Thursday, May 21, 2015

I Do Need My Medicare

I'm old.
But medicine isn't going to get much cheaper any time soon.
And post-ACA Medicare gives us more access to more medical professionals.
So don't hold up the TAA in the TPP on our account.
In need be- add a few weeks per year to all Social Security deduction, or approve more generics.
If I need medicine, so do people in the Pacific Rim.

Physics Profs- Help Us

All Tom Brady did was ease his hand.
Nothing was gained in points.
If anything, he made the ball squishier for his teammates to grasp.
He gave up a straighter trajectory for more functionality in his muscle and bone.
He didn't enhance anything.
I'm begging the Zeus of football, show them.
Or better, I am saying the prayer of my own religion to Our Lord, Te rogamus audi nos.
We need those draft picks, or a work-around!

Mike Brown Jr. And The Daily Kos

I read in The Daily Kos that Mike Brown Jr. was tortured by tremendously racist Missouri edicts in his education long before he was gunned down in the streets by the illiterate son of a crack addict.
His high school was deemed "unaccredited" by the state until the Supreme Court then gave Ferguson students the right to go to other accredited (white) schools at the expense of the credited school district.
The "accredited" district spent quite a bit of cash per pupil; so it was spending a lot with the new influx of students, and the cost of those students' transportation.
The state therefore changed its mind to declare the Ferguson schools "accredited" after all.
What? States are not supposed to look out for white districts at the expense of an equal education and
equal services for all students?
Don't be goofy. If states ever did that, how would there ever have been a Missouri in the first place.
We read The Missouri Compromise didn't we?
Then of course, so as not to get these varying decrees to have to be burdened with real existing laws,
Missouri decided neither Ferguson high school was even in a district anyway. Those high schools were state-run "collaboratives" now.
What a big load.
And they accuse the black community of being lawless? Yeah- what a load.
All of this reminded me of the 70s, when my children were bussed to an all white school I didn't even know existed.
Those parents caused so much trouble I wondered how the BLACK families were going to bear up enough to be law-abiding.
Every little thing was a thing for the white parents to bitterly denounce.
If the teacher gave a test and my daughter got 100% plus an extra credit problem correct, the white
parents would claim maybe that was because she sat closer to the board.
Or maybe she had a facility for the subject because her dad was in engineering.
He got into the school of engineering through some amazing SAT scores.
How he got out of that place- I don't think I'll ever know.
If one of my kids got into Great Books or won a poetry contest at a young age- the white parents wanted that explained.
Well, see dufus, their great-grandmother read every word Edgar Allen Poe ever wrote, even though she had to leave school after third grade; and their grandfather always had a habit of quoting Keats,
Byron, Shelly, and Browning! (I myself stuck more closely to  black poets.)
But why did have to stare down these unwashed blob people who had seemed never even to have heard of Bo Rics?
Well, I had to do it because I owed the low-life cretins no explanations whatsoever.
The teachers were mainly white in that school, and had no reason to give out 'A's where they were
And why do you expect your kids to get along in school when you've told them they shouldn't have to
go to school with black children.
Finally, those horrors moved out of the neighborhood altogether (It wasn't a neighborhood as nice as
ours. But see- they aspired to live in "Livonia"...a mile or so up the road in an all white suburb of
disgustingly same-mindedness and singularity about damned near Everything. You've hear of the
Michigan Militia, right?
So what did I tell my perfectly innocent and confused little children? "Well- those are just white people. Who knows WHAT is wrong with them?!"
I figured over time they'd ask more questions or figure it out for themselves.
Later on, when one of the children was valedictorian, 'Oh!' the outrage.
And even later, U of Michigan profs wanted to know how I could have multiple children graduating
from Michigan since I was a single mom, and one even from the Honors college.
I didn't answer that. I'm sure he meant no harm. And neither did I.
What is it T.I. says? "You doh knoh me."
Rest in peace Mike Brown Jr. God bless you. God bless your family. We are with you still, some of
us black, and believe it or not- yes, some of us white.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Roger Goodell- You Burn Me!

High school athletes should ignore the upcoming drafts, and sit around waiting for the iconoclasts-
Billy Belichek and the New England Patriots!
I know they were wrong.
But what are WE getting punished for doing?
Why are you taking away from the WHOLE team and all the Patriot fans?
You are not our friend.
You are a bit on the nose, buddy.

Ronald Nelson,Jr.

I couldn't be prouder of Mr. Nelson for turning down Harvard, Yale. Princeton, Stanford, et al!
Creepy, creepy places.
I am glad for the black students who've braved it out in those places with such yukky heritage in
order to make a good place for themselves in this world.
But we have needed a Mr. Nelson for so long.
Perhaps with the exception of Stanford, I don't know its history very well; I just know slavery empowered and funded so much of our westward homesteading expansion, those places were built
shortly after the colonies began to make a profit, and be assured more profit in years to come from
the work the slaves did in this country.
Why should black students rush to pay those gooky places?
Black students who have attended in the past have made those places better. Have legacy students done so?
It is my fervent wish that  every equally bright black student in America who isn't going to a traditionally black college or university, could attempt admission at University of Alabama, even if they get less than a full ride, to enroll in classes Mr. Nelson has decided to take.
Now that is a new activism I'd love to see.
When I was still 17, I was accepted at Radcliffe. My parents were glad, but they had four other children at home. They were a bit surprised about the money not only for tuition and books, but how
much it would likely cost to live in Cambridge for a week.
They didn't miss me in Massachusetts, though. They got people like Mitt Romney right about the time I'd have attended. And I became only a semi-professional worker. Poor me.
Still- I dodged an important bullet staying out of that school in the sixties
I wish Harvard could have educated enough people in their hallowed environment well enough to keep the Tsarnaev family from getting so disenchanted and going off the deep end.
It's a thing I expect them to do in the future. But of course, they not care a bit.

The Progressives' Perfect TPP - An Enemy Of The Good!

America's progressive political activists are behaving as radically and as acrimoniously as the far right over TPP.
They haven't had their hair so thoroughly on fire since their darling Edward Snowden didn't get away
with spilling his guts on the Internet and fleeing to ... well, yes, China and Russia, bastions of free speech thinkers, writers, and Internet communicators.
What in the world is wrong with these people?
Nothing they could put in the TPP would stop all Pacific Rim countries from currency manipulations.
Nothing they could write in the TPP would stop the profit motive in the American pharmaceutical industry from creating the steady stream of new drugs created nowhere else in the world in such variety and quantity- even though I wish they could be reformed somehow. The TPP is needed now,
not by the time we can reform drug companies.
Nothing the progressives could write in the TPP would get countries in the far east to pay closer to
$10 per hour or demand a minimum wage from companies anywhere close to that. We can barely get
companies HERE to pay a living wage.
Nothing the progressives could put into the TPP would make our human rights standards enforceable any time soon in all the countries we trade with overseas, especially since we have places like WalMart here in abundance. Even Macy's treats workers like slop most of the time. I admit, it's because the Pacific countries are difficult for our retailers to compete with in the business sectors.
But what will be empowered to actually do about it in time to sign this trade agreement?
Our manufacturing work force has to be retrained now. We need them to work on new 21st century
technologies our country has strong patent protections were are prepared to enforce. Obama has hired
many new patent attorneys in these past two terms.
Someone claimed Thomas Jefferson hated the idea of global patent monopolies. But wasn't he a rapist? How could he have had time to foresee everything? I've heard all the workers on his plantation
looked exactly like him. He was busy with things I know were reprehensible. So he may not have had time to envision how we could shape industries so that they wouldn't monopolize trading sectors.
We don't have danger of that in newer industries right now anyway. And we have time to work on it
before China becomes the country engaging in new monopolies.
There is no TPP progressives could write which would ever place stringently enforceable regulations
on all the environmental protections we need here on earth in all countries. We can barely get companies here to comply!
Exactly what sort of labor protections can we force when we know that no matter how we hate people
doing important jobs for very little money, those people need those jobs. We have to improve those jobs incrementally as we create different opportunities for our own re-educated work force, because
most of the jobs are never coming back here no matter how poorly educated and trained we'd prefer
to remain.
Unions- re-educated your work force!
It has been done in other countries.
At one time Ireland took out a full paged ad in the New York Times to tout the superior educations of
its working public.
Instead of asking POTUS to have the TPP something we vote on in popular demand fashion over the
Internet- help him get a deal countries will actually sign!

Friday, May 15, 2015

We'd Prefer A Professional Police Force- Sans Goons

The Night Stalker got to trial.
John Wayne Gacy wasn't shot in the street.
Ted Bundy got to his trial.
What happened with Ed Gein? Did murderous badges open fire on him in his neighborhood?
Boston Strangler got to trial.
Timothy McVeigh got to trial.
Cliven Bundy didn't have to go to trial, though his guns were drawn on officers many times.
Colorado's theater mass murderer got to trial.
New York's subway killer got to trial.
Ted Kosinski got a trial.
Did Chris Kyle's killer get a trial? Of course.(Though that jury was way off kilter...)
Black policemen are not killing white youth.
Is that because all white youth are polite and lawful? Not by a long shot.
Black policemen would surely go down for it. There would be no way they could make a habit
of killing young white guys because they were so 'terrified' the kids were hopped up on meth.
And young black men are not in the habit of killing police officers.
Police persons are not in a lot of shoot-outs with armed gangs of black men.
They prefer men without weapons.
But in our communities, we'd much prefer officers trained to keep peace.
ANY untrained person can shoot to kill because he or she is 'afraid'.

So WHAT Is Wrong With Erin Burnett And Those Of Her Ilk?

Lawrence O'Donnell is Irish too, and he doesn't know what's wrong with her. We should be so proud
of him for not knowing!
When a man with a badge and a weapon guns down an unarmed person in the streets, who's the thug?
When Irish people play with or shop toy guns, are they gunned down?
Oh- Irish people don't commit any crimes?
When Irish pedophiles offend against children, do get gunned down in the streets?
Oh- there are no Irish pedophiles. But what are Travelers? Do Travelers get gunned down in the streets?
When Bill O'Reilly had scores of advantages growing up which were routinely denied African Americans, did he acknowledge those advantages? Peter Jennings certainly did, and he was ten times the journalist O'Reilly is. Did he believe if he was accused he'd be gunned
down in the streets, or that instead he'd get a lawyer.
How many Irish people are shot or killed in routine traffic stops, or when flagging down a police car to get some help?
If you are not getting gunned down in the streets- what are You angry about while you live without
inordinate fear?
If you avoid police without being shot and killed for it, what makes you react so personally negatively to those who love their friends and neighbors, even their imperfect friends and neighbors?
'Why so pale and wan' toward those of us who stand up for one another?
We are supposed to stand up for each other, people.
Why do you think we ever stood up for each other when Jim Crow, as one example,  seemed like a wonderful law in the first place?
Othering doesn't work out for some groups, especially some minorities.
Suddenly, for instance, after Arab Spring, Coptic Christians, among others, began to be thought of as
lawless in Egypt for whatever small infraction they might commit.
This 'othering' won't disappear, but its effects can be mitigated to something milder than murdering
unarmed people in the streets if more people gifting themselves with the right to do what they have no more than the power to do- could just grow up.

What About The Philly Neighbors #188 Passengers Praised So?

The American press keeps going on and on about first responders who did their jobs so heroically when train #188 derailed.
People did have high praise for police and fire working so tirelessly in the black of night with no
regular city lighting available.
Rescuers had to light their own ways.
But passengers who were able to talk were also tremendously grateful and moved by the neighborhood when it turned out for them in full force. I'm certain The Red Cross and other municipal authorities were hampered by the enthusiasm of local residents. Still, they were people who offered their water, extra clothing or shoes, coffee, bathrooms in their homes, etc.
The act of being thrown against the walls of train cars, having fellow passengers flung forcefully at their heads, being thrown into hard plastic stationery fixture furniture at the force of their various masses X the one hundred miles per hour the train was going when it hit that curve on the tracks didn't engender feelings of safety and organization in the victims. The neighbors, they engendered feelings of the return of a possible organizational safety in the ordinary things of life.
Kindness is not exactly predictable, but neither is the appreciation it can sometimes stimulate in abundance.

Train #188: A Rock Or Bullet Brought On Amnesia????

Am I dreaming a bad dream?
The engineer seems plausible to NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board).
He recalls nothing about the train acceleration at the curve.
Two of the conductors seem clear and focused.
One heard a conversation between her engineer and one on another train about some possible projectile hitting the windows of the engine car.
One has had no impression of anything unusual.
The tracks seemed fine thus far to NTSB.
The inside of the cars seemed safe thus far to NTSB.
The outside of the cars seemed natural to NTSB.
All systems regarding train 188 seemed perfectly normal, so far, to NTSB.
What I'm saying here is, nothing.
According to Mr. Robert Sumwalt of NTSB, all those people who were killed and injured
on train 188 of the Amtrak line this week, on the U.S. northeast coast, no one knows one teeny tiny
thing wrong with anything which may have contributed to the tragedy, at first blush.
So, after days and days of press conferences by scores of officials and the policy trusts they represent,
we find no one has a clue.
What in the world is the modern press?

Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Still Phony Rick Snyder

The Governor and his cronies sent notices and made calls nearly every day to my home, telling me to
be sure to vote for a tax hike he claims we all desperately neeeded here in Michigan.
Is he kidding?
I'm a Detroiter.
His loser flyers claimed it would help our schools.
What schools? He closed the schools we loved, turning nine out of ten of them into 'charters' I want no part of, and before that, kept all the revenue-sharing money Detroit and our schools should have
gotten in state funds before he tried to rob us all blind.
Is he kidding?
I'm a Detroiter.
Detroiters didn't turn down millages for school taxes.
We stopped getting a chance to vote for them.
Why would he want taxes to repair the roads?
He hasn't made one peep about getting the Congress to vote for infrastructure monies POTUS has asked them to approve.
Thanks to him Michigan is technically a 'right-to-work' state now, and we have somehow voted to kill a lot of wolves we don't actually need to bother.
Snyder is the worst.
Michganders love him, I know.
But even the Dr. Ben Carson sycophants and other Detroit-hating 'betters' don't want the tax hikes of a known trickster and liar.
The measure failed miserably.
These politicians allow themselves to be known as lying clowns in order to get the Michigan militias
on their side. Then when they decide to continue with their knife-wielding rampages, they allow
themselves to believe the militias (and more sophisticated pals who only side with militia politics when it comes to "Detroit") don't still know they are lying clowns.
And as for me- do you actually believe, Snyder-Spider, that when you tell me that I am stupid, and my union is stupid, and Detroit students are all stupid because they failed your 'predatory' exams, that I believe one single word coming out of your mouth?
Don't think that.
I am Galileo. You are the ancient church.
There is absolutely nothing in this entire universe which could make me believe anything you'd ever say you'd do to benefit Detroit or Detroiters.
If I were that dumb, I'd fall for Paul Ryan's waste material talk too about he and his 'black' friend
helping the poor by ignoring Ph.D. research in favor of rounding up ex-addicts to 'counsel' current 'addicts' (heroin) to get off drugs.
Are All Republicans so null and void?
Couldn't be!

Elizabeth Warren: All Due Respect- You Write The Trade Agreement

I am not an expert. And even I can absolutely guarantee Senator Warren will not be able to write one thing which stops currency manipulations in the Pacific Rim any time too soon.
They do it. Those countries manipulate currencies.
They are called on doing it.
They stop awhile.
They begin to do it again. Right now, that's the cycle. President Bush had so many of the same
problems with China President Obama has had.
Eventually, as we develop new and more precision-oriented technologies, these manipulations
won't be so effective.
But first, we have to get a fire going in order to re-educate and re-professionalize our middle class.
Even if Senator Warren and every union in this country get together in a closed room to hammer out the exact TPP all Progressives desire,  POTUS will explain why the deal will never be signed by all the countries we need to get on board, why 'no deal' is one of those 'perfect' enemies of the 'good', or even of just the 'better', if we don't get all we'd like, and why there is no deal anyway which will revamp all the labor laws and human rights laws, and wage fairness in foreign countries according to
our stated standards.
We can barely keep the National Labor Relations Board alive here.
We engage in rampant wage-theft here, particularly with our college athletes.
We barely adhere to OHSA laws here in many of our retail industries.
We need some sort of agreement 'we the people' are not exactly equipped to write ourselves at this moment.
So- Elizabeth Warren, Sherrod Brown, Bernie Sanders, and all out labor leaders- get to writing it for
us. Show it to POTUS.
POTUS didn't stop to have a beer with Eric Cantor before the Congressman left D.C.
But now he has you guys. Maybe if Mitch McConnell is not available, the President would love to entertain you of populist fervor so superior to that of our President. And while you're at it, ask someone in the press to attend the meetings, Kristina Van DenHeuval would not say or do one petulant thing during these very crucial talks.

Thank You Lawrence O'Donnell Of MSNBC

Mr. O'Donnell is knowledgeable about Congress, about the law, about the how Washington works; and the cherry on top is that he is worldly enough to know how to apply his vast intellectual
efficiencies to nonsense arguments about so many things. One of those things is the current White House ask for a TPP.
This trade deal is so necessary, and so done in a specific statesman-like and diplomatic way in order to protect the national demands of some classified inner workings of many countries asked to sign a
trade agreement, that Mr. O'Donnell is terribly clarifying when he asks questions about what the far
left would do instead of what we have, which would get us to an agreement twelve countries will
live with for a time.
I love seeing him get people to admit (by their wordy avoidances) that they really haven't got a thing to offer in place of this TPP.

Why Is Roger Goodell Punishing US??? Just Get Even With Belicek!!!

Belicek is in charge.
It doesn't matter what Tom wants if Belicek says 'no'!
New England is a team bigger than Tom Brady!
We Need Those Draft picks!
What did we, the fans, ever do to you Roger Goodell?
Tom could save his hand, but not up his score, with a more squishy ball.
He is punished for saving his hand.
His team is fined.
You are killing us!
Why do YOU want to be the one to kill the Patriots?
We don't even need the goofy one million if you are taking two draft picks.
Why do you hate Patriot fans? We have done nothing to harm you.

Wisconsin: Suppose Having A Black Mom Doesn't Give You Respect For Black People?

The Wisconsin D.A. has disgraced himself.
Joy Reid of MSNBC is absolutely right about this case.
Anybody can shoot to kill an unruly person with a hammer.
I'm a senior citizen, untrained, and I could do it.
Policemen were previously thought to be able to handle such situations professionally.
There will come a time again when they may wish they had.
To be thought of as professional is a status more and more in short supply in today's world.

Why Depend On A 32 Year Old Engineer?

Isn't that a bit like depending on a 27 year old pilot?
People are not maturing at the rate they did when we had farm economies.
People are therefore confronted with more complex personal, educational, and career choices and problems at a time in Western culture when their ability to handle complex relationships on an
age-appropriate time-line has begun to erode.
My friends and I looked at our classrooms in the 90s and even some time before, remarking that we
could no longer tell an 18 year old male from one of 23 or 24.
The differences weren't physical. We could discern physicality distinctions. The differences were
emotional, social, and at times, psychological.
A lot of the young men almost seemed twelve and thirteen for quite a long time.
Are there no competent, mature, middle-classed men available for jobs of tremendous responsibility who were born circa 1970?
Or are there simply not enough competent, mature, middle-classed white men born circa 1965 or '70?
How can Bostian get an eight-car train from 0 to 106 miles in ten minutes, hit the emergency brake in an 11th minute, as he approaches a steep curve in the tracks, then forget those eleven minutes as he has the cool presence of mind to remember to pick up his bag, grab his phone, and call 911? Does he
think we are all daft?
Even a lady who lost her shoes in one TV testimony took a minute to recover before she knew she was barefoot.
And why would an engineer on that #188 route need to work without a co-pilot, so to speak, anyway?
Moreover, why would Congress continue to delay the satellite system NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board) has wanted for years which could stop a train before a dangerous derailment?
Either we respect each other in this society or we don't.
We don't live in a cash and carry world.
Rather than kill people, we need to realize borrowing and paying back are a way of life for saving lives.
We owe anyway. What are we trying to preserve if not our lives?
Our military-industrial complex is going to be a wasteland with no goods and services at all if we
continue to believe money is not to used, but to be Hoarded and Saved.
The 1% will find they have nothing to buy, and no one to purchase anything they have to sell.
People will not continue to believe in a society willing to hold them very, very cheaply.
Each generation will be more and more willing, in small incremental measures, to work down the
street from the house- or stay home with some sort of garden!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Amtrak ... Your Tea Party On Steroids

We used to believe our country might be fractious, but we never felt we'd be left in the lurch with
trains, planes, and automobiles left to crumble into unsafe for  public use.
But the tea party would have us trade food stamps for train tickets.
I would suppose that would be so that we could beg for food for our families.
The train crash in Philly last night was Mayor Nutter's second nightmare in a few years. I know
he wonders how much can happen to one city during his tenure. He seems to be an organizational
genius, though, garnering a lot of professional help very quickly, and making certain everyone  in the rescue efforts brought lights with them.
(Not long ago Mayor Nutter had to deal with buildings in his city suddenly sinking, and falling.)
Oh, yes, the city has no lights at night, even along the railways running 28 year old rail cars.
Our Congress won't help cities with lighting either. This lack of lighting terribly endangers first responders; but the same sequestration I suffer every month as a retiree affects those still working as well. I thought Congress loved first responders now that they've successfully driven Congressman Anthony Weiner mad, countering without fail his tireless advocacy on the urgencies they suffered from tragedies in September, 2011.
Philadelphia not only lacked sufficient lighting, they didn't have overhead lighting which would work in case of an emergency, nor did they have enough ambulances to disperse in cases of emergency.
Mass transit should be available to handle problems which could naturally engender problems which
could happen en masse, and affect people en masse.
Congress loves slashing the just right along with the unjust.
Congress has the tremendously erroneous attitude that some private company could afford to run the all planes, trains, automobiles, as well as the entire U.S Post Office without government oversight. Yet corps have the job to look out for stockholders, not the public in general. Public oversight is the job of our governments.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Does Brady Love Controversy?

He seems to be so right when he compares his athletics to his academics.
Why does he want others to take the heat for his "deflate" nonsense if he is actually a great quarterback?
Why didn't he alter his grip rather than alter the footballs?
The balls would have had a much better spin on them if they were better inflated in the cold
weather, once he got them into the air.
Maybe he should hire a physics tutor.
Someone tell him he has often not been a whole lot better than his team, no matter what the Hall of Fame is telling him.
If he is a superhero, I'm beginning to wish he (and Bill Belicek) were a less tiresome one.
Apparently he's suffering from 'no more George W. Bush' loneliness.

America: We Are Not Getting 20th Century Manufacturing Back Again!

What can Nike do?
Should we go back to war with Viet Nam, with Cambodia, start a war in Indonesia?
What does labor think U.S. companies can do in foreign labor markets?
Nike has probably raised wages more than another company would have done.
We want countries to have our standards, but tanking the TPP makes our ability to have a chance
at that in any near future absolutely impossible.
What country will dominate those smaller economies if POTUS doesn't get a deal in the Pacific rim?
We don't have the power overseas our labor unions want us to have.
We get the best deal POTUS can wrangle, or we look at both wages and labor conditions recede
over time.
Viet Nam workers tying to get 60c an hour now may be looking at 50c an hour pretty soon, if our President doesn't get a deal.
Those workers may become what working class people here were in the 80s.
Has anyone looked at their stubs from 1980, then looked at those same work stubs from 1986?
Workers were so excited to have Ronald Reagan doing all he could to drag civil rights back to 1950,
they barely noticed, or pretended they barely noticed, their take home pays were evaporating!
Even though we had unions, our take home was scaled BACK.
Do we seriously think foreign workers will have better wages and working conditions in the Pacific if
the TPP dies? We most certainly will not. Sometimes the left wing in this country bangs tin cups on
on the tables when the cupboard truly is empty.
The left wants more, and so do I, but again, even though we didn't get the health care bill we wanted,
we were wise to keep the best from being the enemy of the to speak.
If we don't get this deal, who will be able to dominate in the rim? Who will hesitate to push their own
wills forward with almost no restraints on them at all?
Why doesn't the left wing be the entities to "spell out" what they want from the TPP?
I can absolutely guarantee they will get very little, if any of it. And I'm a lay person!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Loretta Lynch

Attorney General Lynch is such a genius. If anyone can effectively guide Maryland officials in the
direction of how not to capitulate in badge-sanctioned murder, it's her.

What Did POTUS Do To Tom Brady?

Is Tom Brady secretly from Kansas?
I don't think we ever really figured out, What's The Matter With Kansas?
Mr. Thomas Frank tried to help us.
Who can help us with Brady?
Is he a Jehovah's Witness?

Now Greg Abbott- What Does The U.S. Want With Texas?

Don't the people of Texas get more than a dollar back in government funds for every dollar they
pay in taxes?
Doesn't the U.S. consist of fifty states, Texas being only one of them?
Does Texas think Mexico will honor its sovereignty?
Do all Texans want wars with Mexico?
Doesn't the U.S. Army belong to each and every American, including Texas?
What is going on down there?
Texas, the U.S. Army already has the power to do what it wants in Texas, and in any other geographic area.
What would they get from 'taking over' Texas?
John Stewart is right to whisper to you: "The U.S. already controls Texas!"
You better be glad it does!
Your militias are about as superior as the intelligence of your elected officials.
Translation ---You would lose!

To American Police Persons

Please don't kill people with knives.
Bringing a knife to a gun fight is supposed to be a joke.
Please don't look for knives on a free people.
You are way too heavily armed for that.
And you feel fine about treating lives carelessly.

Hilary Has To Back The TPP

Mrs. Clinton has enough experience and business acumen to know that President Obama is working
to get the best deal he can for the future of the American middle class. She knows we are not going
to be able to continue 20th century manufacturing dominance into the 21st century for much longer.
Globalizing economies in major geographies in the world have capacities to balloon slowly into fairly
stable entities.
Denying the future of shifting supply/demand economics in the worlds of ordinary workers for politicians, is much the same as their denying climate change.
We need different jobs.
We need different processes.
We need differing expertises than we had in former centuries.
And we have the capacity to come up with all those things!
Do we have the will?

Labor Unions: Educate Your People

Your people can manage a technological advantage in this world, they can enlarge the gulf between
science-based skills enlargement, and manufacturing skills. There is no possible way they are ever
going to stop cheap labor in the Pacific rim in our near future.
We are not going to manage more than one billion workers by simply demanding currency fairness,
or advertising our products as expensive but superior in quality.
Those two facts alone could at best, even if working in short-term solutions in selective markets,
can't stop the tide of the reality that emerging markets are proliferating in the far east, and they will
demand cheap products until we can get strong patent protection on our vastly superior methods
and more competitively priced products.
China's economy is a little like the 'arc of the moral universe'.
Their economy is in a long ascendant arc; but it will bend, in fits and starts, admittedly, toward stability for the Chinese middle class.
We have to refine what we have to offer in such a way the eastern middle class demands our expertise.
If we are to stop low wages and product encroachment in some select areas of the manufacturing segments of our society, we must take a long view. Those things will take more time than we have in the short term.
For  now, we need leadership on 'way' sophisticated products and processes.
We are not going to stop the rise of Chinese dominance in the Pacific Rim without a major deal with
them, soon.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Illegal Policing

This scourge rains on the just as well as the unjust.
We cannot continue to get lynched until the time when we all have jobs.

The Most True American Dream

To live in an all-white country, except for servers.
In a lovely white house
With a lovely white fence
To have two all-white parents
All-white sibs, and aunts, and uncles, and grandparents, etc.
To attend an all-white college
And find an all-white mate
And an all white employer
With a bunch of all-white colleagues
Have a couple of all-white children
Who go to all-white schools
And learn in all-white classrooms
With all-white teachers and administrators
So, the thing messing up the real American dream, is all these non-white people who are
striving for it... right here... in the land of the Klan.
Everyone, even most Africans, comes to America to be white.
Absolutely no one comes to America to study the survival and building skills of those who built it
No one comes here to emulate black America!
That may be a good thing, though, because it absolutely cannot be done.

Congressman John Lewis Can Tell You

And he did tell us all in David Halberstam's book, The Children.
He was referring to police presence and posturing.
In Chapter 53, Congressman Lewis states, about a January, a half century ago, in which an Alabama
sheriff manufactured a detailed, overdone, uniformed look for himself  "to show you that if you were
black, you were subhuman, and therefore, you ought to fear him, and that there were no restraints on him because he was the law.  Therefore what he did was legal no matter what it was, and what you did was illegal no matter what it was. It was as if he was his own portable constitution."
We could use that statement to describe any of the murdering policemen in the news for killing young
unarmed men.
We have been very consistently muddling the murder conversation with the pre-killing conditions
of our victims, not the pre-kill mentality of the killers.
In this way, the state hopes to convince people that state-sanctioned murder should be accepted as the
part of the cost of living in American cities.
I don't see that working.
These men have families who love them.
These men were loved and adored even when they were slaves, who could control and care for almost nothing. Now they have the legacy of their forefathers as well as their own willingness to
reboot in a racist society. In no circumstance will they ever doubt they are treasured in their own communities. We loved them centuries ago. We love them now. That alone makes them superhuman.
When you hunt and kill them, that makes you what?

STOP Killing Unarmed Men! Period!!!!

Don't kill them when they are poor.
Don't kill them when they lack education.
Don't kill them when they are unemployed.
Don't kill them when they are under eighteen.
Don't kill them when they are mentally compromised.
Don't kill them for having a 'knife'.
Don't kill them for flagging down a police car.
Don't kill them for buying guns at K Mart.
Don't kill them before they get to trial.
Don't kill them for broken tail lights.
Don't kill them for raising their hands in surrender.
Don't kill unarmed men.
Any Questions?
They are our babies who managed to grow up until meeting
a menacing creature like you, on a public street.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Rick Snyder Is The Most Communistic Man Michigan Knows

He attacks every bit of democracy he can, even thinking we don't know he is the one who pretended
we voted for the man currently calling himself Mayor of Detroit.
Most Michigan citizens think this governor will stop with Detroit. He won't. And now some of them
are growing more and more suspicious of his plans for them.
Snyder doesn't understand private people cannot 'own' either the poor, or their institutions. He was
backward enough to think he could sell art at the Detroit Institute of Art, as though none of it had
been privately endowed or insured, and its location made it ripe for exploitation.
Most referenda Michiganders have had to vote for of late has been worded in nothing but double-speak. What about the 'will' of the people? Well why should he believe in that?
He has destroyed most of our school system here in Detroit, but wants us to vote ourselves a gas tax
hike to benefit our roads and schools.
He stole all the revenue-sharing money due our schools already. Now why would we want him to do
that again?
He benefited greatly from what The Detroit Free Press did to our former Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick.
Still, that hasn't been enough for him.
We may not have many friends, or his billions, but we Do Not Want His Backward Schools! We have no reason to fund his phony communist schemes; and I hope we won't fall for his nonsense
Last November, he made sure he had us voting twice to kill wolves. Same nonsense, worded the tiniest bit differently, at two separate places on he ballot.
How is he getting away with this waste material?
Hardly a day after the vote, he had people hunting wolves on college campuses here- much to the distress of Michigan parents.
Michigan voters are so delighted to put someone in office who continues to destroy Detroit, they let this numbed one get away with a lot.
Somehow, I hope we have sense enough to escape his latest folly. He is so salivating for this gas tax that he has repeat callers and robo-callers calling homes, and sending flyers nearly every day!
He behaves as though he doesn't know there is already a perfectly good package in Washington for
improving our roads. Since it originated at the White House, it isn't blood-letting enough of ordinary
citizens for Republicans to pass it. It's been there, waiting, for years!
I am hoping Mother Michigan will not vote Snyder's way, and will not get away with a Bush-Gore-Scalia scam this week.

What's Poor Got T' Do With It?!?!?!

If we were a prosperous community, would we want you to have broken Freddie Gray's back?
Police persons haven't experienced a rash of officer killings in recent times.
Black police person's aren't killing disadvantaged young white men.
Police officers aren't killing meth lab workers in the trailer parks.
Police killings of young black men, according to researchers on The Melissa Harris Perry Show
Sunday, May 3, 2015, have outpaced the entire U.S. murder rate. Yes, that would include black
on black crime.
Our own officials need to grow up. They are not in Kindergarten any longer. This is not 1955. This
is 60 years hence, and we've lost Thurgood Marshall.
We don't want our young men lynched 'by any means necessary' to get them destroyed.
We want what police people want, to go HOME at the end of the day!
Thank you Marlyn Mosby for understanding us. You are the Autherine Lucy of civil protections.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Well, Maybe We Aren't Irish, But...

Dylan Thomas may not be your hero.
However, he was right when he told us, Do Not Go Gently Into That Good Night.
Freddie Gray wasn't supposed to go gently.
Mike Brown Jr. wasn't supposed to go gently.
We have so very many others who were not to have gone gently.
Thanks to their brothers and sisters in justice, they haven't had to go gently.
Police have no reason to threaten people simply because those people don't want to get off their
own streets.
These officials are silly enough to be possibly vindictive.

What Losers

I guess the Mayor in Baltimore and her poleessses have finally found a way to arrest peaceful citizens.
Citizens who "break curfew" are being arrested tonight, EST.
"Curfew". Is that like carrying a pocket knife?
Yes it is.

How Do You Know The 'War On Drugs' Has Failed?

Has anyone in this last half century ever known of a person to stop using drugs because they
couldn't find the drug?
No one has known of someone with that life experience.
All 'war on' drugs are regulalry available to those who seek them in America.

Police Thugs Make Trouble For Decent Officers

Citizens don't need to endure all these stupid arrests for all these 'dumb' laws.
After tuberculosis subsided, police had enough sense in decades past to stop arresting people for
spitting on the sidewalk.
Maybe police departments should grow up.

To Our Leaders: Finally Something About Which To Be Peaceful

I hope our leaders aren't purposefully misleading.
Malcolm X was not a proponent of non-violent response in the face of violent aggressions.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was about to meet with Malcolm when he, Dr. King, was assassinated.
Nelson Mandela didn't espouse non-violence until he was released from jail to be come his country's
We had to adopt non-violence because we were only eleven of every one hundred whites.
We don't feel the love and kisses some might suggest for murderous badges.
We know there are reasons to practice non-violence; but some of us are Not going down without a fight.
Preachers are preaching to the choir, because those who feel aggressive are not going to be "counseled" into mild protest.
Much of the black middle class lives in The Garden Of The Finzi-Continis. Doesn't sound like a Jewish name? That's what the Continis thought.
Many of the black middle class of mixed-race heritage don't even realize they are black.
So those of us who respect the lives of Freddie Grays don't have time for the comparison of the civil
rights' crises of yesteryear to that of today when we have the right to benefit from our social media.
Baltimore dropped the ball in front of millions of people.
Not all those people are "thuggish ruggish". The young men we are losing are UNARMED.