Sunday, August 17, 2014

Ron Johnson Has Been Appointed To Keep A Nonexistent Peace

There is no peace in Ferguson, MO.
Captain Johnson has been asked to care for a unicorn. Even in that, Jay Nixon undercut him.
The "peace" narrative can have only Michael Brown and Darren Wilson as subjects of sentences
predicated by the action words "arrest" and "prosecution".
Jay Nixon employs a narrative of his own, one entirely divorced from any reality Ferguson citizens
see or hear.
Today, Melissa Harris Perry asked on her show whether "night" is a proper measure of Nixon's
stated inability to tell 'those who want to help from those who want to hurt', when "day" was the
measure Michael Brown and his community had to use to make the same determination about the
Ferguson police. The reporter she spoke to skirted her question because it wasn't framed in the cloth
of how 'things really do change at night'. Well, no they don't. Things really do show their change
at night, or show their truth. During the day, the force of a police state to achieve submission and
obedience in a terrorized population works in mysterious ways. No, these forces aren't God. But in
Ferguson, they would like to be.
Sorry Jay Nixon... 'no justice no "peace" means exactly what it says.
Well no, I'm not sorry. Don't attempt to blame Captain Ron Johnson for the folly of your dumb curfew.
When you announced that dumb idea to Ferguson citizens they as much as said to you right to your
twisted, duly elected face, "Bring it."
You took no heed.
Your leadership is so flawed that you could cost the entire Democratic Party a lot of power in this
Do you like that as a political legacy Mr. Sir.
You know how to bring "peace" to Ferguson, MO, but you have decided not to do it.
Looting is not the problem. When will officials learn that 'response' is not the problem, even when
it doesn't represent an inappropriate peace.

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