Thursday, August 14, 2014

Medecine Offers A Lot Of Help For Parkinsons' Now

I wonder that Robin Williams felt such despair. Perhaps he thought he was too old to enjoy many of
the new Parkinson's treatments and meds. I have to admit, Parkinson's is cruel.
Medicine offers a brain surgery which can relieve symptoms at some point in this disease. However,
I was amazed when I heard Michael J. Fox tell Charlie Rose he wouldn't op to do it because he'd read
the book, When The Air Hits Your Brain.
I couldn't believe I wasn't one of only one or two people who'd read that book, but according to
Mr. Fox, this book is the bible for Parkinsons' victims.
I do know this: I will never look at medical education or medical residents the same ever again.
Additionally, I do have to say that book could scare any 'taking the hill bravery' out of anyone.

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