Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A Predator

I listened to Trayvon Martin's screams once again, finally, this week.
The first scream was different than the others. He seemed to be calling out: "Stop!"
I realize the child was being attacked, because that scream wasn't natural for someone who is
angry at being followed; and the first scream didn't seem to be calling for "Help!' That came later.
I've had a gun pulled on me, and I've talked to soldiers. Trayvon's scream wasn't natural for
someone who has suddenly seen a gun. The human tendency is to freeze, especially if the gun is up close.
The thought enters a frightened mind right away: 'make no sudden move', unless the subject of a threat thinks there is time to run. Even then, the person in danger doesn't take time to muster a
scream first.
When one listens to the two lady witnesses who say the police were not interested in their statements, those ladies say they approached the killer, in so many words, to distract him, or interrupt him. These two ladies say they went outside a bit after hearing the shot which stopped the screaming, even though they were terrified about doing it. They seemed moved by a horror they could detect from a window in the house where they lived.
One of the women says the killer had planted one foot on either side of the child's body, was
crouching low over him, and was pumping on his back with both hands, as Trayvon lay face down in the grass. She says she had to ask him three times if someone needed help. At one point, she saw the young man's foot move, though she admits she couldn't tell what caused that.
She related that it wasn't until after her third inquiry, the man distracted himself enough to tell her to "call 911". There may have been air in the child's lungs before the killer continued to press
on his back. Do predators need to kill one person twice? Or to desecrate a victim's body?
On Current TV's Stephanie Miller Show, the two women were asked if this murderer may have
been attempting to administer some sort of CPR. Both women nearly jumped into the camera
with the most enthusiastic and certain "No" one could imagine in a serious interview.
I have to imagine the police left the child's body unattended for so long so that any evidence
could decompose, and/or become compromised.
I imagine most of those in the police department who knew the truth, wanted to cover it up.
The awful part of that is: some of the possible facts alluded to would have been best first discovered in court, not in public.
The funeral director, when interviewed, says he saw no signs of a fight. That seems to indicate
the predator pinned the young man immediately, because a healthy seventeen-year-old will
fight for his life and limb, if no nearly 200 lb man is straddling him.
The statement the killer made on audio tape, "They always get away," seems to mean now "they", the hunted, always get away from HIM. He had no perception Trayvon had committed some crime from which the young man needed to escape.
When this predator reported people to the police, he was likely setting a stage for his vile proclivity. He always reported young black males.
We have to go back to the beginning, to distinguish what Trayvon's different screams were telling us. What was happening to Trayvon to cause his very first scream?
When did he ever see the gun we assume killed him?
Isn't it safe to assume if he hadn't seen the gun, he would have kept moving? There seemed to be nothing about this killer capable of interesting this young person. Reportedly, phone records show Trayvon was talking to his girlfriend.
What was happening to the young man when his screams began? The family's funeral director has said if he had seen defensive wounding, he'd have covered it. What was happening to Trayvon while his last screams were being heard? What caused the killer to shoot?
Why was the child face down in the grass?
Why was the killer so far from where his car was parked when he killed Sabrina Fulton's son? What sort of ambush did this killer pull off, so that Tracey Martin's son didn't have a chance to get defense wounds?
What is it about the crime or the killer making police and prosecutors so determined to avoid
a proper fact-finding investigation/prosecution? How is one murderous individual his own
police enforcer, his own grand jury, his own lawyer, his own prosecutor, his own judge ,his own trial jury, and finally, his own personified acquittal? Stunning!
If we can do that with murder, we can do it with, theft, embezzlement, battery...a host of heretofore criminal offenses. We say what we fear, we act, we walk away. Civilization? Not.
May Trayvon Martin be graced with the remainder of the deserved future those who love him want for him now...the ability to rest in peace.

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