Sunday, April 1, 2012

Current TV

I saw Kathleen Madigan on the Stephanie Miller show of Current TV.

She is a comedian/comedienne, and hilarious, but movingly thoughtful.

Kathleen summed things  up, even before this weekend, when experts reported the cries for help on

the 911 tape during Trayvon Martin's murder-execution were not in the voice of the killer.

Kathleen said: "Help, help! I have a gun!"

What is so scary is that...the light left in the day did not dissuade this animal of a killer.

The lack of brush or other cover did not dissuade this murderer.

The person of an unarmed youngster did not dissuade this killer.

Being in the sight line of several homes did not dissuade this perpetrator.

The youngster's cries for help did not dissuade the craven intent of the criminal.

The voice of true authority did not dissuade him.

All of that was rather worse than an attack of a previously loyal pit bull.

How did the child wind up face down in the grass?

If witnesses are honest, why would the creature straddle the boy once he was down, then push

on his back? Was this his punishment for getting suspended from school?

Asking these questions is ever so painful. We should never have to ask them for weeks and weeks

unless we are asking our courts.

Trayvon tried so hard to stand his ground.

I guess no one in America can do that unless he or she is armed.

Yet no one warned us to prepare for the blood of lambs.

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