Sunday, April 1, 2012

Herman Melville And The New World

Bartelby was a scourge; but Mahatma Gandhi was a hero for all time.  And Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. changed all politics, art and literature, first in all of western civilization- and then for the entire world, forever and ever.
The right wing in this country just so would that it were not so, and want to re-institute unjust law.
Life does bend the arc of the universe in direct proportion to how and when our artists advocate
for us, or how much they activate on our behalf. A simple non-action, a principled well-aimed preference not to react, can at times fuel and empower the best representatives of  humankind to speak up for us all.
Life does imitate art, then. Poets really are the legislators of the unacknowledged world.
The unacknowledged world cannot legislate the poet, save that it takes our poets so very long
to come forth, materialize in thought, word, deed, or of course, in non-deed.
Yes Herman, the Leviathan goes down hard, taking the best of the just down with him.
And our late twentieth century enlightener, Mr. Faulkner, was mistaken, unless it was his narrator who was in error.
Brutes believe Dilsey is enduring. Those of us who love her know that instead she is...waiting. Her mind is active with small offerings, acknowledged every now and again when she is among friends,
of all the justice which will somehow, someday comprise her future and that of her progeny in some
generation she hasn't as yet been able to name.

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