Wednesday, April 11, 2012

This Is War!

Health care is one sixth of the American economy.
Back in the 70s, I worked for a lot of companies starting out as HMOs.
(See, in the 70s I often worked 2, 3, 4, or 5 jobs.)
If a doctor enrolled women in his practice, we paid him a Lot of money for each one, every month. Any other enrollments were paid nominally.
How much of that one sixth of the U.S. economy do we believe is women's health?
If companies can no longer cheat women on health care, how much of the care they are paid to administer will they actually have to deliver? Oh curses! Will they have to hire people? Humbug!
Companies no longer able to cheat women don't hate women. They hate not being able to cheat
If a woman finishes her breast cancer chemo, you can not now drop her from your rolls. SO
inconvenient isn't it?
If a woman's husband beats her up, companies still can't drop her.
If a woman wants to control her reproductive decisions, you have no quarter with which to object.
Well you do have a very phony court that has proved since 2000 be an enemy of the people.
But drat! Sucks to be you otherwise. No wonder you call it Obamacare. You may only be able to afford two or three vacations a year now. What sort of leadership are you getting from this guy?!

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