Friday, April 20, 2012

Women In America

Are you a first world person?
In some states, you seem to have the same status of a woman in Saudi Arabia.
If you don't  a) have a lot of money and b) have sole control of your money whether or not you are
married, single, widowed or divorced you may be in trouble.
You may have to 1. Sit down.
                             2. Be quiet.
                             3. Avoid the most effective birth control methods.
                             4. Get pregnant by chance or on purpose ... just get pregnant.
                             5. Reject any attempt to avail yourself of the law of the land- Roe vs. Wade.
                                 Your U.S. citizenship isn't worth squat under states' rights.
                             6. Work for whatever remuneration and benefits your boss tells you.
                             7. Work when and if your mate wants you to do so.
                             8. Avoid looking for a right to get equal pay for doing the same work men do.
                             9. Seek the 'dignity' work whether or not you have a preschooler...or
                            10. Seek the 'dignity' of work at home, without earning any income at all.
If you are an American woman, you may be in big 1st world trouble.
You may have met a nice guy, but be relegated to Foster Frieze methods of birth control.
You may have a good education, but find it difficult to afford child care so you can start a career.
You may have a good education and a career job,but find it difficult to pay for birth control, childcare, and school loans on your new salary.
You may have a good education, a career job, faulty birth control, school loans, and an added
unwanted pregnancy with no clinics in your state to help you maintain privacy in this personal trial.
You may be rattled by needing to fight for already won rights when you know should be demanding
child care subsidies, family leave, strong public schools, and the definition of 'the economy' as an
embodiment of all of the above.
If you get Mitt Romney as a president, you won't get anywhere near having any of the conversations
you should be having with your leadership.
Is that what women want?

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