Sunday, August 17, 2014

Darren Wilson Is A Totem For What?

Isn't he a murderous cretin?
Visually, he looks inbred.
What does his continued freedom mean to the Ferguson authorities?
What must this mindless, conscienceless creature represent to these violence-courting elected persons?
Why would the authorities think it's so important to let Michael Brown Jr.'s death cost so very much
money, and so much time?
How much blood do we have to shed this time?
I think what we need to remember is that before Malcolm X  Milton Henry, and Huey Newton, nothing actually began to change for us; and that the change then was cemented in D.C.
But in the 60s, all the fires were set in all the cities on the same days.
The guys seemed to recruit all spring, then when colleges let students out, the guys let it rip.
Maybe we should have known when Trayvon died all hell was going to have to break loose.
I want us to face it down. We can't live in the garden of the Finzi-Continis.
Maybe we could make a life for ourselves in Burkina Faso.

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