Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Newsflash Governor Perry

The people of Texas have a Public Integrity Unit in their state government.
It is not The Rick Perry Integrity Unit.
It isn't The Governor's Integrity Unit.
It isn't the Alcohol Free Officials Integrity Unit.
Governor Perry can use his line item veto judiciously.
The People's Integrity Unit is not a plaything of the line item veto used in whatever way
Rick Perry would like.
Abuse of power means an entire governmental department is not to be subject to wipe-out
by the executive.
That third department he couldn't remember when he swore to wipe out government departments
in the 2008 Republican debates- maybe he caught himself before he could say The Texas Office
of Public Integrity, and couldn't think of what he wanted to say instead, and for some reason,
couldn't allow Ron Paul to bail him out.
Oh well, maybe that's a fanciful take- but at the time I thought he would someday tell us what he
was going to say.
I may have missed the news; but as I know of, he has never yet said.
Surely, it was important.

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