Saturday, August 2, 2014

The Black Slate In Our Detroit Vote

What is wrong with the black slate here?
I always vote for John Conyers whenever he is on the ballot. No one knows the city the way he does.
But I didn't vote for Warren Evans because he was endorsed by Kim Worthy, who over prosecuted
our Mayor, Kwame Kilpatrick. She had to because the Detroit Free Press insisted on paying for his
We try not to read The Free Press in Detroit. They even helped destroy Governor Jennifer Granholm's reputation.
They were worse than the Koch Brothers, and ALEC- (The American Legislative Exchange Council).
I voted for Matthew Abel for Wayne County Prosecutor. But he lost.
Deroiters feel so indebted to Worthy for successfully prosecuting Malice Green's brutal murder by
policemen here. She did, however, also put our Mayor away. Unforgiveable. She survived both
Kilpatrick and Granholm. I'll say this for her. She's thus far a survivor.
I knew not to vote for Sherry Gay-Dagnogo (Day-nah-go) because she seems anxious to have more charter schools here.
Of course, I wouldn't want anyone from Robert Ficano's group in governance here. I've been told
that parts of Northwest Detroit are littered with his signs. I thought we'd gotten rid of him long ago.
If he wasn't in Special Ed growing up, I don't see why he wasn't.
I'll agree- Evans has many high level enemies in mob type circles. So that much is good.
However, even though Phil Cavanaugh isn't black, and even though his methods are suspect, his family history and his ability to keep his head down seem the best attributes Detroiters could hope for
at this time.
The Black slate also wants us to vote "Yes" on Proposal 14-1 in our district.
Didn't we already learn that revenue sharing doesn't work for Detroiters? We can never get the revenue we agree to share from our votes or our taxpayer dollars. Fool me once.
Of course we need to vote for the library millage. People keep telling us our kids can't read. In the library, they may be able to find things they are motivated to read.
Wayne County Intermediate School District has convinced the slate to ask us for a millage. What a joke.
Wayne County Regional Service Agency (RESA) habitually leaves Detroit out of its plans, and leaves Detroit only minimally able to access its resources. A majority of Wayne County residents
are not minorities.
No way would I ever vote them a millage.
As a matter of fact, I don't recall them asking much before. Are they trying to get our votes so they
can amass street creds?

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