Friday, August 22, 2014

The Law Among Ferguson Officials

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! A ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Sorry. I don't really find it funny.
I find the idea that Ferguson majority officials were abiding by just laws- antithetical
to a decent thought process.

The PO POs In Ferguson

Brute force trash.
If there are some truly decent policemen in those North County forces, I feel so, so sorry
for them.
Every time I turn around, some perfectly ordinary person is saying those departments use the "N"
word freely- knowing the D.A. loves it!

I Smell A Rat

Russia is quite capable of paying ISIL big fees to help sell the oil other countries are sanctioned from buying form them directly through ISIL middle men.
Suddenly, ISIL madmen represent a billionaire enterprise.
Something's rotten, somewhere close. Who in the world is buying this oil?
ISIL is not a legitimate actor in world oil markets or world anything.
Some state is propping them up...some behemoth state.

America Has Enough Enemies

Somehow, they'd like more- right here at home.
I can't help but think that if Britain were a bit more open as a society, they wouldn't need to be so
worried about their minority citizens becoming jihadists against the entirety of Western culture.

Even Escaped Prison Felons Aren't Shot Down In The Streets

The officers will tell such felons to give up.
That cop in Ferguson could have killed so many people the way he was firing.
One might wonder if D.A. McCulloch will let the people testify who saw bullets piercing
the walls in their homes.
Police departments have obviously become increasingly infiltrated by KKK type officials.
What Florida discovered has obviously become more a norm than an anomaly.
Teens cannot be killed without someone answering for something akin to a slaughter.
Teens cannot be gunned down, then treated like road kill, without someone having to be outed
as an animal himself.

The NYT...Not One Bit Surprising

We have to read the times because some of the columnists are so very enlightened.
We know, however, the paper can be a rag.
During slavery, the paper was a nightmare.
Even during Katrina, the Times was a nightmare.
So if this newspaper slants its reporting in favor of a misdirection which can justify the murder of
a black teen, why would we be surprised.
We can complain- but we can't be shocked.

Police/Not Protesters Were Rioting

The police were radically nutty reactionary wild brutes in Ferguson most every day.
If they claimed they saw a bottle thrown, they threw tear gas. So riotous.
If the people chanted, the police enforced curfews. Riotously, needlessly restrictive. The chants were
not words asking for violence. They were words asking officials to recognize signs of surrender.
When cameras were on to record the action, or march with protesters, all the 1st Amendment rights
the press has were trampled.
If anyone set a fire, or looted a store, instead of targeting thieves and arsonists for arrest- police threw smoke bombs and tear gas.
Really, I can sit in a war tank and throw bombs, though I am an old and physically limited woman.
Where is professional police conduct? I will admit, I am afraid of bottles; but I think it may be because I don't have helmets, body armor, a baton, tazers, pepper spray, a gun, and a tank!
What happened to infiltrate, arrest, transport, and book?
Oh, Ferguson doesn't file "incident" reports.
Ferguson residents don't have a tendency toward violence except on paper.
While Ferguson police officials don't have a tendency to be law-abiding, except on paper.
A group setting a fire doesn't constitute a riot.
People throwing bottles don't make riots, unless a barrage of bottles are volleyed all at once.
Were your tanks badly hurt?
Killing is killing- and killing is wrong.
Having a badge doesn't entitle someone to be afraid enough of an unarmed man to gun him down.
If the police have a role in the community, I need to know what it is because each day their activities
speak more to no law, and no order.
Governor Nixon was ridiculous to come to town with a curfew in his mouth. The moment he announced it the Ferguson citizens shouted it down. He must have known this curfew would cause
trouble because he reportedly mentioned nothing about it in his talk with President Obama. I can
only think he did it to look politically law and order.
Journalists are attempting to be coy legal minds.
The officer's initial attack on Mike Brown's person was wholly unwarranted. If the boy was under
arrest for something, all he had to do initially was get out his handcuffs and say, "You're under
If Mr. Brown continued to run, the psycho badge could have got on the radio, and he could also have
gotten a warrant.
That policeman knew what the media neglects to mention nearly every day of coverage they use: most of Ferguson has a blank slate nearly every year when it comes to violent crimes.
Crowds in Ferguson didn't get peaceful until 1) Captain Johnson began to treat them with dignity,
2) the ridiculous curfew was lifted, 3) the police stopped the strictest enforcement of the 'keep
moving' bullying, and 4) Attorney General Eric Holder came to town.
If Ferguson had a real police department, Mike Brown Jr. would be alive.

Peter Kinder Proves To Be Thoughtful!

I admired Mr. Kinder's apology on American juris prudence so much I hardly believed I'd heard it right.
I did hear it right.
I heard not one mealy-mouthed word in his very honest, very adult expression of regret.
Unbelievable. He should teach classes on how to do what he did!

The Message Getting Muted

The reporting press are muting the message.
Ferguson officials are muting the message.
News analysis is muting the message.
Community leaders are muting the message.
But Mike Brown Jr. didn't get a chance to scream.
His friends and neighbors are having to do it for him.
Muting the screams with inappropriate calm and peace won't mean young people
are changing their minds.
It means the young won't continue to be candid in the presence of the sort of people
willing to offer rhetorical, prayerful, solutions to murderous outcomes.

Don't Drink The Kool Aid Jay Nixon

I know the community doesn't want this McCulloch; but he deserves to hang himself, and his racist
murderous police forces. The monster wanted Dr. Frankenstein- not the government leader in the
place where the experiments were conducted.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

People Please

Even if every single person in Ferguson, MO had a job making a living wage, the community would
be equally as horrified by such craven brutality as that which killed Mike Brown Jr.
and left him to die in the road in front of his mom, his dad, his neighbors, young and old.
He wasn't left the dignity of even the illusion of respect for a recently attacked body that an
ambulance would have provided.
Neither were his family or friends afforded the respect of anything more than to see him loaded into
the back of some SUV.

Newsflash Governor Perry

The people of Texas have a Public Integrity Unit in their state government.
It is not The Rick Perry Integrity Unit.
It isn't The Governor's Integrity Unit.
It isn't the Alcohol Free Officials Integrity Unit.
Governor Perry can use his line item veto judiciously.
The People's Integrity Unit is not a plaything of the line item veto used in whatever way
Rick Perry would like.
Abuse of power means an entire governmental department is not to be subject to wipe-out
by the executive.
That third department he couldn't remember when he swore to wipe out government departments
in the 2008 Republican debates- maybe he caught himself before he could say The Texas Office
of Public Integrity, and couldn't think of what he wanted to say instead, and for some reason,
couldn't allow Ron Paul to bail him out.
Oh well, maybe that's a fanciful take- but at the time I thought he would someday tell us what he
was going to say.
I may have missed the news; but as I know of, he has never yet said.
Surely, it was important.

Will Jim Foley Have An Unusual Place In U.S. History?

Mr. Foley already has a place in human history.
He has, without meaning to do so, become a martyr to the kinds of truths which can advance humanity in our species.
Additionally, he has become, without meaning to do so, the catalyst for a powerful anger in the
currently most powerful man in the world.
I privately wonder if Putin's fingerprints are on the sudden explosion of money in ISIS coffers.
He can't sell oil in the way he did before.
He loves the bloody bully machine of Bashar al Assad.
Perhaps together they've found underground actors who will buy the oil from ISIS.
Whatever President Obama's anger means, I hope the last thing he will do is put one more piece
of American parts or machinery even so much as a screwdriver within any purview of any part

Jay Nixon- Tell McCullugh to GROW Up

Why should Governor Nixon have to tell this prosecutor he has been showing bad faith in his job, and has long ago disqualified himself from representing anyone in Ferguson who has suffered violent or otherwise unjust policing. He could never even represent a decent policeman- one who would not ever consider chasing and killing a teen who has already surrendered.
While Robert McCulloch challenges the governor to "man up", he seems not to have considered
for one moment the imperative to "grow up" so that his awful police department can be healed.
Doesn't he know that as long as he is at the helm with that awful, beyond awful chief of police,
the majority of the city can have only one thought about any policeman- 'Something evil this way
He may not realize. He may have grown up playing video games, and believes he is playing them
still. He does know what the city is suffering, and he loves every moment of it.
Were I Jay Nixon, I'd try my best to have no association with him or anything he does inasmuch as
such a thing is possible. Governor Nixon has in a way put himself in this bag by declaring a state
of emergency in the city. That wasn't smart. It put him in bed with some devils. All he ever had to do was get the community to police itself, or get Captain Johnson to have community leaders lead.
All that nonsensical machinery and riot gear did nothing dissuasive on any day. Why didn't he
know it wouldn't?
I saw a man in the crowd on TV news today with a sign saying: "Go fight ISIS."
And see, he had a good point. For them, you police people would need all that defensive gear. With them you'd find people who truly hated you enough to risk their lives to kill you. On the streets
of Ferguson, MO, well, not so much. On those streets, people don't so much need you to back down.
They mainly, only need you to back off.
Even people who may support the police cannot have correct consciences if they are going to support
every act, evil or no, that any policeman might do.
People who don't care if a kid gets gunned down in the streets because it's easier not to bother
questioning it are helping it along.
President Obama could have been speaking today about people who gun down teens and/or the mentally compromised because the choice is available to them are those who: 'terrorize their neighbors, offering them nothing of any value aside from an endless slavery to their bankrupt vision
and the collapse of any definition of civilized behavior. And groups like that have no place in the
twenty-first century'. President Obama wasn't speaking about Ferguson police types, however, he
could have been , but he wasn't. He was talking about ISIS and their pride in the beheading murder
of the journalist, Jim Foley.
And by the way, how do authorities in Ferguson value journalists.True, they shine a light a dark deeds people love to do and to swear by, often citing their God. What people don't consider,though, is that the media may not be perfect, but its light shines 'on the just as well as the unjust'.
However, I digress.
If the Ferguson D.A. doesn't have sense enough to recuse himself, let him be the principle reason his
beloved police department will have to reap it.
Some people in this world will use power to destroy anything they touch.He's one of them
The question with such persons is not about whether or not they will be destructive.
The only question is one of when. When will they strike again?
Jay Nixon has no reason to throw himself on McCulloch's funeral bier.
Let the man burn alone...the way he has encouraged decent impulses in the Ferguson Police
Department to do for years and years. And after all, he has had the blessing of the county.
Mike Brown Jr. was a long time coming. So in the case of Ferguson, MO, it was a case of both this
specific 'who' and then of 'when'. The community has finally gotten sickened by 'an endless slavery
to a bankrupt vision meeting no definition of civilized behavior and having no place in the
twenty-first century'.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

What In The World?

First the police might say the protesters want to do crimes in front of the media.
Protesters want to showcase criminal talent for the world to see.
Then the police might say bad actors are using the crowd to hide, and sometimes wear masks.
Which is it?
Showcasing their crimes, or hiding their crimes?
Don't guess. Be factual, OK?

Some Of The Media Are Enemies Of The People

One reporter said today that he didn't know if locking up reporters was wrong.
Such a dufus.
A reporter last week said the police drew guns on her and her crew, but she understood.
These are the kind of reporters Ferguson citizens are not likely to want around.
By the time citizens get tired at night, they are not likely to want to know which are who.
The only good reporter by about 9 or 10 o'clock in the evening is a reporter ducking rocks.

Tell Us What Is Happening

What do the roses mean?
What is Amnesty International reporting?
Who are the elected officials delighted to see this community continue to be tortured?
I know four of them already.
Gov. Jay Nixon has to protect his job.
Claire McCaskill can't help herself.
Robert McCullugh suffers from race hatred. That has to be continuously fed, like a gut.
The Mayor James Knowles is a low information racist.
These people would love the community to protest for months.
Any others?

More White People Each Day

Every day, more white people march in solidarity with Michael Brown Jr.'s family, friends, and
immediate community than were there the day before. Kudos to a multicultural protest!

Claire McKaskill

Even though Michael Brown Jr.'s killing has presented his community with a terrible, critical,
emergency-tinged, and crisis-laden event, let's do things the way we've always done them.
The citizens of Ferguson can help us do things this same tired, old 'inapprpriate for the time' way
'we've always done them' if they will simply go home when it gets dark at night- when we can't see
them. (Could that be in the same way white criminals can only be Kaskilldiscerned at night?)
McKaskill sounds like she has the worship Peter Kinder has of old Anglo-American juris prudence,
chosen by the Anglo of the moment.
I do believe McKaskill loves tradition. And for that reason, for her immense love of tradition, women in the armed services still aren't coming forth to report being raped.

Michael Brown Jr.- The First Murder In 'Lawless' Ferguson,MO...2014

People in Ferguson are not Detroiters.
They don't kill one another.
Apparently, they hire police to kill them.

Twice In Two Weeks The Police Have Killed A Psychically Troubled Black Man

So the troubled, the somewhat compromised are easy pickings now?
Kill all black men and boys who don't like being stalked.
Kill all of them who play loud music.
Kill the ones who are victims of troubled thinking.
Kill anyone who could have some marijuana in his system.
Kill all the shoplifters. They are so dangerous.
Better be safe by killing any of them who are waving you down for help at night.
I know the last thing will be difficult, because how will you see him at night?
Don't forget to kill any of them suspected of "selling loosies". (In those cases, attack in a gang of five
of you to one man you will kill.)
Kill girls too if they knock on your door at night.
If you have a Florida jurisdiction, you can kill black robbers after they have surrendered, and kill
the person wearing a wire for you right along with them.
Soon, most black men will be dead or in jail.
At that time, what will we need with those who have a job?
Perhaps it will take a while.
However, it's doable. For every one we kill before he can have children, the more quickly we
can be successful at thinning the herd of them. 'Whole generations of them' Paul Ryan might say.
After all, we do have to protect our own numbers, and white women are not having babies.
St. Louis police know who in the neighborhood is mentally challenged. So do police in L.A.
neighborhoods. These kinds of killings are inexcusable. What? Does the government want the
SSI money back? Do they resent the psychiatric care the men can get from the ACA now?

"I Feel Threatened"

So what.
See a psychiatrist.
Don 't kill people.

Police Officials Are Going To Kill At Least One Black Man A Week?

Police have been killing one black man per week.
Are we supposed to go along with it by protesting quietly on tiptoe?
Come on, people- can we put up with this trend because it's inconvenient to protest the way we see fit?
What are the excuses going to be going forward?
Will we keep saying, "Oh, that guy was a felon."
How many black men in this country have been rendered felony records persons over nothing-
nothing at all.
Why does Alderman French of St. Louis think Ferguson is so different?
So many black leaders are getting co-opted one by one.
What definition of peace makes these leaders happy?
Is it the one we here saying- 'Quiet outrage is good outrage, no matter how many of us get treated
like road kill."
By that measure, if there are still three black families left in America in years to come, what choice
will they have but to be quiet and friendly?
And by then, what difference will it make?
And what is the nutty narrative saying, 'We can't see you at night.'
Is that the new Paula Deen reality we're supposed to accept?
I love Captain Johnson, but I know he doesn't think we can buy that bag of horse hockey.
What happens when we are told no amount of police work can discern who's a good protester, and
who's a 'bad' protester?
I can't see how this idea has flesh.
Protesters are protesters, unless you see one breaking a just law.
If you are a police officer who sees a person breaking a just law, pick him up. Don't tell me to go home because I happen to be standing somewhere near him.
'Cause ah ain' gotta.
So many Black leaders are drinking the kool aid.
Missouri officials have divided them into two  or three groups- 1) useful uncles who can help us 
keep our darkies in line, and 2) agitating uncles who are trying to help us keep our darkies in line,
and 3) agitating aunts and uncles who want to help us keep our darkies in line,but aren't having much
luck. Well, there's another group- agitator aunts and uncles.
The last group does very little, if anything, to keep anyone 'in line'. They see their roles as facilitators
for what their community wants in the short term.
The last group tries to understand which laws are just for an unjustly treated population.
The last group gets very little media exposure.
I don't believe media exposure would help them too much.

Defying Statistics- Black Men Are Suicidal?

So it's as simple as that.
Michael Brown Jr. rushed the cop, even though he'd been shot- he "just kept coming".
Apparently, that is how Michael did get shot in the head, frontally.
According to the new white lady friend of his on radio, that is this cop's story.
I guess I would hope the person in the white SUV trapped by the cop's cruiser could tell a story.
Where is that person? Maybe this person decided to leave town.
If we had a new witness, we might find out why Michael lay in the road for hours without human attention.
The 23 yr.old just killed in St. Louis apparently shouted out for the police to kill him.
So that's the new thing now. Black men are suicidal.
How odd. Statistics are saying almost no black men are suicidal. They have a lower suicide
rate than all other adult groups in America.
Did they suddenly change last week?
I wish at least one of them I know could have told me he was depressed.

Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder- Missouri

He believes now is a time to praise "Anglo-American juris prudence".
If he keeps that up he is going to condemn it to death.
Is he blind? It's dying right now in Ferguson, right there in his own state, right before his eyes.
He is upset the curfew wasn't "from dawn to dusk".
Well sir, your governor didn't enact a long curfew because one couldn't be enforced.
President Obama didn't think any curfew could be successfully enforced.
We are way beyond "Anglo" juris prudence in Ferguson, Mr. Man.
Have you had a stroke?
"Anglo American juris prudence got started when America had slaves and women weren't allowed
a vote.
"Anglo American juris prudence" has to mold itself to the reality that African American juris
prudence needs to be incorporated into it, because we don't want to live on plantations. To the
extent the black community tries to do that, the community betrays itself in ways which cannot
Why? Becasue some badge, some "enforcer" will take things way too far.
I want to be Cassandra for a moment.
No curfew will work in Ferguson.
If people like you don't wake up, the entire town is going to die.
Then what happens to the surrounding towns?
Already Target has lost millions.
Are you ready for that?
Unless you are going to keep the National Guard in place forever, and let Ferguson be a police
state, you will get no results from curfews in Ferguson.
Are you Mr.Anwar el Maliki? Isn't he a flawed ex leader who failed to be inclusive of all ethnic and
religious populations in his country?
People in Ferguson want no parts of your police unless the police are called.
Your county D.A. hasn't helped. Your idea of what his job entails has proven to be completely
Ferguson arrests the press, but not the murderous policeman.
And still you wear blinders.
Being unable to adapt to what real justice entails in this case makes Ferguson the poster child of how to let a handful of cigarillos cost millions of irreplaceable dollars.
An increase in force means a compounding of violence at this point.
Fill up your jails.
Is that the society you are crafting?
Now that does sound like your "Anglo American juris prudence".
What do you mean, "We do not do justice in the streets"?
When you do murder in the streets, by officials, you better look forward to "justice in the streets".
America was not founded in 1066.  That is Britain, with whom you fought a 'Cliven Bundy' war,
remember? America first declared a profit one year after African slaves arrived here; and
became a country only 238 years ago. Any countries in the world older than that sir?
This country is not promised to us if we let bad policy reign.
I think you'd better look lively about who you can still order around, and under what circumstances.
When you talk about hundreds of years of Anglo-American juris prudence, you talk about the
survivorship of racism.
If you like racism so much, you'd better be prepared to disguise the thing a bit better. Black men
have served in the War for Independence, the Civil War, WWI, and fought in WWII.
They've fought in Vietnam.
They've fought in the Gulf War, although General Schwarzkopf, and General Colin Powell will explain to you if you ask them, that you yourself couldn't have been be the one to lead them.
with your present state of mind.
Black men fought in the truly faulty Iraq War.
And even my dad could have explained to you why Truman felt he'd better desegregate the troops in WWII. But my dad wouldn't have told you. You don't deserve to know.
For the black men who fought on the front lines in Vietnam, do you think they didn't have sons and grandsons?
The Civil Rights era then lifted the black community off plantations in many cities.
Some of us live in what look to be suppressive conditions, but we don't have to put up with the
likes of you for more time than it takes to get to our polling places.
Curfews didn't work alone during the sixties; and they never will. In 'the struggle', even mayors and court injunctions didn't stop civil disobedience in the torturous deep south. What have you got? Better torture?
Human rights watchers know what we preach abroad has to be law here as well.
Ferguson is not going to force or srtongarm everyone who wants justice for Mike Brown Jr.
It will simply not ever work. If it could work, Gov. Nixon would have instituted it. Are you thinking
this tack you are taking can get you the governor's job?
Your rules and laws have absolutely nothing to do with how people will march, day and night,
whether you like it or not.
There is no peace in Ferguson except the peace the residents themselves are keeping.
The peace you have as a legend in your own mind is nothing more than as ailing rhetorical device.
People who think 12 of  78 protesters are a majority constituting anything in Ferguson need a new
math class in their lives. Of 78 people arrested Monday night, 12 lived outside Missouri. So about
16% may possibly live outside your state.
What you don't seem to realize, however, is that now, no place in the world is outside of Ferguson.
My niece is in the Mid East, and sees Ferguson, not only Israel, or only Palestine- but Ferguson on
the news every day.
Ferguson doesn't have justice in the streets, Mr.
Ferguson doesn't have justice at the police station.
Ferguson doesn't have justice in the prosecutor's office.
Ferguson doesn't have justice in the courts.
Ferguson, Mr. Sir, doesn't have justice.

The Mayor Of Ferguson, MO- James Knowles

'All our darkies are happy'.
He could get a job with A & E on 'Duck Dynasty'.

What If Mike's Brown's Fatal Wound Was From The Front?

Since all witnesses (even the crazy ones who think the policeman was afraid) agree Mike was facing
his assailant when he lost his life, we know Michael Brown Jr. was alive when he stopped running.
He was strong enough to turn around.
He was alive enough to put up his hands.
He was hurt enough to feel his vibrancy ebb as his friend noted the last look on Michael's face.
The Ferguson Police Department couldn't be more at fault for all Ferguson's turmoil to date.
What is their definition of an outsider?
I can't believe those creepy people live in a 67% black community.
All the present rhetoric about "peace" involves nothing but words, no realities.
'Let's be peaceful while American police forces pick us off one by one.'
While there are still enough of us to keep having children, let's understand some of us will definitely
make more bitter sacrifices. Ask Merlie Evers why that is.
The principal violent element in Ferguson wear badges. The traditional media can't say that.
If every, single non-resident of Ferguson leaves the city at this very moment, the poisonous police
force wouldn't be there at all. Nearly the whole vile law enforcement machine would be gone.
Good riddance to bad rubbish?
No. I'm only asking a question.
I know this nation has a police problem in black communities; but right now, that problem has
coalesced in Ferguson, MO.
Captain Johnson may be one of very few real people on the police detail there.

Get A New Lexicon

Define lawlessness.
We need a lot more words in our vocabularies to do so.
Police persons are committing crimes more vicious than those society has agreed to condemn.
Police violence against the flesh and blood persons of those they are sworn to protect and serve
is swelling the eyes of moms in nearly every state in the union.
What about "viopol", a noun referring to a violent police official, or "viopoli"?

Monday, August 18, 2014

Do You Mean To Tell Me?

How in the world is the analysis of the autopsy report supposed to make sense?
Two tall men are running.
One is continually firing a gun. The other is running away from the gunman.
If a bullet can go over the head of the man without a gun, then a bullet can go into the head of
the man without a gun, even while the unarmed man who's fleeing is trying desperately to get away.
Yes, a bullet can go over the head of the man without a gun.
And if a bullet went into the man's head while he was running from the gunfire, his body may have
gotten a jolt. Go figure.
If that did happen to Mike Brown Jr., he probably never did know what hit him. I doubt he knew
just where or how badly he was hit.
His friend broke down when he recalled looking into Mike's face as Mike turned to surrender.
Mike's head wasn't bent, then.
Reportedly, he involuntarily dropped to his knees as he died.
Something jolted Mike Brown Jr. as he ran.
If the doctor's don't know which bullet did that to him, they should just say they don't know.
Let it go down as the limits of science, but not common sense.
There's no way all those traumatized witnesses saw a same thing which never did happen.

How Far Have We Fallen?

The U.N. has sent the U.S. a letter on the international rules for respecting human rights.

Young Men In Ferguson

Many have said they come from all over the country to show solidarity with Michael Brown Jr.'s
One young man was from Arkansas.
One young man was from Wisconsin.
One young man was from St. Louis. He was a white person.
They all seemed well-behaved; but they emphasized, "This is not just about Mike Brown. This is about all of us. They are killing us all over this country."
They're right, you know? They're right.
At this moment the police are attempting to enforce dumb orders.
'Leave peaceful people alone' would be a good motto for police to adopt.
Stop telling people they are unlawful would be a good practice.
Find the bad actors if you want them.
Then you won't have to treat people as though they were ALL a mob.
You're protecting no one, in the main, but yourselves
And you're causing all sorts of trouble with your war machine look..
So what are you doing there, then?
First you kill people; then you occupy them. You're a destructive cluster. Sorry.
Again, try this: Come if and when you're called.
And calm down.

Ferguson- You HAVE To Have Press!

Chris Hayes is in Ferguson at this moment getting pelted by rocks. Now, I don't see how that is going to help.
He is a part of the press who will attempt to tell your story. He does not work for Fox News.

People Can't Protest Exactly As Officials Would Like

That wouldn't be civil disobedience, would it?
People aren't losing calm because they don't do what policeman tell them to do.
People are often calm when thwarting police orders in a dissent.
Probably, the police lose calm.
Police might do better if they come when called.
Make police happy.
Do you know Beatrice? Beatrice found out, and may tell you.
That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works.

Are The Police Incompetent?

Why would these police persons mace pregnant women and children and little children because you
see law breakers in a crowd?
Use your training, instead, to arrest the people you see as law breakers?
Better choice?


Ferguson, MO has lost nothing compared to the loss it suffered in the death of its citizen,
young Michael Brown, Jr.
I have only learned these past few moments about Tyrone Thompson, Antoinette Green,
and a Jack-In-The-Box incident in which black citizens of Ferguson were killed by policemen
when no just recourse in the matters were ever made available to their families.
All of these unfortunate happenings took place on District Attorney Robert McCulloch's watch.
Earlier today I learned from remarks made to a reporter by a State Senator. Nadal about
D.A. McCullochs dad, who was a policeman killed by an African American man.
I wonder if McCulloch's dad might want to come back for a bit to say, "Don't blame all this
sociopathology you exhibit in your sworn duties on me, son. I don't deserve what you are doing,
presumably in my memory, at this point in my stint with the universe. You're holding me back, son.
One of the police killings, (perhaps one of the aforementioned) described by Senator Nadal told of
two unarmed African American men shot 20 times, and killed, while sitting in their car.
As of four years ago, these killings are still termed by D.A. McCulloch, a "justified killing".



You're kidding, right?
I think I'm hearing that word as a description of...looting, throwing, aggressing, but not murdering.
Well, that's a point of view, isn't it?

People Think It Is Fair

You burn down our brother- we burn down your stores.
Feels OK?
The people may feel the way the policeman did when he arrested the reporter: 'You have about
45 seconds to get it together.' Then he arrested the reporter.
They keep arresting  and threatening reporters for making minor mistakes.
Now let me see, is there another arrest these people could make which would help to restore peace
and order?

I Hope You Didn't Say Riots

I've heard that some correspondents are using the term "riots" as regards recent events in
Ferguson, MO.
We've had riots in Detroit. My mom had a close call in the riot of '43 here.
We had big city riots in Detroit, Watts, and many other places in this country.
Ferguson citizens have not begun riots.
Ferguson citizens wonder if anyone else in our country realizes while compiling crime statistics; killing trumps looting.
When some people loot stores during a protest, they are not 'rioting'.
Even if some fires are set; when a preponderance of the people have something else on their
minds and in their behaviors, there is not 'riot'.

Darren Wilson Is Not Well-Served

The Ferguson police and its cohorts are ruining the remainder of Mr. Wilson's life.
If Wilson has a story, the police should have told it long ago.
Maybe it wouldn't have had a good sound.
However, people the world over now think he's a pariah, whether they like the idea of it or not.
With friends like the Ferguson police, Wilson doesn't need enemies.
He has enough enemies among people he was to have served, does he not?

On The March In The Sixties

In the 60s, each group of us on a march had a specific leader. If we were a group of teens, we were
led by a specific adult.
If we were a group of families, we had a specific named leader
Our leader, sometimes flanked by his or her recognized and recognizable helpers, lead the march,
and we kept to following.
Ferguson may need several protests, each having its own leader in sections of the city they have
designated beforehand.

The Law Can Put Black People In Jail

So, we don't need to be lawyers to know someone can go to jail even if not black.
Say a guy hides behind a badge to gun down a teenager in an execution-style killing? Yeah, book him. Let due process reign if you have to do that; but book him on something, something that led to a loss of life in an unarmed teenager trying to run.

No Curfew Tonight!

The curfew, though almost nothing can slow the momentum of the city's anger now, was nothing but
trouble.The wicked witch curfew is dead. Ding dong...the wicked witch curfew is dead!
An already affronted adult group of Americans who haven't seen justice done for them cannot be told
to "go home". They will attempt to go home when good and ready.
A show of great threat won't encourage trust in citizens asking for answers they legally deserve.
No one will be able to successfully get them to "get five hours of sleep".
When Gov. Nixon made that comment about sleep in his talk "at" the community, he was showing a lot of nerve to try a paternalistic attitude. Way too late governor. Way, way too late.
Someone from the audience shouted at him, "Sleep is not an option."
The citizens of Ferguson practically told the governor at that meeting- "Ain goh be no curfew!"


Dr. Baden gave very little information about where the entry and exit wounds were located. I have to assume the family's lawyers asked the doctor to leave something out of the wound information.Most forensic examiners see entry/exit examination as key to a report on gun violence.
Also odd- no one in Dr. Baden's audience asked my question.
The bullet calibers weren't mentioned either. They must have been of a particular type since they
seemed to have ricocheted within Mr. Brown's body.
To say the head shot couldn't have been fired from behind Michael Brown Jr. is nonsense.
A person can be shot in the top of his head, even by a short person. Bullets fly. Otherwise, they wouldn't be bullets.
Since these bullets were ricocheting, scientists can definitely say how fast they were moving at
different entry points.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

A Shot To The Top Of The Head

Some news analysts sound a bit weird. A person could very easily be shot in the top of his head while
running away.
President Kennedy wasn't shot from someone facing him.
If Michael Brown's body jerked as he was running, he got hit while he was running.
Three witnesses who hadn't spoken with each other before they spoke to the news and the FBI
didn't all make the same mistake.
A person could be shooting from anywhere and hit the top of someones skull, especially if the
shooter has been trained, and perhaps had aimed.
Shots fly wildly when both persons are on the move.
Police got at least one bullet from a house on the street.

Have It Back

What I see on camera is citizens picking up those tear gas canisters throwing them back. I don't
believe anyone threw a rock or bottle in the first place, except these police persons.
For one thing, they may be angry the killing officer's name was leaked in the first place.
After a reporter shouted the name the police chief denied it, but he seemed to know the jig was up.
Do they think they are the Russian Secret Police?
Maybe they could all move to Russia. Edward Snowden works for Russia now. He could find them

Being White

Being white doesn't automatically make someone crazy. These officials in Ferguson are stone,
murderously, and sadistically nutty.
They believe themselves to be overseers on a plantation.

Darren Wilson Is A Totem For What?

Isn't he a murderous cretin?
Visually, he looks inbred.
What does his continued freedom mean to the Ferguson authorities?
What must this mindless, conscienceless creature represent to these violence-courting elected persons?
Why would the authorities think it's so important to let Michael Brown Jr.'s death cost so very much
money, and so much time?
How much blood do we have to shed this time?
I think what we need to remember is that before Malcolm X  Milton Henry, and Huey Newton, nothing actually began to change for us; and that the change then was cemented in D.C.
But in the 60s, all the fires were set in all the cities on the same days.
The guys seemed to recruit all spring, then when colleges let students out, the guys let it rip.
Maybe we should have known when Trayvon died all hell was going to have to break loose.
I want us to face it down. We can't live in the garden of the Finzi-Continis.
Maybe we could make a life for ourselves in Burkina Faso.

Captain Ron Johnson At Greater Grace

Captain Johnson is telling us he has to go into that Ferguson Police Station at night to listen
to a bunch of oakie doaks using the "N" word.
Captain Johnson wants to let us know what he cannot tell us.
Captain Johnson wants us to know he was appointed to do the work the ineffective can no longer do.
Captain Johnson wants us to know he may be the one man in that blue uniform who is sorry for what
happened to Michael Brown and his family.
Captain Johnson apologized to Michael Brown's family.
Captain Johnson said nothing about a phony "emergency".
Captain Johnson made no mention of some manufactured "curfew".
Captain Johnson had to let us know he is one of us.
Captain Johnson let us know who put a blood stain on his uniform; and that it wasn't Michael Brown.
Captain Johnson wanted us to know he has a black son.
Captain Johnson wanted us to know his son lives black culture.
Captain Johnson let us know his boy wears sagging jeans.
Those who don't like it- black or white, mind your own business.
Captain Johnson let us know his boy wears his cap to the side.
Those of you who don't like it- black, white, or Geraldo Rivera- mind your own business.
Michael Brown Jr. wasn't wearing a hoody.
Don't support murder. Just mind your own business.
Captain Johnson let us know his boy has tattoos.
No plantation-minded NFL owner gets to ask Captain Johnson's son about his body art.
Captain Johnson hasn't said one word about his son's discipline.
Captain Johnson hasn't offered a word to the atheists Paul Ryan loves about his son's work ethic.
Still, he wants us to know his son has a right not to be gunned down in city streets.
Captain Johnson is not only a man of the blue uniform a man of the African American community.
I, for one, thank him for his apology to Michael Brown Jr.s parents, and family.
Mike Brown Jr. brings to mind the reported last words of Lonnie Bryd Jr. who was killed over fifty years ago in the wake of the assassination of Medgar Evers: "What in the world did I do to deserve

A State Of Emergency

The governor of Missouri may not understand.
A state of emergency existed the moment Michael Brown Jr. was shot the first time.
Apparently, the next shot was a shot in the back.
See what I mean?

Who Is Ignoring 'The Law" In Ferguson, MO?

The police and prosecutors are ignoring the laws the citizens of Ferguson want enforced.
At this point, don't we have to believe the police are both terrorist and subversive?
Can we believe a word coming from most of their mouths?
Are they the ones throwing rocks and bottles?
How do we know a police car was fired on if it wasn't hit?
Did someone come into the open to point and shoot?
Sounds so silly...

The Curfew Causes Problems

For police to shouting what time it is causes people to say to themselves- "So what".
Midnight can easily come and go without the police making announcements.
If midnight isn't hyped by police, the damage it does will be less severe.
When the police start bull horning- the trouble starts then.

Trayvon's Revenge For Murder and Cowardice

No one wanted to prosecute Trayvon's killer.
The jury refused to honor the no stalking, no killing portion of the law which should have
protected Trayvon.
So now his legacy is that it's still not fine to kill unarmed youngsters
And that can be demonstrated.

Another Autopsy For Our Fallen Son

Attorney General Eric Holder just announced the Justice Department will authorize yet another
autopsy for Mr. Michael Brown Jr.
So this very vibrant, very alive teenager had to be gunned down, stolen from his parents and family,
and now days later, be violated, albeit necessarily, for a third time.
Michael is doing this now for us. This is now our history. Michael is now our history. We must never
ever stop honoring Michael's sacrifice, no matter whom else might do so.

If Michael Brown Jr. Were My Son

I cannot even begin to imagine the pain I'd be suffering.
I seriously can barely stand to think of Mr. Brown lying bleeding in the streets with no human touch.
My heart breaks when I think of how Michael Brown Jr. died- even though I didn't know him.
Did Darren Wilson know Mr. Brown?
I can't begin to understand how Michael Brown Jr.'s parents will ever even start climbing out of
the pit of grief into which they've been plunged.
I can't even imagine it.

Not A Mumblin' Word

What has Darren Wilson said to Ferguson, MO citizens about his murdering Michael Brown?
You guessed it. My grandmom used to describe it this way:
Not a mumblin' word.
What have the Ferguson, MO police said to reach out to Michael Brown Jr.s parents?
You guessed it.
Not a mumblin' word.
What has the Mayor of Ferguson, MO said to reach the African America community in Ferguson, MO?
Yip. You're right.
Not a mumblin' word.
What has the Ferguson, MO City Council said to the American Public about Michael Brown Jr.'s death?
What has the Governor of Missouri said about the execution slaughter of Michael Brown Jr.?
Well- not much of a mumblin' word.
The Governor believes the issue is how he can force the people of Ferguson, MO to show their
He's joking, right?
I Darren Wilson, a cowardly murderer means this much to him, surely he can see why an
eighteen-year-old means so much to his community.  

Michael Brown's Nurse

My heart breaks for the nurse who begged to check Michael Brown Jr.s vital signs and attempt to
minister to him as he lay dying in the daylight streets of his hometown.
The news hasn't released her name as I know of yet.
But to me she will always be Michael Brown's nurse.

Ron Johnson Has Been Appointed To Keep A Nonexistent Peace

There is no peace in Ferguson, MO.
Captain Johnson has been asked to care for a unicorn. Even in that, Jay Nixon undercut him.
The "peace" narrative can have only Michael Brown and Darren Wilson as subjects of sentences
predicated by the action words "arrest" and "prosecution".
Jay Nixon employs a narrative of his own, one entirely divorced from any reality Ferguson citizens
see or hear.
Today, Melissa Harris Perry asked on her show whether "night" is a proper measure of Nixon's
stated inability to tell 'those who want to help from those who want to hurt', when "day" was the
measure Michael Brown and his community had to use to make the same determination about the
Ferguson police. The reporter she spoke to skirted her question because it wasn't framed in the cloth
of how 'things really do change at night'. Well, no they don't. Things really do show their change
at night, or show their truth. During the day, the force of a police state to achieve submission and
obedience in a terrorized population works in mysterious ways. No, these forces aren't God. But in
Ferguson, they would like to be.
Sorry Jay Nixon... 'no justice no "peace" means exactly what it says.
Well no, I'm not sorry. Don't attempt to blame Captain Ron Johnson for the folly of your dumb curfew.
When you announced that dumb idea to Ferguson citizens they as much as said to you right to your
twisted, duly elected face, "Bring it."
You took no heed.
Your leadership is so flawed that you could cost the entire Democratic Party a lot of power in this
Do you like that as a political legacy Mr. Sir.
You know how to bring "peace" to Ferguson, MO, but you have decided not to do it.
Looting is not the problem. When will officials learn that 'response' is not the problem, even when
it doesn't represent an inappropriate peace.

Sexism On Steroids

What is the Republican Party in Texas saying?
Aren't there about '1000' officials in Texas who have been drunk driving and bullying with police?
When a woman gets arrested, suddenly she gets pushed around herself. So who is the bully?
Rosemary Lehmberg doesn't have to resign to serve at the pleasure of the governor.
She seemed to walk the police straight white line steadily the night they stopped her for drunk driving.
At this point, we don't know if Attorney Ferguson was unfairly targeted for a police stop.
We don't know how it was determined that Attorney Ferguson was drunk, or what methods may have been used to determine how much she drank.
Why in the world does Gov. Perry think he can effectively squash the entire Public Integrity Unit of
his state  because it doesn't encompass the leadership he chooses. The law says this leadership is not
subject to his choice, even if he uses a line item veto to pervert that law.
I hope the indictment stands, because in the battle of laws, the health of The Public Integrity Unit
law should trump any law improperly used to get around it.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Why Are The Koch Brothers Bragging?

Do these people think only anti-social types can hire workers and run companies?
They are so wrong.
People like the Kochs don't care about decent alternatives for respecting employment in the general
Are they trying to impress the Wal Mart families with their goofy new ad campaign?
Maybe they are attempting to get the attention of the destructive BP execs.
I so hope 'we the people' (the flesh and blood people) aren't buying it.

Governor Nixon Of Missouri

Stop suborning murder. Peace and security and sleep are not the topic, dude. It has been a week!
We have got to get the warrant issued whether we have protests or not. Michael is dead. Don't you
get it? Black policemen get subsumed by phony police departments in this country. But security is
not the issue. Black and white have got to get that point.
All the peace and calm and protection of property you seek is inappropriate unless you let us
know you understand the slaughter in the streets of an 18 year old man, and how that- not looting
and peaceful protests are the topic of conversation.
You have ceded as much of your moral authority as you could by waiting so long to show up in
So what do we have now?
The Nation of Islam and the New Black Panthers are keeping order in Ferguson.
How do you think that happened Governor Nixon?
You and your dirty police hoardes made that happen Mr.
Do you think there will be business as usual while you and your gangs drag your feet?
At the end of today's afternoon meeting with the people of Ferguson, Nixon's face was as red as as
beet. He tried to talk about "normal".
In fairness, when people allow themselves to be cowered the way Ferguson citizens have, without
even noticing it in day to day transaction,  they expect the least they can have, as a way to keep their
babies on the plantation alive.

The Black Middle Class Should Do This Math

The American black middle class should think twice about striving for a kind of equality which
signals them equal to any individual who has financial security without the character to treat
other people with respect.
How can black citizens afford a luxury of that sort much longer?
If America has 40,000,000 black citizens, are 20,000,000 of them grown men of reproductive age?
We know a number of that sort is an exaggeration.
Of the black men in our community, how many are incarcerated? ( Thereby no longer embracing the possibility of being fully functioning members of our communities.)
Of those who aren't incarcerated, will people with guns and badges pick them off one by one as they
come of age?
Once a great number of men who aren't in prison or dead will see their numbers shrink and shrink.
When and how will the remainder of us notice this?
Will we be the ones who suddenly notice there are no more men in church?
Will we note there are suddenly no men at the perfume counters?
Will someone realize the movie theaters are all absent black men?
Will the liquor stores in the neighborhoods have to close?
Once the men are effectively reduced to a few pockets here and there- what is supposed to happen
to the rest of us?
What plan will be enacted for women and children?
Are any of us dumb enough to think it won't be easy to mark us and strip us of any real
property we have?
Why, that will be as easy as it was for the Ferguson police to beat someone, then charge him for the cost of the uniform which wound up with the victim's blood on it.
We'd better begin to think about exacting ways we are going to be able to protect our children.
We may think we have to many of them now.
How many generations is it going to take before we realize we don't have an infinite number of
One of the problems may hang on the more positive news that even as we have many more men in
jail than we should, we also have hundreds of times more black male M.D.s, D.D.M.s, and Ph.D.s
and J.D.s etc. than we did when the civil rights law was passed. We have many more black men who
have Master's degrees, Bachelor's degrees, or even one or two years of college.
I know we love it, such as it is.
In order to keep it up, we'd better look lively.
America itself had better look lively, because in this century, the United States could possibly use
100,000,000 very creative professionals in order to compete with China.

A Handful Of Little Cigarillos

The store owners Michael allegedly shop-lifted have said they didn't call 911. Can that be true?
I can't blame the owners for saying that now, though. The Ferguson police seem to be paralyzed
without military armor, tanks, and long guns.
Did they used to arrest shoplifters without killing?
How were the cigarillos priced?
Some on the news were saying 50+ dollars, but that seems extreme. They are normally sold
individually for about a dollar, and not many at a time are able to be reached by the public.
One of the principal problems in Ferguson linger from generations past when it comes to neighborhood stores in cities.
Once black people left southern plantations it became more and more impossible for them to implement much of anything regarding opening businesses in their own communities.
Yet, people from abroad who can barely speak English get all sorts of breaks, tax and otherwise,
to set down right in the heart of black neighborhoods as owners of all types of stores.
Black neighborhoods tolerate these stores with a good measure of resentment on a day to day basis.
In Detroit, black men had a hard time showing Mid East store owners they couldn't operate here with
any sort of safety if they could show no respect for black women.
These store owners learned eventually, the hard way, that they couldn't call every pretty girl
"sweetie" or "honey" five or six times during a transaction.
In Detroit, banks ignored black commercial ambition. We had two choices- teach store owners how
to survive here, or do without stores.
But black communities are not happy in the first place about these two stark choices.
We had Mayor Young, though, for so many years, though, that the culture of the police is humanized here.
If a young black man is killed here, it is likely by someone with whom he has developed a bad
Police arrest people who jay-walk, or steal.
When arrest isn't feasible, a warrant is issued.
Even suburbs here tend to police by citation and warrant.
I wouldn't say it's pleasant, because a person can get stopped for a tail light,on his way to the first day of a new job- then find out from that that he has a live child support warrant in his police files.
Normally, if a person isn't committing a violent crime, policemen will say, "You'd better get that taken care of soon." A policeman who notices an armed robbery on you will call for back-up and try
to affect an arrest.
Detroit doesn't have a wonderful crime reputation. However, if a suspected crime is a non-violent offense, our system is set up so that it would be nearly impossible for a person to get killed over it.
What Ferguson has to worry about now, though, is that if the insurance companies abandon businesses in their city, business owners will pick up and leave. Who could blame them?
If that happens, that town, and its police department will die.
A city of 20,000 residents can't generate enough earnings revenues to stay viable if those residents
have no places of businesses to keep people employed, unless all the residents are professionals.
We aren't looking at a town full of minority professionals in Ferguson.
What can the city do now?
I can't say. But they have no police department. If they can get accustomed to that fact, maybe they
will be OK.
If all else fails, move here to the city of Detroit.
We are not allowed our own officials here any longer. Still, we have a legacy of black men staying
alive. And we are fighting.

Melissa Harris Perry's Question To Young Black Men

Ms. Perry asked several young black men on her August 16th show what they felt being young
black men in America.
Most of them said they felt threatened.
They are not just threatened.
They are actively stalked.Do they know people feel it's fine to stalk them?
They are hunted. Do they feel hunted? They'd better learn when to feel that.
They are prey. Can they sense the many hunters afoot?
I think the KKK types and militias have done all they can do now, and are planning to do more
to infiltrate every police department in this country.
They were sick enough in Ferguson to leave Michael lying in the streets uncovered. He obviously
didn't die instantly because blood streamed from his body as he did lay dying.

Friday, August 15, 2014

I Can't Hear You Rand Paul

Rand Paul has been speaking truthfully; but I can't listen to him talking.
He wants to split the minority vote.
Actually, many democrats deserve to be ignored. However, Rand Paul is no reasonable substitute for
anyone I can think of now.
Not by a long shot.

Thank You So Much Palestine

I was heartened to see Palestinians tweet Ferguson citizens. They told us they are in solidarity with
America's city of Ferguson, MO because they know what it is when unarmed teenagers are shot.
They know what it is to be tear-gassed.
They told Ferguson to avoid using waters for gas on the skin, but to use milk or coke instead.
I feel how good it is that people with the restrictions and recent great numbers of dead the Palestinians have had would care enough about a town of only 20,000 people in the U.S. to
stop to tweet good wishes and good advice.
The world can be kind.

*This post space was reserved on the 15th of August, but written on August 18th, 3:56 EST

The New Genocide

Black men are not more than 5% of the American population.
Is the plan that those who aren't in jail get picked off one by one?
So what's the plan for women and children they will leave behind?

The Cost Of Cigarillos Stolen By A Black Person

-the pay for a great many police departments
-a great deal of overtime
-a lot of tank gasoline
-a great many tear gas canisters
-a plethora of rubber bullets
-more insurance costs for the community in perpetuity
-a burned down business
-several professional reputations and careers
-extensive medical examiner costs
-hundreds of unpaid days of work
-thousands in lost business revenue
-thousands in E.R. visits for stress related illnesses
 and for breathing problems form gases dispensed

-a burial
-a lifetime of unabated grief for many friends, family, and citizenry
-a possible 50 years of Michael Brown's earned income

-The Human Life Sharing and Productivity of Michael Brown Jr. of Ferguson, MO

This Is NOT POTUS'S Fault

Ferguson has to exam how to get out from under all those poisonous white officials. The white
population of residents there don't seem to be half as twisted as the elected officials.
The shame of having reasonable white residents comes with the burden of having racist groups
who target live and let live white citizens even more vigilantly than they do minority individuals.
Somehow, minorities have got to pay a lot more attention to voting, manically voting the right people
into office.
President Obama tells us to vote almost every time he speaks. But Ferguson is sitting in the
Missouri with all white officials in their local faces day and night.
Instead of trying to be suburban, get those white officials off your backs. Recall them. Dump them.
Do what you have to do.
Do you want POTUS to cost Claire McCaskill her senate seat? She is one of the few elected officials
speaking up for you in this crisis.
POTUS has already said Trayvon could have been him.
He works for us every day, but we give him no one with which to work.
State houses vote against us.
The Washington House in Congress votes against us.
And all POTUS asks is that we help him staff the Congress with officials who will help him advance your preferred agenda.
You haven't the time.
You haven't the inclination.
But you want POTUS to immolate, even though he is one of the officials who does want to honor
your struggles.

You do need some help. You need help getting those KKK police officials off your backs.
Where is your city council representation? Where is your elected mayor? Your police chief is an
instigator trying for a race riot.
Your local prosecutor sounds rabid. You need to get those creeps off your backs, and that is one way
you can protect your babies.
Perhaps you don't realize how faithfully the racist right wing votes for exactly the thing that happened
to your neighbor and loved one, Michael Brown.
You may see now you have animals running your shows right in your midst.
These barely sapiens are standing strong for a man who gunned down a kid in broad daylight, right in
the middle of the street.
This man shot so wildly that bullets were dug out of the walls of nearby homes.
He shot to kill.
He never checked the kid's body for a pulse.
This police department doesn't recognize the surrender sign.
What do the know? They know looting. They know arson. Those are the more loathsome offenses
to them.
POTUS has said only one questionable thing thus far. He is wrong to think this is a time for peace. We have no peace.If we have to keep peaceful, it's because we are human, and we have to act to protect our children henceforth. But we cannot acknowledge this peace we have to force upon
ourselves as one governed by appropriate times. These are violent, violent times.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Captain Ron Johnson Of Missouri

An officer and a gentleman

Feel Sorry For Some White Policemen

I can imagine some white police officers must become tremendously frustrated. They have to think most days in places like Ferguson-
'So many black people, and not one from me to kill.'


Tiffany Mitchell's testimony tells us that the Ferguson. MO officer, whose first name may be Darren,
shot Michael Brown to death by firing at him so constantly that one of the bullets he shot had to be dug out of a neighbor's house. That creature had a slobbering rage in him which could have killed
anyone. It could have killed many people.
Where is the witness in the white SUV trapped by the offending police car?
Ms. Mitchell said no one checked Michael once he was down. Some ambulance came 30 to 45 minutes after Michael had been shot and ignored by any officer who came to the scene.
Someone on the ambulance then checked for a pulse.
This story gets worse and worse. What kind of people are police departments hiring and supporting?

Medecine Offers A Lot Of Help For Parkinsons' Now

I wonder that Robin Williams felt such despair. Perhaps he thought he was too old to enjoy many of
the new Parkinson's treatments and meds. I have to admit, Parkinson's is cruel.
Medicine offers a brain surgery which can relieve symptoms at some point in this disease. However,
I was amazed when I heard Michael J. Fox tell Charlie Rose he wouldn't op to do it because he'd read
the book, When The Air Hits Your Brain.
I couldn't believe I wasn't one of only one or two people who'd read that book, but according to
Mr. Fox, this book is the bible for Parkinsons' victims.
I do know this: I will never look at medical education or medical residents the same ever again.
Additionally, I do have to say that book could scare any 'taking the hill bravery' out of anyone.

MSNBC's Chris Hayes Is Obviously The Man

Chris Hayes is in Ferguson, MO today. At his show's opening, the white protesters crowded around him, seeming to trust the crowd more than they trusted what Mr. Hayes might say.
After a few moments Mr. Hayes talked to black citizens. He also spoke with some of the minority
elected officials.
Apparently, he can get any group to want to speak with him, and he somehow finds the most eloquent
persons to describe myriad points of view on any event.
I believe that though Mr. Hayes looks like an ordinary white Ivy League youngster, he is way more
worldly than that, and way older than a college freshman.
He always has said he has street creds, but one day this week I began to believe him.
He was speaking to an African-American man, and spoke the phrase, 'from jump' without missing a breath.
White guys just can't ordinarily do that unless they are attempting to do it. Mr. Hayes is a natural.
I suspected as much when he took his show to Georgia.
There were two crowds in that venue.
The white fans stood to his right. the black fans, very enthusiastic, stood on his left.
I wondered how he had so many southern black fans in the first place.
I also noted that in the south, segregation must come naturally- even to liberals.
In Ferguson, it seems the white people who don't want to see kids shot down in the streets are very
protective of their minority neighbors, and the rhetoric they might be subjected to regarding
protest behaviors.

To Ferguson: MO...MURDERERS Generally Enrage Ordinary People

I know Ferguson may strive to become Sanford, Florida. But maybe it's too late for that now.
We understand now killing a kid before dark and leaving his body to lay somewhere.
In this case, the young man's body wasn't even picked up by authorities in the first place for four
People are supposed to be angry when cops use deadly force against unarmed teenagers.
We in the black community have no indication this unwarranted violence is about to ebb.
And some of these officers ought to remember- anybody can dress in camouflage. You may have
been told you are operating in a war zone. Well, you aren't. But you deserve to be.

Robin Williams' Upbringing

I found out in the news from these past few days that Mr. Williams grew up with parents who were
financially very solid. I found out too that he was an only child, if I heard that right. For some reason
my mind skipped back to E.L. Doctorow's book of some years back- Loon Lake.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The City Is Already A Mess In Ferguson, MO

No black community in this particular country needs to be policed by a force which greatly outnumbers its ethnic representation.
What black citizen could respect a mess like that?
If there is no respect, how can there be a relationship?
And what are all those white guys going to think when you indicate to them that the black community
it works for is not able or willing to put forth candidates to police itself?
I do admit, however, most black people have a jaundiced view of law enforcement. They are no longer inclined to have an overwhelming desire to want to be a part of it.
One interview of a black reporter yesterday told us that the woman was a lawyer, but had declined
an offer of employment from the Ferguson district attorney because he told her 'you're going to
hear the 'N' word around here,'
To get black people on any force, the departments would have to recruit them. People aren't going
to assume they aren't wasting time in that very long application and training process.
The average black person will assume an all white police force is a bit like IBM etc.- not generally hiring or recruiting black citizens.
Besides, men and women in their own communities are not too anxious to 'stop and frisk' each other for frivolous or invented nonsense.
 Departments couldn't have the same destructive cultures they have if they'd hope to have more black officers.
'Broken Windows' could work in some cases.
However, victims of violent crime are plentiful enough to have departments focus on leaving
the broken window on the bottom of the crime pile, and for a specific group of officers.

A Black Childhood

Middle Classed people in America love their ideas of education as separate from the inner city idea
of an education.
People don't understand how resourceful inner city residents are about teaching their children to
They should probably be more intent on having their children read the drivel in the Texas textbooks
America loves to peddle.
But once parents see the junk, it brings back the bad memories they had in grammar school.
So black children are often left to come up with their new industries.
So many are traditionally gifted; yet traditional companies aren't anxious to hire them.
Even when these companies  do hire black scientists and engineers, they don't tend to pay or promote
them. So black citizens have to struggle through mazes of product placements on their own until
their own community can propel ideas toward success. How did Dr. Dre get his beats to market?
As a result of how black parents think of their children, despite what statistics say about black dads,
minority children are the majority of children left in America who still have a childhood.
Most other children are loaded up with tons of expectations almost from birth.
I shuddered coming to this conclusion years ago when reading material and going to talk by
Dr. Greer Litton Fox and some of her peers.
Black parents of boys are already tremendously worried society won't embrace them as men no matter what the child might achieve. So they tend to encourage his childhood. Maybe the boys are coddled too much in some instances.
But I wonder if  'childhood envy' is a term Americans should begin to consider.
Half the time our youngsters couldn't care less about what white men think of them, as long as these
same men buy their music as youngsters. Maybe law and order types hate that.
Black youth are so carefree before becoming teens, that they may be angering those who feel this relaxed attitude isn't in itself  showing enough envy or lifestyle resentment.
Black families tend to allow themselves to rely much more on bloodline kinship ties than marriage
ties. Insisting black fathers marry is often a generally accepted non-starter in black communities.
This in no way means every one's dad is an unknown factor in children's lives. Nearly every man is a
definite factor in the lives of someone's children, if not their own.
By the time these children become teens, perhaps it is thought they must begin to pay...with their lives. Perhaps carefree has begun to translate to mean 'trifling' in persons too anal to want to live in
big cities. I can see how that could  happens. I can't excuse it though. I can't abide it in any way.
We fought tooth and nail to keep our youngster in public city schools. She was so upset to have very
few black teachers in grammar school. And she was often intimidated by how compromised some of
the children were.
But the black teachers she encountered in Middle School treated all the children as though they were
made of gold, as though they might never have a chance to graduate anywhere ever again.
Two of those teachers were men, And all the teachers who loved these children deserve a
Medal of Honor.

Mr. Eric Garner

I wish everyone would take time to say his name correctly. His name is not Eric Gardner.

It Took Us Over One Hundred Years

We were lynched daily in this country practically from the day slavery, ended until
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. got President Kennedy and his Attorney General Robert Kennedy to
begin slowing it down.
In those days, people didn't attempt pretend those killings were lawful.They tried to stay out of court.
These days, people who thirst for the blood of the young black male fail even to evade trials. Are they
earning new kinds of badges.
Will it take us another one hundred years to get street killers who are justifying their murderous crimes off our backs?
Meanwhile, do we consent to quietly get picked off one by one?
And how many can we lose who aren't already compromised by drugs, alcohol, and prison before the
numbers of the remainder of us become absolutely insignificant.

Golestani's Filing For August 13

America is continuing to bomb the powerful weapons and tanks ISIS got from us via the Iraq army's abandoning of said war product.
If Iraqi soldiers had to quit the fight, why did they also have to turn over all that top of the line
expensive weaponry?
That war we got from the Republicans continues to be the gift that keeps on giving.
At least it has caused the Kurdish pesh merga to begin to fight along what's left of the Iraqi army.
Stranger bedfellows would be hard to find indeed.
Could the Kurds ever embrace the Baathe Party?
Perhaps that could happen if it were called The New Baathe Party.
Golestani tells us there are still at least tens of thousands of Yezidi on Mt. Sinjar, and though we are
keeping them from starving, and frying, in the main, the administration is having a tough time
getting them all down, and finding where to take them.

The Parents Are Angry About One Thing/ The Community- Another

Michael Brown's parents want honor and justice for their lost son.
Michael Brown's larger community demands reassurance for the still living.

You Say Riot- I Say Response

I don't see that coming together to protest the shielding of a vicious criminal is a riot. We are getting
killed anyway aren't we? What does one of my heroes say? "Don't go quietly ..."
Thank you Dillon. 'That good night' isn't something to be forced into by some gun-toting cretin who
prefers to unleash on kids. America has a lot of those too. That is part of a societal problem here.
We have so many of those blood-thirsty slobs who are cushioned by badges and 'stand your ground'
legislation. Police don't want the rep of having less ground to stand on than these other freaks, so
how better to show their killer glee than to unleash it on unarmed black teens and other young black
men? Why would they draw down on a home boy who is waiting for them? That's risky. The new
lynchings are a lot safer for a murder-excited coward.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Majority White Police Force

When my friend Alonzo got a 'B' average for his graduation G.P.A. from high school, he decided,
in 1964, to apply for the Detroit Police Force.
We were so amazed he wasn't applying for college. He said 'No, I really need to go to work if I can
earn some money.'
But he continued to look for a good job for about a year or so.
We were heartbroken for him. He had taken college prep coursework, and we were attending a private (Catholic) school, but the police department told him he flunked the written exam.
We didn't believe that; but what could we do? He wouldn't admit to us he didn't believe it either.
He had gotten the word in the spring of 1965.
My class graduated a few weeks after we got Alonzo's news. But at that time one of the Lebanese kids in our class had already been accepted by the Detroit force.
He was one of those we were counseled periodically in grade school not to ridicule because he couldn't read.
We were also forbidden to mention we had been so counseled.
We were told he was doing his best, but would likely never be able to read because he didn't have
the ability to do it.
Twenty years later he was still on that force, and he was being given commendations.
I lost track of what happened to Alonzo after I married.
His story, though, made all of us somewhat bitter. He was a good guy, and we know he had
not flunked the written exam.
Two years later, and then three years later, we heard the talking points of 'burning your own neighborhood.'
Of course, it was too late for that to make any sense. We were millions of black citizens. In my case,
both my granddad and my dad had fought in the world wars. And Martin Luther King was getting little from this country aside from attacks by police dogs, fire hosings, and repeated jailings.
In my neighborhood, anything actually owned by black people stood. But we didn't own much.
Jerry Berry's Party Store wasn't touched. All the structures around it, raking in inner city monies but
having suburban ownership, were leveled. Both the VA and the FHA had done an excellent job
of keeping us from having any property in the suburbs.
We had put up with a lot- and much of it from people whose ancestors were nowhere around while
ours worked hard in this country for centuries. This country was stepping on us in every way it could; and constantly bringing in people to cut the lines in which we were always waiting.
Somebody in this country besides young black men need to start getting peaceful.
A lot of murderous somebodies need to start getting peaceful.
These phony white cops are not getting their brains blown out by armed black criminals.
They obviously do know the difference between a hardened home boy with an AK-47, and an unarmed teenager, because they are not targeting the former with same increasing frequencies they
are using to target our youngsters.
Do they believe since 'stop and frisk' is falling out of favor they can institute 'stop and kill'?
Had Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. achieved more of his deserved objectives by 1963, Malcolm X would
most likely not have achieved such lightning prominence, though I am surely glad he did.
If Dr.King had gotten his much deserved demands met earlier on, Huey Newton and The Black Panthers wouldn't have had to martyr themselves so cruelly so some of us could get jobs as simple as part-time tellers, for instance. Those jobs became real for more of us in our own neighborhoods after '67 and '68 of course.
So many Black Panthers went to jail for no violence whatsoever.
One of them from here in Detroit so loved his family that he sent as much money as he possibly could to his wife and children the entire time he was jailed.
One of his children became a physician while she was still young. She remarked that her mom was so
moved by the difficult commitment her husband was making that she never got discouraged when
times got hard. This young woman's dad was in the Panther house when the Detroit Police raided it.
But she shared how very proud he was of her.
People don't mention Milton Henry any longer. However, word on the streets here gave us many
more very detailed plans than any we ever heard on the news. That's one reason I often say...
I hear Burkina Faso is nice this time of year. Mr. Henry originally asked for five U.S. states.
However, other countries asked to help get us out of here. Many of us resisted because we were so
invested here, especially after what we lost being pushed to the front lines in the jungles of Vietnam.
I wonder where the Paul Ryan types would import people from this time if we could get our kids out of here.
Europe has no people now. Japan has no people.
We need more from justice than for Amadou, Sean, Trayvon, Jordan, Eric,Oscar, and so very very many more than we are able to keep track of now- to be slaughtered in the streets simply because we can seek justice for them in courts, once they are dead.
People may not recall 'Winnie's Boys' and how her refusal to disarm them ultimately led to the dissolution of the Mandela marriage.
Our boys are human too, and they can speak for themselves if they are alive to do it.
If we can't get enough justice for them to keep them alive, then we have let them down.
We can't tell our kids, "Police officials are going to cut you down. Go to the police for help.
If that doesn't work, we'll be nice and quiet when we go to them after you're dead."
We are going to have to grow up enough to realize we can't be sweet and nice and continue to talk
about legacies for people too young even to have a legacy as the only possible future left to them.

Duncan Golestani

Mr. Golestani files the most thoughtful and insightful pieces on ISIL in Iraq for MSNBC.
He talks informatively and so sensibly about how U.S. air strikes are helping the Yezidi Kurds
get down from Mt.Sinjar. He doesn't conflate all the other things the air strikes 'should be' doing unless the added facts and figures help explain the President's publicly stated goals for the srtikes.
Who is this masked man?!

Who Agrees On A Definition For Amercan Justice?

At some point, young black men are going to disagree that justice is lying dead in the street while
one's parents, still alive, plead for court proceedings.
Remember Winnie's Boys and the dissolution of the Mandela marriage when Winnie refused to ask
her followers to disarm?
Our boys don't have Winnie Mandela; and the rule of law which says don't kill young men just because you can is not protecting them.
At some point, now or in the future, the law has to work for young black men.
As it is now- it works against them, unless they are killed, unarmed.
How long will they be willing to 'go out like that'?
Those of us left alive after Amadou, Jordan,Trayvon, Michael, Sean, and so very many more, have got to get it together to demand law enforcement and phony liars can't keep executing young black men.
If we don't get it done, who will?
Is anyone thinking that the NYT writer who said of Trayvon's murder, 'Do you know how many kids
get killed in the streets each day in this country?' will be one to help protect the lives of innocent
young people in the black community? What would be his motivation?
We have to have preventive leadership - NOW.

Monday, August 11, 2014

What Does Hillary Clinton Mean?

Had we armed anti-Assad forces in Syria, we could easily have been arming ISIS. That does seem
a 'dumb things' chance to take- even in retrospect.
Congress also had a chance to arm Syrian fighters. That's one vote they did agree to take. They voted

Maybe VP Joe Biden Was Right

Iraq has been so divided for so long that it may be true someone should have noticed and offered
to facilitate a three state solution.
Perhaps some of the resources could have been jointly administered and accessed.

Robin Williams

Someone that intense has to know how to manage the intensity, almost from the start of life.
Medical persons sometimes say to patients who undergo major medical procedures, 'Don't get
into the pain cycle.'
That is advice we must give parents, friends, loved ones, in modern times. We have to get across
to our family and friends not to wait once a dark thought or feeling becomes disturbing or
becomes self-revelatory as a saddening, start getting help immediately. There are those who, once getting into that pain cycle, no matter the force of the fight waged against that cycle, may not get out of it alive.

The Geography Of Iraq Is Not The Country Of Iraq

President Obama is Not bombing the country of Iraq.
ISIS, a non-state actor, is a terrorist target of the U.S. because they
are threatening in the government and the people in part, in the geographies of Iraq.
President Obama is answering the call of Iraqi officials, and Kurdish officials.
Those officials are considered allies of the U.S. and its interests.
George Bush answered no such call.
Bill Clinton answered no such call.
George W. Bush answered no such call.
We have only the most rudimentary news-view motivations for conflating other administrations
with that of our now President.
President Obama's relationship with Iraq is as different from those of other U.S. Presidents as meat is
different from fruit.
We went into Kuwait to "save them" from Saddam, and now the Kuwaittis have begun the funding
to ISIS?
Why? The Kuwaitti people knew our fight was with Saddam, not in their interest. I don't even know
how the U.S. got permission from Kuwait officials to enter the country back then.
The U.S. has had trouble in the not too distant past following one of its own colloquialisms: 'Let
sleeping Dogs Lie".

Only Saddam Could Have Prevented This Chaos

We worked with the Camer Rouge, who killed farmers for owning spectacles.
We should have worked with Saddam Hussein.
He absolutely forbade secterian violence.
That wasn't good enough for the war machine in this country.
So we opened Pandora's box.
Do we like what we're finding?

It's Complicated

We need to educate people with Ph.D.s in Political Sociology, in Sociological Geography,
in Political Anthropology of The Mid East.
Many Mid East countries are very angry with Hamas right now.
These countries are NOT happy to be feeling angry with Hamas.
Who do they blame for their unwanted feelings of anger and disapproval?
They blame the United States and Israel.
We need to find some way to at least acknowledge to them that we understand what is
At one time the West demonized The PLO.
Now how do we like those who have replaced that entity?

Michael Brown Gunned Down

One of the worst things about our community losing so many very young men at the hands of armed
bullies and officials, is that these young men are not a danger to their communities, and they have no
Police don't have a tendency to draw on real criminals in our communities. They assault and kill
the kids of a jay-walking variety. And don't think our reputation overseas has gone unnoticed.
We are losing hearts and minds everywhere. Don't we understand that the picture of us as a heavily
armed mob is undoing us?
There are billions of people in this world.
How ugly can we afford to be?
Even if we drop every bomb we have, we cannot quell the hatreds of those left; nor can we grow a thing in the remaining soils and water.
Whatever causes us to gun down kids in the streets, leaving them to lie in police stations as we did with Trayvon Martin, or in the street where they are killed, as with Michael Brown, or
Eric Garner, we need to discover some way to stop it.
Police forces in the U.S. are dangerous to ordinary people.

Talkin' It Ain't Walkin' It

Had we as a country decided to ignore the Yezidi at the top of Mt. Sinjar, we'd have ignored the
fact that when ISIS turned guns on them, they'd have used guns 'made in the U.S.A.'..
I'm glad POTUS pointed out that when Iraq soldiers turned from the fight with ISIS in droves, they
left their weaponry behind. ISIS also got their hands on U.S. tanks and weapons in the Syria fight.
The news media can talk and talk to put forth possible scenarios which fit the pictures of their own
philosophies of what to report, what to leave out of reports, and how to report. The media, however,
can't walk in the shoes of an entire people dying and being killed, then rescued, from a mountain top.

We Have Room In Detroit

We have room for children from the U.S. border crisis. HUD can help settle them.
We even have room for the Yezidi.
Paul Ryan would hate it.
But that makes me like the idea even more.

Stop Misleading Us

The news media persists in its characterization of the Obama Administration's terrorist hunt in Iraq as
Obama putting us back in Iraq.
The U.S. threatened the government of Iraq by waging the Gulf War, by Clinton's promise to send
troops to Iraq if that country didn't properly disclose its type and quantity of weapons stores, and by
the Bush-Cheney inauguration of the Iraq War after planes flew into American buildings via Mid East terror.
In no way has the Obama Administration threatened or waged any war against Iraq, the country, Iraq,
the people, or Iraq, the autonomous state.
To constantly equate ISIS with Iraq is silly because ISIS won't even claim a national identity.
They have termed themselves a stateless regional caliphate.
President Obama is dampening the spread of terrorism because that's his job.
He isn't watering down the spread of Iraq, or the  Iraqi government.
ISIS is one of the reasons the President couldn't afford to arm any Syrian rebels. We couldn't afford
any group to lose weapons to ISIS.
Even now that ISIS is a threat, not the U.S.- to the government of Iraq, I worry about a plane or a drone going down not only because pilots are a precious resource, but because the possibility of ISIS getting its hands on the technology in those machines is a nightmare.
I know the U.S. doesn't want Maliki as the top government official in Iraq.
However, we are in no way going to overtly remove him from office, even if we owe it to the people
who helped us during the ill-conceived war in Iraq to rescue them the genocide the mountaintop
will bring them.
I am so glad they aren't in New Orleans with levies being breached by hurricanes.
And I am so glad President Obama is at the helm for them without "Brownie".

Friday, August 8, 2014

Now Wouldn't We Be Stupid?

If we had armed Syrians against Assad, we'd have directly armed ISIS.
But why do we keep saying, "military strikes in Iraq"?
That phrase is a misnomer of what we would do or not do in the country of Iraq.
We will not go in to attack the country or its leader.
When we go to the country, it will be to fight islamic jihadists who have no and claim no
national affiliations.
If we had armed the Kurds years ago, we'd have helped incite a civil war against the Maliki
government the U.S. installed.
The news keeps giving us pinpricks of a multi-faceted glomerulus of facts.
What's wrong with the entire picture?
If we ignored the Yezidi people, even though they have no army- we'd be plain dumb.
The Yezidi helped U.S. soldiers during the war in Iraq. They were an isolated minority who
had no reason to expose themselves to either desperate Shiites, or armed Sunnis.
Now what sort of loonies could we be to sit around and let Isis kill all its enemies?
Do we think that would have no effect on us, or should we wait around for that?
Picture this: Isis is governing multi regional land masses in the Mideast with no enemies.
At what point would history have said we should have understood, that by the time ISIS was
allowed to kill all people in the Middle East who were not in favor of blood-drenched crises for the
all the West, we had become silly enough to wait too long-  to wait way past the time we could save allies without arming enemies or fomenting new war?
Why would President Obama want that as our history of his process?
Our President is not engaging IRAQ.
ISIS is not a state actor, except in its own quite fertile imaginings.

I Am So Sick Of BP

Why do they continue to brag about how many Americans they hire?
Americans who get cheated out of homes, businesses, gulf professions by BP are paying the salaries
of the Americans BP hires.
BP- pay up, clean up, or get out.

Will The Obama Children Be Easy To Calm?

Oh children, don't worry about ISIL extremists.
Don't worry about Assad of Syria.
Don't worry about the Iraqi Kurds- they will be fine.
Don't worry about the Yezidi Kurds. We will help those kids.
Don't worry about Palestinian suffering. The UN will keep watch.
No girls, the Israelis are safe.
Don't think about Vladmir Putin. He isn't shooting at planes.
Iran doesn't have nuclear bombs.
The war if Afghanistan is almost over.
Libya will stabilize soon.
Qattr is our friend.
The Lebanese people are aware and prepared.
Yes, some Amercans do want to help the kids at our borders.
No! We aren't preparing for war!
Mr. Maliki will not continue to encourage enmity among his people.
No, global warming won't send hurricaines to wash away our country.
And the world will not be at war in the east and west.
We have Susan Rice. You know her.
We have Samantha Power.
And Krystal Ball and Karen Finney are reporting the news.
Of will even be able to go to college.
We will pay for you. Besides, you have Elizabeth Warren in case you want to pay it
Now relax. The ocean is safe right now too. Go swimming.

                   Unlike in my house, the Obama children know exactly who all these players are.
                   They know the meanings in all these topics.
                    Dad should not neglect taking them on next week's vacation!

The Mideast Foreign Policy Of POTUS Barack Obama

1. Be able and prepared to turn on a dime, the way Middle East jihadists do.
2. These are not our fights. These are fights the Bushes enabled in that region, and so we act to
protect ourselves there, and to mitigate those former enablings.

Andrea Mitchell And Chuck Todd

They get worse and worse. If we listen to them, we understand very little about the complication and compilation of  Mideast actors.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

The Yezidi Kurds

Women and children have been driven to the top of the mountain.
Where are the men? I hope they are all Pesh Merga.

Putin And George W.

According to Nina Krushcheva, (Nikita Krushchev's granddaughter) Vladmir Putin feels compelled to prove to all the world that Russia is still a super power, as capable as the U.S. of going into a sovereign country with force, deposing its leader, inciting warring factions in that country, and inspiring the hell of clogged ideologies of civil wars.
Putin feels challenged by the 'cowboy strongmen' images Reagan began to prolifierate in his pushy
image-spread and rhetorical huffing and puffing in advance of the Iran-Contra lawlessness. 
The legacy of the U.S. Republican Party in the modern world ,then, remains one of serial lies,
misleadings, and of citizen and soldier deaths in bloody conflicts, with all the ensuing chaos therof and thereafter.

What Isis Deserves

Isis deserves to incite great anger in the Turkish Army.

Let's Remind Nutty Buddies

The Congress of The United States of America voted not intervene in Syria.
They may have been right.
Even the weapons we didn't supply then haven't deterred Isis.
Isis has weapons we lost in Iraq a decade ago.
Can we imagine what could have happened if they had more recently designed and
manufactured weapons intended for other use?
Some of them are Saddam's people, and still they feel he wasn't brutal enough.
Black Hawk Down wasn't enough for us?
Somalia has been using our weaponry and expertise against us for years and years.
Why should we keep going down that tired bumpy road?
If we end up back in Iraq, here is how we must do it...
Very, very carefully...

No Beets For Russian Kids?!

That is inhumane Mr. Putin!

Renisha McBride

Asking for help is not lawless.
We know it often gets you killed in this country.
But it's a human thing to do.
Being too sleepy to keep the door shut when afraid is not a defense for murder.
Thank the Lord.


We are way too late for a Maliki in Iraq.
Maliki is way too late to be an agent of any sort of order...anywhere.

What We Got From Integration

Black men gave us the fist bump.
Well- that's one thing.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Our Language Is Evolving

I mean, mine is.
The kids here don't say "whore" any longer.
They say "thot".
Is that an unwitting dig at the professionals they encounter in their daily lives?

Michelle Bachman Sounds Like A 16th Century Native American

They are bringing diseases.
They are bringing strange drugs.
They have weapons.
They don't speak the language.
They want to use our resources.
Bachman may have a guilty conscience, if her ancestors were even here that long ago.
Mine were. And they were working- not waiting for a free pass Homestead Act.

The Black Slate In Our Detroit Vote

What is wrong with the black slate here?
I always vote for John Conyers whenever he is on the ballot. No one knows the city the way he does.
But I didn't vote for Warren Evans because he was endorsed by Kim Worthy, who over prosecuted
our Mayor, Kwame Kilpatrick. She had to because the Detroit Free Press insisted on paying for his
We try not to read The Free Press in Detroit. They even helped destroy Governor Jennifer Granholm's reputation.
They were worse than the Koch Brothers, and ALEC- (The American Legislative Exchange Council).
I voted for Matthew Abel for Wayne County Prosecutor. But he lost.
Deroiters feel so indebted to Worthy for successfully prosecuting Malice Green's brutal murder by
policemen here. She did, however, also put our Mayor away. Unforgiveable. She survived both
Kilpatrick and Granholm. I'll say this for her. She's thus far a survivor.
I knew not to vote for Sherry Gay-Dagnogo (Day-nah-go) because she seems anxious to have more charter schools here.
Of course, I wouldn't want anyone from Robert Ficano's group in governance here. I've been told
that parts of Northwest Detroit are littered with his signs. I thought we'd gotten rid of him long ago.
If he wasn't in Special Ed growing up, I don't see why he wasn't.
I'll agree- Evans has many high level enemies in mob type circles. So that much is good.
However, even though Phil Cavanaugh isn't black, and even though his methods are suspect, his family history and his ability to keep his head down seem the best attributes Detroiters could hope for
at this time.
The Black slate also wants us to vote "Yes" on Proposal 14-1 in our district.
Didn't we already learn that revenue sharing doesn't work for Detroiters? We can never get the revenue we agree to share from our votes or our taxpayer dollars. Fool me once.
Of course we need to vote for the library millage. People keep telling us our kids can't read. In the library, they may be able to find things they are motivated to read.
Wayne County Intermediate School District has convinced the slate to ask us for a millage. What a joke.
Wayne County Regional Service Agency (RESA) habitually leaves Detroit out of its plans, and leaves Detroit only minimally able to access its resources. A majority of Wayne County residents
are not minorities.
No way would I ever vote them a millage.
As a matter of fact, I don't recall them asking much before. Are they trying to get our votes so they
can amass street creds?