Tuesday, August 19, 2014

What If Mike's Brown's Fatal Wound Was From The Front?

Since all witnesses (even the crazy ones who think the policeman was afraid) agree Mike was facing
his assailant when he lost his life, we know Michael Brown Jr. was alive when he stopped running.
He was strong enough to turn around.
He was alive enough to put up his hands.
He was hurt enough to feel his vibrancy ebb as his friend noted the last look on Michael's face.
The Ferguson Police Department couldn't be more at fault for all Ferguson's turmoil to date.
What is their definition of an outsider?
I can't believe those creepy people live in a 67% black community.
All the present rhetoric about "peace" involves nothing but words, no realities.
'Let's be peaceful while American police forces pick us off one by one.'
While there are still enough of us to keep having children, let's understand some of us will definitely
make more bitter sacrifices. Ask Merlie Evers why that is.
The principal violent element in Ferguson wear badges. The traditional media can't say that.
If every, single non-resident of Ferguson leaves the city at this very moment, the poisonous police
force wouldn't be there at all. Nearly the whole vile law enforcement machine would be gone.
Good riddance to bad rubbish?
No. I'm only asking a question.
I know this nation has a police problem in black communities; but right now, that problem has
coalesced in Ferguson, MO.
Captain Johnson may be one of very few real people on the police detail there.

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