Thursday, April 19, 2012

Elizabeth Holtzman

Ms. Holtzman's new book, Cheating Justice, highlights the case for bringing George Bush and
Dick Cheney to justice for knowingly and conspiratorially breaking at least two federal laws
during the George W. years in D.C.
These two admittedly wire-tapped American citizens without getting the court approval our laws
made it incumbent upon them to seek.
They willfully ordered torture of persons in U.S. custody.
Other problems of their lawlessness are reportedly cited.
We may not have the will, of course to make them answerable for these crimes and others.
However, even had he not stood by "plausible deniability" in the Iran-Contra case in our country,
Ronald Reagan decided he was not bound by The Boland Ammendment, the law of the land,
because he was President of The United States, and as such, was above the law of he land.
I didn't believe it; but it has set a bit of a precedent.
Besides, the Supreme Court during Bush-Cheney was normally willing to rubber stamp
whatever that administration wanted to do for much of the eight years Bush was in the White

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