Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Who Agrees On A Definition For Amercan Justice?

At some point, young black men are going to disagree that justice is lying dead in the street while
one's parents, still alive, plead for court proceedings.
Remember Winnie's Boys and the dissolution of the Mandela marriage when Winnie refused to ask
her followers to disarm?
Our boys don't have Winnie Mandela; and the rule of law which says don't kill young men just because you can is not protecting them.
At some point, now or in the future, the law has to work for young black men.
As it is now- it works against them, unless they are killed, unarmed.
How long will they be willing to 'go out like that'?
Those of us left alive after Amadou, Jordan,Trayvon, Michael, Sean, and so very many more, have got to get it together to demand law enforcement and phony liars can't keep executing young black men.
If we don't get it done, who will?
Is anyone thinking that the NYT writer who said of Trayvon's murder, 'Do you know how many kids
get killed in the streets each day in this country?' will be one to help protect the lives of innocent
young people in the black community? What would be his motivation?
We have to have preventive leadership - NOW.

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