Wednesday, August 13, 2014

A Black Childhood

Middle Classed people in America love their ideas of education as separate from the inner city idea
of an education.
People don't understand how resourceful inner city residents are about teaching their children to
They should probably be more intent on having their children read the drivel in the Texas textbooks
America loves to peddle.
But once parents see the junk, it brings back the bad memories they had in grammar school.
So black children are often left to come up with their new industries.
So many are traditionally gifted; yet traditional companies aren't anxious to hire them.
Even when these companies  do hire black scientists and engineers, they don't tend to pay or promote
them. So black citizens have to struggle through mazes of product placements on their own until
their own community can propel ideas toward success. How did Dr. Dre get his beats to market?
As a result of how black parents think of their children, despite what statistics say about black dads,
minority children are the majority of children left in America who still have a childhood.
Most other children are loaded up with tons of expectations almost from birth.
I shuddered coming to this conclusion years ago when reading material and going to talk by
Dr. Greer Litton Fox and some of her peers.
Black parents of boys are already tremendously worried society won't embrace them as men no matter what the child might achieve. So they tend to encourage his childhood. Maybe the boys are coddled too much in some instances.
But I wonder if  'childhood envy' is a term Americans should begin to consider.
Half the time our youngsters couldn't care less about what white men think of them, as long as these
same men buy their music as youngsters. Maybe law and order types hate that.
Black youth are so carefree before becoming teens, that they may be angering those who feel this relaxed attitude isn't in itself  showing enough envy or lifestyle resentment.
Black families tend to allow themselves to rely much more on bloodline kinship ties than marriage
ties. Insisting black fathers marry is often a generally accepted non-starter in black communities.
This in no way means every one's dad is an unknown factor in children's lives. Nearly every man is a
definite factor in the lives of someone's children, if not their own.
By the time these children become teens, perhaps it is thought they must begin to pay...with their lives. Perhaps carefree has begun to translate to mean 'trifling' in persons too anal to want to live in
big cities. I can see how that could  happens. I can't excuse it though. I can't abide it in any way.
We fought tooth and nail to keep our youngster in public city schools. She was so upset to have very
few black teachers in grammar school. And she was often intimidated by how compromised some of
the children were.
But the black teachers she encountered in Middle School treated all the children as though they were
made of gold, as though they might never have a chance to graduate anywhere ever again.
Two of those teachers were men, And all the teachers who loved these children deserve a
Medal of Honor.

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