Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Oh What Nonsense

Businesses don't hire when their taxes are low, or when they get cut.
When their taxes are low, their overhead is low. The economy is then slow because they don't
need to hire to make more cash so that overhead doesn't cut into profit.
Businesses have less demand for their products when people are out of work; so whatever they
do sell goes mostly into profit. They don't go hiring, because out of work people don't buy a lot.
If their taxes do go up, they hire more peope, to make more product, to sell to the working public,
so that profit goes up enough to pay taxes.
Salaries are not so high that making more money doesn't happen when businesses are selling
at or above market value.
They do make a lot of money.
But if the economy is slow, that is- not much buying or selling is going on, then businesses produce just barely enough to try to keep some sort of profit.
Right -to- work is a big joke because when salaries are especially low, working people have a
somewhat deprived environment. Municipalities cannot develop a great public square because there isn't enough in public earnings to have tax revenues to build public spaces. In that case, only the private endeavors are wonderful, and even then, often in somewhat mealy ways. The private places in public domain don't have to be stellar because those wealthy holding wages down take the excess profits to Europe, to Asia, to South America, Africa,and Australia, to spend.
The exploiters can buy the best perfume and couture abroad. No way can Mississippi affford to
develop that here.
Fabric, exotic furnishing, rare artifacts, sculpture, music, can be had abroad, where leaders may be free to put a wealth of work into developing their people.
The top percentage of wealthy in America insist on scorching the earth in American work ethics,
reaping huge profits, then going overseas to spend that profit rather than pay their fair share of
taxes where they earn. When taxes are low, much more incoming company cash goes to profit. Not much overhead accrues, and 'Resource and Development' departments dry up. With whom do these companies need to compete? Why would they develop?
Anytime corporate taxes are cut, companies lay off. In the entertainment industry, the lay-offs don't come immediately, but they can be more permanent. Boxing and the music indusrty should have been nore effectively taxed. Traditional incomes of wealth are also somewhat race dependent.
In many instances, people here who live off wealth begun in the nineteenth century use racist
culture speak to keep to a status quo they have come to love.
There is an unspoken "treaty" in the work world politics of some of our most powerful industries.
Coal mines, oil rigs, used to kill people even more regularly than they do now, because regulation
was anathema to profit, and often still is.
Industries would do what they wanted, to whom they wanted to do it, in return for keeping minority hiring to low or non-existent levels.
People would not insist on fair wages until pushed to the brink of extreme poverty.
People would not insist on unions to keep workplaces safe.
Even when people got unions, they often allowed their union's bargaining powers to become compromised.
People don't always insist on electing government officials who will push for safety or wages.
Today, people have a bit more wage and security. I hope they can hold onto it, and insist on more union representation.
Companies love to keep employees segregated if that is all workers are asking.
And in many cases, our country needs us to be more developed than that.

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