Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Jay Nixon- Tell McCullugh to GROW Up

Why should Governor Nixon have to tell this prosecutor he has been showing bad faith in his job, and has long ago disqualified himself from representing anyone in Ferguson who has suffered violent or otherwise unjust policing. He could never even represent a decent policeman- one who would not ever consider chasing and killing a teen who has already surrendered.
While Robert McCulloch challenges the governor to "man up", he seems not to have considered
for one moment the imperative to "grow up" so that his awful police department can be healed.
Doesn't he know that as long as he is at the helm with that awful, beyond awful chief of police,
the majority of the city can have only one thought about any policeman- 'Something evil this way
He may not realize. He may have grown up playing video games, and believes he is playing them
still. He does know what the city is suffering, and he loves every moment of it.
Were I Jay Nixon, I'd try my best to have no association with him or anything he does inasmuch as
such a thing is possible. Governor Nixon has in a way put himself in this bag by declaring a state
of emergency in the city. That wasn't smart. It put him in bed with some devils. All he ever had to do was get the community to police itself, or get Captain Johnson to have community leaders lead.
All that nonsensical machinery and riot gear did nothing dissuasive on any day. Why didn't he
know it wouldn't?
I saw a man in the crowd on TV news today with a sign saying: "Go fight ISIS."
And see, he had a good point. For them, you police people would need all that defensive gear. With them you'd find people who truly hated you enough to risk their lives to kill you. On the streets
of Ferguson, MO, well, not so much. On those streets, people don't so much need you to back down.
They mainly, only need you to back off.
Even people who may support the police cannot have correct consciences if they are going to support
every act, evil or no, that any policeman might do.
People who don't care if a kid gets gunned down in the streets because it's easier not to bother
questioning it are helping it along.
President Obama could have been speaking today about people who gun down teens and/or the mentally compromised because the choice is available to them are those who: 'terrorize their neighbors, offering them nothing of any value aside from an endless slavery to their bankrupt vision
and the collapse of any definition of civilized behavior. And groups like that have no place in the
twenty-first century'. President Obama wasn't speaking about Ferguson police types, however, he
could have been , but he wasn't. He was talking about ISIS and their pride in the beheading murder
of the journalist, Jim Foley.
And by the way, how do authorities in Ferguson value journalists.True, they shine a light a dark deeds people love to do and to swear by, often citing their God. What people don't consider,though, is that the media may not be perfect, but its light shines 'on the just as well as the unjust'.
However, I digress.
If the Ferguson D.A. doesn't have sense enough to recuse himself, let him be the principle reason his
beloved police department will have to reap it.
Some people in this world will use power to destroy anything they touch.He's one of them
The question with such persons is not about whether or not they will be destructive.
The only question is one of when. When will they strike again?
Jay Nixon has no reason to throw himself on McCulloch's funeral bier.
Let the man burn alone...the way he has encouraged decent impulses in the Ferguson Police
Department to do for years and years. And after all, he has had the blessing of the county.
Mike Brown Jr. was a long time coming. So in the case of Ferguson, MO, it was a case of both this
specific 'who' and then of 'when'. The community has finally gotten sickened by 'an endless slavery
to a bankrupt vision meeting no definition of civilized behavior and having no place in the
twenty-first century'.

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