Friday, August 15, 2014

The Cost Of Cigarillos Stolen By A Black Person

-the pay for a great many police departments
-a great deal of overtime
-a lot of tank gasoline
-a great many tear gas canisters
-a plethora of rubber bullets
-more insurance costs for the community in perpetuity
-a burned down business
-several professional reputations and careers
-extensive medical examiner costs
-hundreds of unpaid days of work
-thousands in lost business revenue
-thousands in E.R. visits for stress related illnesses
 and for breathing problems form gases dispensed

-a burial
-a lifetime of unabated grief for many friends, family, and citizenry
-a possible 50 years of Michael Brown's earned income

-The Human Life Sharing and Productivity of Michael Brown Jr. of Ferguson, MO

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