Thursday, August 7, 2014

Putin And George W.

According to Nina Krushcheva, (Nikita Krushchev's granddaughter) Vladmir Putin feels compelled to prove to all the world that Russia is still a super power, as capable as the U.S. of going into a sovereign country with force, deposing its leader, inciting warring factions in that country, and inspiring the hell of clogged ideologies of civil wars.
Putin feels challenged by the 'cowboy strongmen' images Reagan began to prolifierate in his pushy
image-spread and rhetorical huffing and puffing in advance of the Iran-Contra lawlessness. 
The legacy of the U.S. Republican Party in the modern world ,then, remains one of serial lies,
misleadings, and of citizen and soldier deaths in bloody conflicts, with all the ensuing chaos therof and thereafter.

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