Thursday, April 5, 2012

Have A Cup Of Coffee

Why are you teas so loathe to embrace Mitt Romney?
He is the best you've got.
Your minds are closed, peoples. No light gets in.
The peoples you admires is quite like you.
Your acceptance of science is like the grammar I've begun with in this piece. Your acceptance
of a possibly permanently multi-layered society is skewered.
People who are not like you are not to be scorned, or reviled, or punished.
People who believe we have to "live and let live" aren't convincing to you.
You've therefore rendered yourselves unfit to serve in the general population.
For instance, a young woman, Sandra Fluke, attempted to do her duty as a citizen when she
sought to bring perspectives of women in our general population, as a woman of our general
population, to the Congressional ear. She was not heard, or given a chance to speak by a tea
party darling. Later, she was publicly reviled by another tea party mouth. Even later, our
president phoned Sandra Fluke to congratulate her on her attempt to bring the voice of ordinary
people to their representatives, because as it turned out, she attempted to speak to a particular
in the Affordable Care Act. According to right-winged politics, President Obama had no reason
to show pride in Ms. Fluke's expression of her citizenship. How would the right wing even be able
to tell? Right wing politics judges every single thing by how much the right wing extreme wants, or does not want, whatever is happening at any given point in time.
Mitt Romney will serve to court even the most rigid tea party atherosclerotic ideation.
Have you met Herman Cain? He could not have gotten up to speed on foreign affairs quickly
enough to keep America safe, either in our patents, or our persons.
The Tea Party also came up with Governor Rick Perry, who is equally unqualified; but he wasn't
evil enough to Latino youth to get a tea stamp of approval. He made the additional mistake of
bowing to the preventative science of the HPV vaccine.
Michelle Bachman couldn't get her facts straight about our history, or the current rights of
LGBT citizens in American society.
Rick Santorum would never allow an education to cloud his judgement of other peoples' lives.
Ron Paul believes the U.S. would have been safer and a greater country if all the states had
simply adopted slavery. Retro much?
Newt Gingrich wants child labor laws to be what they were in 18th century Britain ... non-existent. Well, they came into existence because non-existent wasn't working well, you
unenlightened ones.
The 2012 race has other Republicans contending for the presidential nomination. Not one of
them proves extreme enough to have the base of the party even want them in debates.
Some Republicans decided not to engage extremes at all, or to engage them as minimally as possible. No way will they subject themselves to the public ridicule of being reasonable people
in an unreasoning fray.
They may keep quiet, doing as teas insist. They may leave their elected positions. They may
become democrats.
Amazingly, this country produces scores of college graduates who have gotten degrees without
having learned much, and without having been broadened one iota. What's worse, these people
are often terribly proud of having pre-teen thought patterns as twenty-somethings. They prop
themselves up to positions of authority, doing all in their power to take the remainder of us down with them.
We are lucky our president has been enlarging our gifts, even our geographical ones. He met
with President Felipe Calderon of Mexico, jointly with Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada
in order to nurture the world idea that our three countries represent North America as a whole.
I find that heartening, because one of our great strengths as a nation is that we have such an
expansive land mass with powerful, rivers, lakes, and acres of arable land. If we remain true to our potential, we will always be powerful. We have to educate ourselves to be able to manage vast, vast resources in a world clamoring for them from all parts of our planet.
Yet not one tea seems to get the hint that our country has progressed, and must continue to progress. Our country won't be healthy or thrive from the regressions they seek. Regression takes
time and resource we cannot afford to spend on becoming backward, while the remainder of the
world goes forth onward and upward.
Tea Party people are the same sorts of people exactly who threatened to jail Galileo for not
admitting aloud, that the sun revolves around the earth. He was old. He did it because he had to
do it for his own safety. Think how long the world had to wait to get out of that very backward mindset.
Mitt Romney has at least had some general population ideas in his lifetime. Be glad, tea people, that he is at least willing to spout the furors you espouse. Not a great many people with moderate backgrounds are willing to do that; and as you know, nearly ten of every ten of you are unable to contend outside small, narrow, cloistered mobs.

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