
That isn't so awful though is it?

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

It's A Boy!

African American parents: once you birth them, lock 'em down.
When they are of age, we'll lock 'em up!
Black male children in America...
Lock 'em down, then
Lock 'em up.
Any questions?

Ms. Corey of Florida

Angela Corey is speaking to the press now.
Blah, blah, blah.
'The officers involved in "the investigation" were wonderful'.
Blah, blah, blah.
'Norm Wolfinger, the original prosecutor, did wonderful work on this case'.
Blah, blah, blah...
'The evidence was wonderfully processed'.
Blah, blah, blah.
'We had a difficult time, as this is a difficult case'.
I know. Skittles can be so deadly...blah, blah, blah.
'We don't prosecute according to public opinion'.
Iced tea is a formidable weapon. Blah, blah, blah.
'The publicity in this case has been overwhelming'.
Hoodies are way too suspicious in the rain.
Blah, blah, blah...
Of course, trials should not be prosecuted in the press...
Or anywhere else except courts, before weeks and weeks and weeks have passed..
'It does take eight weeks for us to see if probable cause presents' in a case of iced tea assault.
Blah, blah, blah.
'We are so proud of how we have handled this case'. Oh?
Blah, blah, blah.
'Gov. Rick Scott has been so helpful and efficient'. And so late...?
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!
Well, well, well...the puppet thinks she is a real girl.

The Court

Ron Paul is quite wrong. All states as slave states would not have lasted or been productive. People of African heritage took awhile to accept they would never get back home, even in two
or three generations.
People of African heritage did go through Kubler-Ross's five stages; we still go back and forth
through those stages. Sooner or later though, we learned the lay of the land here. We did
learn to read in many instances, despite the fact it wasn't legal to do so.
As it happens , the Supreme Court really could have held to the principles "all men
are created equal" in time enough to save us from the Civil War. But-
They have often been a very bad act on enforcing the Preamble as foundation for our constitution.

This Is War!

Health care is one sixth of the American economy.
Back in the 70s, I worked for a lot of companies starting out as HMOs.
(See, in the 70s I often worked 2, 3, 4, or 5 jobs.)
If a doctor enrolled women in his practice, we paid him a Lot of money for each one, every month. Any other enrollments were paid nominally.
How much of that one sixth of the U.S. economy do we believe is women's health?
If companies can no longer cheat women on health care, how much of the care they are paid to administer will they actually have to deliver? Oh curses! Will they have to hire people? Humbug!
Companies no longer able to cheat women don't hate women. They hate not being able to cheat
If a woman finishes her breast cancer chemo, you can not now drop her from your rolls. SO
inconvenient isn't it?
If a woman's husband beats her up, companies still can't drop her.
If a woman wants to control her reproductive decisions, you have no quarter with which to object.
Well you do have a very phony court that has proved since 2000 be an enemy of the people.
But drat! Sucks to be you otherwise. No wonder you call it Obamacare. You may only be able to afford two or three vacations a year now. What sort of leadership are you getting from this guy?!

Going On Vacation?

I heard Sanford, Florida was a good tourist spot. I mean, if you don't mind violence, and inept police departments at the base of your ability to kick back.

Oh What Nonsense

Businesses don't hire when their taxes are low, or when they get cut.
When their taxes are low, their overhead is low. The economy is then slow because they don't
need to hire to make more cash so that overhead doesn't cut into profit.
Businesses have less demand for their products when people are out of work; so whatever they
do sell goes mostly into profit. They don't go hiring, because out of work people don't buy a lot.
If their taxes do go up, they hire more peope, to make more product, to sell to the working public,
so that profit goes up enough to pay taxes.
Salaries are not so high that making more money doesn't happen when businesses are selling
at or above market value.
They do make a lot of money.
But if the economy is slow, that is- not much buying or selling is going on, then businesses produce just barely enough to try to keep some sort of profit.
Right -to- work is a big joke because when salaries are especially low, working people have a
somewhat deprived environment. Municipalities cannot develop a great public square because there isn't enough in public earnings to have tax revenues to build public spaces. In that case, only the private endeavors are wonderful, and even then, often in somewhat mealy ways. The private places in public domain don't have to be stellar because those wealthy holding wages down take the excess profits to Europe, to Asia, to South America, Africa,and Australia, to spend.
The exploiters can buy the best perfume and couture abroad. No way can Mississippi affford to
develop that here.
Fabric, exotic furnishing, rare artifacts, sculpture, music, can be had abroad, where leaders may be free to put a wealth of work into developing their people.
The top percentage of wealthy in America insist on scorching the earth in American work ethics,
reaping huge profits, then going overseas to spend that profit rather than pay their fair share of
taxes where they earn. When taxes are low, much more incoming company cash goes to profit. Not much overhead accrues, and 'Resource and Development' departments dry up. With whom do these companies need to compete? Why would they develop?
Anytime corporate taxes are cut, companies lay off. In the entertainment industry, the lay-offs don't come immediately, but they can be more permanent. Boxing and the music indusrty should have been nore effectively taxed. Traditional incomes of wealth are also somewhat race dependent.
In many instances, people here who live off wealth begun in the nineteenth century use racist
culture speak to keep to a status quo they have come to love.
There is an unspoken "treaty" in the work world politics of some of our most powerful industries.
Coal mines, oil rigs, used to kill people even more regularly than they do now, because regulation
was anathema to profit, and often still is.
Industries would do what they wanted, to whom they wanted to do it, in return for keeping minority hiring to low or non-existent levels.
People would not insist on fair wages until pushed to the brink of extreme poverty.
People would not insist on unions to keep workplaces safe.
Even when people got unions, they often allowed their union's bargaining powers to become compromised.
People don't always insist on electing government officials who will push for safety or wages.
Today, people have a bit more wage and security. I hope they can hold onto it, and insist on more union representation.
Companies love to keep employees segregated if that is all workers are asking.
And in many cases, our country needs us to be more developed than that.


What a mouth! Is George W. talking about trickle down again!?
I am so sick to death of hearing it. It does not work. Ok. And for you of all people, at the helm
when the twin towers were struck down, at the helm again when the world economy slid toward
precipice, to tout this theory again means for certain it is going to spell disaster for whomever might be tempted to listen to you.
Are you insane? We had a senile president, and now are we to find you were the clinical definition of an insane person? Someone who does the same (in this case very sick) thing over and over, expecting a different result each time can be clinically a danger to self and others. Clearly, you have fit neatly into both sets of characteristics; but we who did let you lead us, will you please let us get better at last?
Hear me now, please.
Humans don't like anything to trickle.
Only liquids can trickle.
People enjoy liquids.
They do not enjoy trickling.
People don't generally want their waters to trickle.(Well, maybe if the water is in the mountains)
People don't want their blood to trickle.
They hate bladders to trickle.
Trickle down furthermore, is a foolishly redundant phrase. What substance could trickle up?!
We need osmotic economics in our society.
Everything should be absorbed from the fertile resources in the earth of our collective efforts, then diffused upwards to create a wealth of asset for different people at different levels, in
accordance with individual ability.
We want to get better, not to dangle on your precipice, or to crack the vessels of our
resources so that they can slowly dry up from LEAKING out your trickle!

Easter Sunday

This Easter was a good year at church.
Our priest didn't mention one word about primaries, or candidate qualities, or elections.
I was so relieved! No political policy endorsements or prohibitions emerged at our service.
I would not have felt my faith disturbed if there were announcements of some sort after sevices;
but I hate the boundaries between church and state blurred, in church and out.

Holy Saturday

To honor our presiden and the White House, I watched To Kill A Mockingbird again.
I read the book in the 60s, and saw Gregory Peck in the movie. I was stunned, I remember, when I saw how closely the book followed the movie. I began to wonder back then
if Hollywood was getting better, because I loved their romantic thrillers and
spectacles of the late fifties, but hated their musicals, and later their new young love movies
about people in their twenties who had no parents.
I was a North By Northwest girl, and was horrified by The Manchurian Candidate.
I feel now, with all that is going on in Sandford, Florida- our president was reaching out to us to let cool heads prevail by screening " ...Mockingbird" at the White House last week.
But we have to remember "they" do; they do kill Mockingbirds.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Women Who Do Care About Reproductive Health

Women do care about whether or not they are pregnant.
Women do care about the times when they might become pregnant. Pregnancy has a direct affect on a woman's economic life. Surprise!
Childbirth has a direct affect on a woman's physical presence and agility. Duh. She needs both those things to do a job.
Modern adult women enjoy autonomy. These women also feel they have a right to autonomy.
Modern women can only function at work with maximum autonomy.
They, therefore, need some control over having to leave work to bear a child, then find childcare.
Women in America get more breast cancer than men. When a woman completes her cancer
tratments, insurance companies dump her from their rolls, even if she goes back to work.
Every single girl in America has to know as soon as possible: control your reproductive life to the
very limit of help available to you in this world, because your reproductive health
is your overall health. You may be equal to a man; but you are not a man. A man has no organ
comparable to a womb. You are the persons who house wombs!
Furthermore, your reproductive events, are often your children...from the moment they begin
to exist. Take care of them in whatever way you feel is best for you, and for them.

Have A Cup Of Coffee

Why are you teas so loathe to embrace Mitt Romney?
He is the best you've got.
Your minds are closed, peoples. No light gets in.
The peoples you admires is quite like you.
Your acceptance of science is like the grammar I've begun with in this piece. Your acceptance
of a possibly permanently multi-layered society is skewered.
People who are not like you are not to be scorned, or reviled, or punished.
People who believe we have to "live and let live" aren't convincing to you.
You've therefore rendered yourselves unfit to serve in the general population.
For instance, a young woman, Sandra Fluke, attempted to do her duty as a citizen when she
sought to bring perspectives of women in our general population, as a woman of our general
population, to the Congressional ear. She was not heard, or given a chance to speak by a tea
party darling. Later, she was publicly reviled by another tea party mouth. Even later, our
president phoned Sandra Fluke to congratulate her on her attempt to bring the voice of ordinary
people to their representatives, because as it turned out, she attempted to speak to a particular
in the Affordable Care Act. According to right-winged politics, President Obama had no reason
to show pride in Ms. Fluke's expression of her citizenship. How would the right wing even be able
to tell? Right wing politics judges every single thing by how much the right wing extreme wants, or does not want, whatever is happening at any given point in time.
Mitt Romney will serve to court even the most rigid tea party atherosclerotic ideation.
Have you met Herman Cain? He could not have gotten up to speed on foreign affairs quickly
enough to keep America safe, either in our patents, or our persons.
The Tea Party also came up with Governor Rick Perry, who is equally unqualified; but he wasn't
evil enough to Latino youth to get a tea stamp of approval. He made the additional mistake of
bowing to the preventative science of the HPV vaccine.
Michelle Bachman couldn't get her facts straight about our history, or the current rights of
LGBT citizens in American society.
Rick Santorum would never allow an education to cloud his judgement of other peoples' lives.
Ron Paul believes the U.S. would have been safer and a greater country if all the states had
simply adopted slavery. Retro much?
Newt Gingrich wants child labor laws to be what they were in 18th century Britain ... non-existent. Well, they came into existence because non-existent wasn't working well, you
unenlightened ones.
The 2012 race has other Republicans contending for the presidential nomination. Not one of
them proves extreme enough to have the base of the party even want them in debates.
Some Republicans decided not to engage extremes at all, or to engage them as minimally as possible. No way will they subject themselves to the public ridicule of being reasonable people
in an unreasoning fray.
They may keep quiet, doing as teas insist. They may leave their elected positions. They may
become democrats.
Amazingly, this country produces scores of college graduates who have gotten degrees without
having learned much, and without having been broadened one iota. What's worse, these people
are often terribly proud of having pre-teen thought patterns as twenty-somethings. They prop
themselves up to positions of authority, doing all in their power to take the remainder of us down with them.
We are lucky our president has been enlarging our gifts, even our geographical ones. He met
with President Felipe Calderon of Mexico, jointly with Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada
in order to nurture the world idea that our three countries represent North America as a whole.
I find that heartening, because one of our great strengths as a nation is that we have such an
expansive land mass with powerful, rivers, lakes, and acres of arable land. If we remain true to our potential, we will always be powerful. We have to educate ourselves to be able to manage vast, vast resources in a world clamoring for them from all parts of our planet.
Yet not one tea seems to get the hint that our country has progressed, and must continue to progress. Our country won't be healthy or thrive from the regressions they seek. Regression takes
time and resource we cannot afford to spend on becoming backward, while the remainder of the
world goes forth onward and upward.
Tea Party people are the same sorts of people exactly who threatened to jail Galileo for not
admitting aloud, that the sun revolves around the earth. He was old. He did it because he had to
do it for his own safety. Think how long the world had to wait to get out of that very backward mindset.
Mitt Romney has at least had some general population ideas in his lifetime. Be glad, tea people, that he is at least willing to spout the furors you espouse. Not a great many people with moderate backgrounds are willing to do that; and as you know, nearly ten of every ten of you are unable to contend outside small, narrow, cloistered mobs.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A Predator

I listened to Trayvon Martin's screams once again, finally, this week.
The first scream was different than the others. He seemed to be calling out: "Stop!"
I realize the child was being attacked, because that scream wasn't natural for someone who is
angry at being followed; and the first scream didn't seem to be calling for "Help!' That came later.
I've had a gun pulled on me, and I've talked to soldiers. Trayvon's scream wasn't natural for
someone who has suddenly seen a gun. The human tendency is to freeze, especially if the gun is up close.
The thought enters a frightened mind right away: 'make no sudden move', unless the subject of a threat thinks there is time to run. Even then, the person in danger doesn't take time to muster a
scream first.
When one listens to the two lady witnesses who say the police were not interested in their statements, those ladies say they approached the killer, in so many words, to distract him, or interrupt him. These two ladies say they went outside a bit after hearing the shot which stopped the screaming, even though they were terrified about doing it. They seemed moved by a horror they could detect from a window in the house where they lived.
One of the women says the killer had planted one foot on either side of the child's body, was
crouching low over him, and was pumping on his back with both hands, as Trayvon lay face down in the grass. She says she had to ask him three times if someone needed help. At one point, she saw the young man's foot move, though she admits she couldn't tell what caused that.
She related that it wasn't until after her third inquiry, the man distracted himself enough to tell her to "call 911". There may have been air in the child's lungs before the killer continued to press
on his back. Do predators need to kill one person twice? Or to desecrate a victim's body?
On Current TV's Stephanie Miller Show, the two women were asked if this murderer may have
been attempting to administer some sort of CPR. Both women nearly jumped into the camera
with the most enthusiastic and certain "No" one could imagine in a serious interview.
I have to imagine the police left the child's body unattended for so long so that any evidence
could decompose, and/or become compromised.
I imagine most of those in the police department who knew the truth, wanted to cover it up.
The awful part of that is: some of the possible facts alluded to would have been best first discovered in court, not in public.
The funeral director, when interviewed, says he saw no signs of a fight. That seems to indicate
the predator pinned the young man immediately, because a healthy seventeen-year-old will
fight for his life and limb, if no nearly 200 lb man is straddling him.
The statement the killer made on audio tape, "They always get away," seems to mean now "they", the hunted, always get away from HIM. He had no perception Trayvon had committed some crime from which the young man needed to escape.
When this predator reported people to the police, he was likely setting a stage for his vile proclivity. He always reported young black males.
We have to go back to the beginning, to distinguish what Trayvon's different screams were telling us. What was happening to Trayvon to cause his very first scream?
When did he ever see the gun we assume killed him?
Isn't it safe to assume if he hadn't seen the gun, he would have kept moving? There seemed to be nothing about this killer capable of interesting this young person. Reportedly, phone records show Trayvon was talking to his girlfriend.
What was happening to the young man when his screams began? The family's funeral director has said if he had seen defensive wounding, he'd have covered it. What was happening to Trayvon while his last screams were being heard? What caused the killer to shoot?
Why was the child face down in the grass?
Why was the killer so far from where his car was parked when he killed Sabrina Fulton's son? What sort of ambush did this killer pull off, so that Tracey Martin's son didn't have a chance to get defense wounds?
What is it about the crime or the killer making police and prosecutors so determined to avoid
a proper fact-finding investigation/prosecution? How is one murderous individual his own
police enforcer, his own grand jury, his own lawyer, his own prosecutor, his own judge ,his own trial jury, and finally, his own personified acquittal? Stunning!
If we can do that with murder, we can do it with, theft, embezzlement, battery...a host of heretofore criminal offenses. We say what we fear, we act, we walk away. Civilization? Not.
May Trayvon Martin be graced with the remainder of the deserved future those who love him want for him now...the ability to rest in peace.

Everyone Stay In The Race: Put In Paul Ryan!

Republicans, for some reason, don't understand they don't know whose taxes pay what.
I think they should keep talking nonsense.
Romney and Ryan have been verbally giving our president all their own attributes of bullying, dividing, pretending, "mischaracterizing". Whatever dishonest thing they do, they wait thirty
seconds, then accuse the president of it. Nice. Who among us is dumb enough to fall for that?
If the Republican primary contenders all stay in the presidential race, they will definitelyall talk more nonsense, because they can't talk sense.
Lately they seem to attempt saying ridiculous things, but using our president's mannerisms.
Good luck. Only Barack Obama is Barack Obama. The remainder of you look like somatic
mimics. Perhaps you do because that is all you ever can be.
Baby boomers are growing old quickly. We aren't going to all be here when Social Security
gets in trouble. At that time, a lot of people will be paying into it if we can streamline jobs and
keep people wanting to work.
Not that many people will be collecting it in thirty years.
Of course, if everyone is permanently ill because our health care throws people off a cliff, then
Social Security will have to be there more for those who cannot work.
Paul Ryan's budget will be great to run against because it is based on a static population... a
little way of thinking I like to highlight as WRONG.
Republicans want to be able buy all the people all the time. I guess it could be that way in America; but we don't come cheap.
Households have debt.
Companies have debt.
Countries have debt.
Paul Ryan wans to cut the heads off the poor to push the debt from 14 trillion to 10 trillion.
Romney thinks that's 'marvelous'. Maybe because we...
Don't need no revenues ( if we)
ain't got no heads.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Current TV

I saw Kathleen Madigan on the Stephanie Miller show of Current TV.

She is a comedian/comedienne, and hilarious, but movingly thoughtful.

Kathleen summed things  up, even before this weekend, when experts reported the cries for help on

the 911 tape during Trayvon Martin's murder-execution were not in the voice of the killer.

Kathleen said: "Help, help! I have a gun!"

What is so scary is that...the light left in the day did not dissuade this animal of a killer.

The lack of brush or other cover did not dissuade this murderer.

The person of an unarmed youngster did not dissuade this killer.

Being in the sight line of several homes did not dissuade this perpetrator.

The youngster's cries for help did not dissuade the craven intent of the criminal.

The voice of true authority did not dissuade him.

All of that was rather worse than an attack of a previously loyal pit bull.

How did the child wind up face down in the grass?

If witnesses are honest, why would the creature straddle the boy once he was down, then push

on his back? Was this his punishment for getting suspended from school?

Asking these questions is ever so painful. We should never have to ask them for weeks and weeks

unless we are asking our courts.

Trayvon tried so hard to stand his ground.

I guess no one in America can do that unless he or she is armed.

Yet no one warned us to prepare for the blood of lambs.

Herman Melville And The New World

Bartelby was a scourge; but Mahatma Gandhi was a hero for all time.  And Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. changed all politics, art and literature, first in all of western civilization- and then for the entire world, forever and ever.
The right wing in this country just so would that it were not so, and want to re-institute unjust law.
Life does bend the arc of the universe in direct proportion to how and when our artists advocate
for us, or how much they activate on our behalf. A simple non-action, a principled well-aimed preference not to react, can at times fuel and empower the best representatives of  humankind to speak up for us all.
Life does imitate art, then. Poets really are the legislators of the unacknowledged world.
The unacknowledged world cannot legislate the poet, save that it takes our poets so very long
to come forth, materialize in thought, word, deed, or of course, in non-deed.
Yes Herman, the Leviathan goes down hard, taking the best of the just down with him.
And our late twentieth century enlightener, Mr. Faulkner, was mistaken, unless it was his narrator who was in error.
Brutes believe Dilsey is enduring. Those of us who love her know that instead she is...waiting. Her mind is active with small offerings, acknowledged every now and again when she is among friends,
of all the justice which will somehow, someday comprise her future and that of her progeny in some
generation she hasn't as yet been able to name.

Alexis Goldstein

If nothing else ever gets generated from our Occupy movement, the attraction the movement
has/had for Alexis Goldstein, has been a monumental paradigm shift for moving financial heft
from the amoral world of finance without regulatory public protections, to a world which
includes questions of economic moral responsibility. This newer world presents with the power
of an intellectual and moral curiosity which can be used to enforce the fortitude of character in

finance responsibilities.
Alexis is as much a U.S. treasure as is Elizabeth Warren.
Now that we finally have a new jobs bill (since 3-27-12) Alexis asks us to question ourselves on
how much that bi-partisanship is costing us.
For one thing, should a one billion dollar company be exempt from Security and Exchange
Commission filings for five years?

 Now, if  I do get a job, why would I want to invest in a billion dollar company if that's

considered too small to be regulated? I need 'small' redefined.
Another point Alexis raises is this: Congress had no reason in this jobs bill to approve extra help
and funding for tech star-ups. According to Ms. Goldstein, venture capital already flows into
tech start-ups at high rates of speed. I have to care about that, because money and credit are not
floating in some bottomless pit. If rich start-ups are getting the financing, how can I get a decent
credit card which will have a stable rate? I cannot because the real investment of time and money
is in companies whose future is considered "new" in the business world for at least five years. I
may get a great introductory rate on a card or loan; but that rate is not going to outlast the
questions in the investments of new start-ups. I will have to cover that uncertainty in my higher

than should be necessary new interest rate.
I won't encourage students in my family or my community to believe their Pell Grants will be big
enough or stable enough to empower them to invest in post high school education. Perhaps part-
time college has to be more popular?
Education is more than worth a student's time; and yet how are we to keep faith in its funding?
Apparently, a thing called crowd funding is also a part of finance needing regulation. Crowd
funding is essentially an Internet call for "angel" stranger investors in new businesses. Critics say
federal regulators need to make sure buyers know a lot about the company before investing. Of
course that would mean these companies would have to file a great deal of publicly decipherable
information and projections about their likelihoods of success, to my way of thinking, in order
to be considered transparent. If I understand what public protectors are asking for,
companies hiring anyone to pump up their product reputations, must publish a lot
of information about the products.
The new products are so new, and the new regulations are so in flux, that the average citizen,
including me, will take some time to understand what is needed so that (according to Wall Street
lingo) 'our faces don't get ripped off''.

Thank you Alexis, for informing us, as one of the relatively small group of people in this country who

actually values doing that.  And thank you, Chris Hayes, for helping to magnify Alexis' work in these

areas. Your Up With Chris Hayes on weekend mornings is a great seminar.
Hopefully, Alexis can add to her group every Saturday afternoon at 2pm in Union Square.