Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Police Officials Are Going To Kill At Least One Black Man A Week?

Police have been killing one black man per week.
Are we supposed to go along with it by protesting quietly on tiptoe?
Come on, people- can we put up with this trend because it's inconvenient to protest the way we see fit?
What are the excuses going to be going forward?
Will we keep saying, "Oh, that guy was a felon."
How many black men in this country have been rendered felony records persons over nothing-
nothing at all.
Why does Alderman French of St. Louis think Ferguson is so different?
So many black leaders are getting co-opted one by one.
What definition of peace makes these leaders happy?
Is it the one we here saying- 'Quiet outrage is good outrage, no matter how many of us get treated
like road kill."
By that measure, if there are still three black families left in America in years to come, what choice
will they have but to be quiet and friendly?
And by then, what difference will it make?
And what is the nutty narrative saying, 'We can't see you at night.'
Is that the new Paula Deen reality we're supposed to accept?
I love Captain Johnson, but I know he doesn't think we can buy that bag of horse hockey.
What happens when we are told no amount of police work can discern who's a good protester, and
who's a 'bad' protester?
I can't see how this idea has flesh.
Protesters are protesters, unless you see one breaking a just law.
If you are a police officer who sees a person breaking a just law, pick him up. Don't tell me to go home because I happen to be standing somewhere near him.
'Cause ah ain' gotta.
So many Black leaders are drinking the kool aid.
Missouri officials have divided them into two  or three groups- 1) useful uncles who can help us 
keep our darkies in line, and 2) agitating uncles who are trying to help us keep our darkies in line,
and 3) agitating aunts and uncles who want to help us keep our darkies in line,but aren't having much
luck. Well, there's another group- agitator aunts and uncles.
The last group does very little, if anything, to keep anyone 'in line'. They see their roles as facilitators
for what their community wants in the short term.
The last group tries to understand which laws are just for an unjustly treated population.
The last group gets very little media exposure.
I don't believe media exposure would help them too much.

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