Wednesday, December 4, 2013

December Will Never Be The Same

Sandy Hook is and always will be a national shame.
Instead of doing more to celebrate children, we proceeded to  more fervently pervert the
Second Amendment.
This tendency in America will live in perpetuity, not one bit gloriously, but horribly, perplexingly,
mind numbingly, vacuously, uninspiringly and blood lustily violent.
I will pray for us all, and  I will try to focus on better parts of American sensibility,  parts espoused
by principles the new Pope Francis shares the world over.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013 In A Suburb 20 Min. From Detroit

Two young women who have been friends since age two, and the eldest sister of one of the women
got their families together for the holiday.
Everyone there had health care.
Five of the adults are safely retired.
Five children, 14 and under attended..
Three of the children were covered under a mom or a dad.
One of the children was definitely covered under a mom's insurance.
One other was probably covered under a dad's.
Two adults were working, and wouldn't talk about whether they were covered at work; but two
others (one with no children) were definitely covered at work. We spoke only briefly about
health except to say a computer cannot cover you anyway. Go to an insurance company.
Of the adults, eight women and four men came to dinner.
All the women were single except our hostess;  though two women were there with significant others.
Three of the single women were divorced.
The men were all married or paired.
One divorced couple was there with an adult son and his girlfriend and three of his young children with her. Though he was only forty-five, he had done time, had a newly discovered twenty-eight
year old son, and a twenty-five year old daughter in Florida.
We had to assume that for the two adults who wouldn't say, they did have health insurance because the children, it seems, were all covered.
Two of the working adults were social workers. One seemed to be an accountant, speaking about the
twenty-two levels of financing to save the Detroit Medical Center, ten years ago.
One was principal of a charter school.
One was an advertising professional.
One was in graduate school.
Other professions didn't come to light.
Dinner was all homemade save the jellied cranberry sauce and one of the cakes. The hostess had spread the cooking out over a two day period.
We ate a flavorful, tender turkey, stuffing with gravy, green beans with corn bread, (Oh, the
Honey-Baked ham was the brand named ham.) the cranberry sauce, a tender, fluffy mac and cheese.
Desserts were two sweet potato pies, a pound cake, and an Italian cream cake from Knudsen's Bakery
on W. McNichols in Detroit. No one can do that cake better. The store has been there more than forty
We also talked Detroit politics. The buppies, young (Black Urban  Professionals)
believe we have a new mayor. No one else believed it.
The buppies were thirtyish.
All in attendance were African American. But two were related to mixed race families. One had
a daughter who was married to a white gentile. The other had a daughter who married a Jewish person.
We talked for a while about how last Sunday's Patriots/Broncos game nearly gave me a heart attack.
I don't always scream at TVs, but that day I was beside myself that I had stayed up late to see the
Pats go down 24/0 at half-time. I wanted to spit nails at high velocities.
Even though New England won in the end, I have barely forgiven them for what we put them through.
A couple of us lamented that Lovie Smith isn't coaching, and we expressed high hopes for the Lions.
We talked a little about institutionalized racism, but not much. Buppies seem to believe each racially
motivated incident is sui generis.
None of the rest of us could understand why they think that true until we decided none of them know
the history of the "struggle".
The youngest member of the dinner party got picked up by his divorced mom before he was ready to
leave. He was an only child, so having four adoring fans between about nine and thirteen was a dream so great he couldn't have imagined it.
Buppies seem to believe in charter schools, and are dubious about union professionals- equating the
individual problem persons in some cases with unions themselves.
I guess we weren't all deep thinkers, but we covered so many topics.
We didn't get into criminal justice or rap music.
Next time ... maybe at a book club meeting.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Republicans Destroyed The Health Care Website?

If Republicans hadn't been constantly so giddy day after day about their impending government
shut down last month, we would not have seen so many people so panicked they were going to lose
a chance for health care that they all flocked hurriedly to at once. Everyone who
wanted health care was worried the government would be shut down long enough to keep them from
having a chance to sign up in time to get insured before January,
The site was designed to let people in through thousands of turnstiles.  Instead, people trampled and
overran each other, toppling the turnstiles en masse.

President Kennedy- Early And Taking Requests

Why do pundits keep saying President Kennedy was late to the table of the civil rights movement?
I thought that was George Washington?
Didn't Washington fight the Revolutionary War based on principals of freedom and pursuit of
happiness for all Americans and on no taxation without representation?
Didn't he think labor theft was taxation?
Whose happiness could a slave pursue in the country where he or she was born?
Was Jefferson late? Did either he or Washington attempt to work out the birthright of their slaves
as citizens who lived and worked hard in this country every day?
Was the NAACP late during and after emancipation and so many regular lynchings?
Were not hundreds of years of those failures not dumped into President Kennedy's lap, triggered
by the murders of Emmett Till and countless SNCC and CORE sit-in youngsters after WWII?
President Kennedy did send needed troops down south when governors there attracted mobs
as they blocked entrances to schools directed to integrate.
He did ask Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. how the two of them could best interact to peacefully foster civil rights for all Americans.
He did drag the Mississippi River for young college student victims- repeatedly, agonizingly.
He did call Myrlie Evers when Medgar was martyred.
He did welcome Dr. King into the White House.
He did welcome the historic March On Washington.
He had begun talks on legislation to protect all our rights when that awful bullet took his life.
Unlike the then Vice President Richard Nixon, Senator Kennedy promised during the 1960
Nixon-Kennedy debates, to work on civil rights in our country.
When elected, he did just that.
President Kennedy was attempting to re-encode civil rights, and the rhetoric regarding the equality of all men into the U. S. constitution when he was prematurely cut down in his prime.
The United States hi-jacked -over and over again- the very wood citizens ever attempted to use to build an enfranchisement table out of the right to vote.
Were the civil rights leaders who weren't on the Edmund Pettus bridge when
Congressman John Lewis marched across it and into a screaming crowd backed up by
gun-toting, billy-clubbed badges late to the table?
None of our leaders gave us each and every right we deserved to exercise at the moment we asked
for them.  However-
President John Fitzgerald Kennedy helped build the table he came to early.
He invited all the rest of us to try to feel a tiny bit safer if we wanted to have a seat there beside him.
All hail, to Camelot, and to one of our most forthright civil rights leaders, President John F. Kennedy

Why Are We Shopping On Thanksgiving?

What is wrong with these nutty American market practices?
They are giving us all super sales at the exact time we should be on our way to grandma's house?
Say we get to grandma's. We have to be careful to leave  for a few hours to be time for sales?
How about the store gives me an honest price, any day.
Thanksgiving is the one day of the year kids can be sure they are free to play all day with family.
Children are guaranteed a four day week end and good home cooked meals every day for families
not grocery challenged.
America has all but killed childhood already. Now when do the children get to interact with extended
family. When they meet relatives it can give them a sense they themselves are extended, especially when they recognize everyone knows them or knows of them.  Instead of those moments settling in,
someone gets up to go buy a camera because they can get it for less than it is worth?
Why are we so obsessed with not paying a fair price?  This is a costly obsession.  Even if you are
someone who makes only 7$ an hour, when you spend two hours getting in and out of a crowded store, you have used up 14$ of your time.
If you are unemployed, talk with your family members about their jobs. When the week-end is over,
go to dollar store.
Salespeople have had their days interrupted so I can buy cheap towels?
Stores don't even pay overtime or holiday pay any longer. Are we to waste our own time and theirs?
There are exceptions.
If your family is intolerable, go home Friday. Or do go to a movie if your kids actually like Auntie
Grace's three hours of magic tricks. Movie workers are accustomed to splitting holiday shifts.
Whatever you do, please don't go to "the sale" at precisely the moment a white snake slithers out of
the woods at midnight, so that you can be banned from "the sale" the second someone hears the clock
strikes "eye of newt".
Hocus pocus - pay a fair price. Later. On your holiday, eat something.

What We Lost When We Lost President Kennedy

We lost traffic patterns.
We lost a cool head, in the leadership on which way to go, and how to get there.
We ourselves were in the thick of it all. So we lost our President in the commotion.
...We lost the 'assured clear distance ahead'.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Republicans With A Black President

Republicans will use anything they can to attack a Democratic President.
Some of them are racists;  but more to the point, they know they can represent all the racists willing to vote. What else do they have?
How many votes will Republicans get in any race if racists stay home?
Republicans don't have numbers any longer. All they have are procedures.
They have to use what they can to make use of outlandish procedures in order to represent
underrepresented minority points of view.
That means they have to have all the racists they can muster ( and some people willing to sometimes vote with racists) if they are going to continue to represent anyone at all.
A great many Republicans know that Barack Obama is the legitimate leader of the free world.
But how many of them can admit that?
They have to placate the millions who believe we are still a country of 150 million.
I'm sure many Americans want to believe we are still a relatively small populace. However...
We are twice that now. We really are not in Kansas anymore; and even if we were, we don't live on
the prairie any longer.
Why did Atlas shrug? (by Ayn Rand)
He wasn't up to the task of knowing, or of figuring it out past the point where one group simply
exploits all the others. That was then.
This is now.

Thank You Martin Bashir

The diaries kept by proud slave owners and torturers are the truest slave narratives to be found.  Slaves didn't often repeat the real horrors they suffered. In my family, the stories were only barely
whispered if someone who had suffered mentioned a circumstance. No one was allowed to bring
up or question any indignities forced on a family member during or immediately after slavery.
I appreciated Mr. Bashir's honesty and frankness because he wears the mantle of an observer who
has no investment in either exaggerating, or providing cover, for the nightmare American slavery was in the U.S.
Many in any in 19th century America, however, fought a war for the rights to continue these practices. Many in 21st century America seem eager to do the same again. They've even asked the
government for drones.
People still praise the antebellum south represented in the diary Mr. Bashir presented in his
broadcast of November 15, 2013. The diary was that of an owner-animal.
There are those in this country who want very much to return us all to barbarisms the states, not our
country, wish us to endure. Justice John Roberts is one of those people.
Many Americans would that any state in this country could legally treat citizens of the United States
of  America any way a state should choose to treat them.
And we have yet to name the barbaric ones, unless it's to call them "owners"
Slavers kidnapped people from their homes and families and stuffed them into crushing ships' holds.
Slaves were forced to work, while having all wages stolen from them, and all family continuously
subject to "owners".
The time has passed long ago for us to call these inhuman vicious some other thing than "owner"
or "master".
No group on this planet could have failed to amass fortunes using the tactics these people used.
And those tactics required only a tiny modicum of intelligent thought.

We Do Not Need (healthcare,gov)!

Insurance companies should be marketing to people and signing people up for insurance. They don't
need a website for that, and neither do we.
The news media has an overblown sense of the need for computer efficacy.
If the Supreme Court hadn't struck down the rights of people qualifying for Medicare under the new
law, we wouldn't still even be waiting for websites.
If Congress had funded the roll out properly, we could have a much quicker website.
If the Republicans in Congress hadn't terrified people so with the "shutdown or repeal" farce, millions
of people wouldn't have felt the need to get to the website all on the same day!
I mean, people were desperate for health care, but not everyone was as desperate as it seemed the day the website crashed!
People who are eligible for insurance now can get signed up at an Insurance Company with or
without ""!
I hope people are not going to all be confused enough to believe computers are so powerful that they
can take away the right to health and well-being in the United States of America.
I hope America will not be callous enough to jeopardize the health and well-being of the 30 million
this law could insure so that the 4 million can hang onto worthless insurance.
Only insurance companies can offer policies which comply with the law. POTUS can't do that unless
we do adopt a single payer option.
Not all 4 million people with rotten policies are going to insist on keeping them anyway. But for those who do, hold on to them. Ignore insurance company letters. Those policies are worth as much with the companies honoring them as they are with the companies refusing to honor them. Whether you keep them or not- you've got nothing.
If we do have, we should have several websites by several names:
4- 2parenthomes
Each of those websites can funnel people right to insurance companies. Let the companies report how
many people are insured with them, The only other website citizens need is:
Knowing these slippery, sly corporations masking themselves as persons- that is a website which might legitimately crash often!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


I understand why Trans Pacific Partnership is not popular with Labor and the left. However, what
they will have to do is get together en masse, and craft something they would like, to see if it would
fly as far as keeping America competitive in the worlds of manufacture and trade.
President Obama has had advisers from the best sectors of business and law brief him on the growth
of China, Governor John Huntsman one of the most thorough among them.
The thing is, either we find a way to control the Pacific Rim, or China will. If China does, military
threats could easily ensue.
The President has put his heart and soul into supporting new technologies and training so that American labor can represent a more sophisticated labor force. Manufacturing here cannot be dependent on what it once represented. We will have to move on from mining and heavy metals, for instance.
We will be leaders after the paradigm shift. But we do  have to find some way to embrace a shift from rote behaviors in our workplaces, to behaviors which complement and update intelligent machines. We have to do this in ways which will accommodate swiftly changing demands in marketplaces expanding and expanded by amorphously shifting variables.

Gun Enthusiasts

I see it now.
Gun enthusiasts are free to buy and carry arms without regulation because they stay home.
Obviously they could care less about going to the movies.
They aren't going to attend high school, college, or even grammar school it seems nowadays.
They could probably care less about the mall.
They may be inclined to get groceries because one of them nearly shot the man who had Congresswoman Giffords' attacker just about disarmed.
The things the rest of us worry about- a gun enthusiast may have no reason to care one way or
the other.
A group of armed koo-koos stood outside a restaurant where a group of four moms in Texas were
meeting to discuss gun regulation. So the second amendment, along with corporations, both drown
out the first amendment now?
Good luck to Texas.
Let them secede if they like...but allow normal people the time to get out first.
Spanish is a beautiful language.
If Texas secedes, all its citizens will be speaking Spanish very soon thereafter.
Mexico will not lose the second time around!

Health Care Is Not A Website

Health care is many other things,though, care is the operative word.
One can find care for one's health in many places. A computer is not one of them, unless someone has
run into Hal from 2001 A Space Odyssey,  Hal could probably cure anything.
In the meantime, let's get our health care the way we get gas for our cars. We go to where the commodity we need exists. We'd rather do it in our PJs after dinner. Whatever. Let's just do it- regardless. We all have to have competent health care.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Employers Are Lying About Obamacare

I know a lady who works as a hotel maid but has been told by her employer she has to have $78 per
week deducted from her pay because POTUS insists everyone have health care.  I explained to her that was an absolute lie. I asked her to tell her bosses she would get her own insurance. This lady did
just that, and the hotel stop talking about deducting such exorbitant funds. This is happening in Michigan.
I have a friend who works for one of the county municipalities in Illinois. She cleans the court houses. Her personnel office told her she has to pay about $75 per month because Obama insists everyone have health care.
She doesn't make enough to pay that, so I asked her to tell them she will get her own health insurance.
They came up with a plan which will cost her $30 per month. I don't see why she should pay that either. A group policy  should be cheap enough for the county to pay for its employees; but she is over fifty, so I kept my mouth shut.
When I spoke to her again, the county had decided she would have to pay $75 a month starting next year because she smokes.
Her overweight co-workers were told they'd be charged even more.
I wanted to ask her if she worked for the wacky tea party Lake County. But it's her job, so I wouldn't
do that. And I know she doesn't read blogs.
When I speak to her again, I think I will ask her if smoking and excess weight aren't pre-existing conditions.

Tamerlain And Dzokhar

Why would anyone considering themselves to be Caucasian immigrate to the U.S. by coming to Boston, expecting to assimilate?
Someone steered this family so wrong. Even the mom became radicalized.
I sure wish the sisters well. However...
Either a person is from Boston, or not from Boston.
Either a person is  East Coast blue blood or not East Coast blue blood.
Even Southies, from early 20th century immigration, are Southies.
Boston is more or less a closed society, unless one is going to stay a short or finite amount of time.
Maybe some reincarnation of the Daughters of the American Revolution would be accepted. But of course, their clothes would be funny.
Attempting to be a Bostonian can only offer more and more profoundly disappointing failures
as an attempt continues.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A Black Man As President

I heard Allen West say several days ago on Fox News, that President Obama wasn't black enough
to be considered a black man.
Well one thing is certain and two things true- Allen West definitely is.

Southerners Still Love George III

Back in the 17th century, American colonial farmers did beg the English Parliament and the British King, George III not to institute slavery in their colonies.
To their way of thinking, it would mean their ancestors and their families had left Europe and suffered and died to begin again for no apparent reason.
With all the work being done by slaves, how could an ordinary man secure work, or competitively
plant and farm.
George had other things on his mind.
Britain had shelled out big big money to protect American settlers from America's native populations,
and to fight the French-Indian War for them.
France and Spain were growing richer by the day from their slave-holding colonies in the new world.
As these countries were ever present threats to Great Britain, George felt if they got enough money
to launch and execute another attack on British soil, they would do so.  They would most assuredly do so if they saw British coffers under a strain, or running dry. France especially, just loved land.
Besides, British people were in Parliament regularly to complain they were being worked long hours
at workplaces with few or no opportunities to take a break, eat a morsel, or relieve oneself.
The men complained bitterly that they made so little money, they had to succumb to employers' demands they bring in their wives to help with the work.  Then, these same employers began to demand a man's children come in to become part of the workday.
Children testified their work got slower after mid-day, but if they began to miss something at their
work stations, or nod without meaning to, they were rapped sharply across the knuckles with some
sort of wood measuring stick. So Parliament and the King felt obliged to take that pressure off citizens at home, even if it introduced hardship to citizens abroad.
American colonists begged to be spared life in a place where landed gentry would become as rich as
can be, while the remaining colonists could find little to do to sustain themselves.
Apparently, by and by, Abraham Lincoln came to agree with these colonists; but I suppose of course by then it was too late. Emancipation of American slaves came more than two centuries after
slavery in the colonies began. By then, the disenfranchised turned their bitterness toward those who
could do nothing about it.
The slaves were available  to be able to absorb all the hatred the average colonist could muster.
No ear was available to colonists in England. After a time, many of the poor among the colonists thought England should be willing to send the slaves back home.
They had no hopes of asking plantation owners to alter the money machines.
They were by then too proud to admit how lost was their cause.
They opened up whole-heartedly to what would centuries later be termed the Stockholm Syndrome.
Even today, so many southerners identify with the glories of slavery. So do their minions!
And yet, what could my ancestors do that theirs could not?
Now that my brethren are trying to catch up as well, we are to get no credit for having built the new
world. There was no real industry here before my ancestors arrived. Of course they brought forth the
crops which made these colonies rich enough to fight Great Britain- and win.
They made the country rich enough to offer immigrants work at the turn of the 20th century and since.
All of Massachusetts, all of New York got richer than rich right there in their harbors where the slave
trade was built, and where slave products were bought and sold. Naturally, all the patents involved
over the years went to owners, then to other Caucasians who happened upon such patents.
Are those of us who are descendants of African slaves  not to be proud of them who built America, who only survived because they so loved one another? Well...
I hear, though, that Burkina Faso is lovely this time of year.

Climate Put The Fear Of Sandy In NJ

I know Barbara Buono could have won if  New Jersey wasn't so afraid of hurricanes now.
Ms. Buono would at least have made a more powerful showing.
The city has yet to recover from Sandy, and as 'W' put it, they were NOT about to change horses
in mid-stream.
The tea party types also helped to elect Governor Christie.
Americans of African descent and other minorities and progressives, even some centrists loved the idea that Christie properly sought access to,  and properly acknowledged President Obama in the devastation of the Sandy aftermath.
African Americans surely bristled, visibly, and were often quite audible in their disgust with
Haley Barbour of Mississippi during the BP oil spill.  What state governor leaves town during a crisis, when the President is on his way?
Again, Governor Jan Brewer left an indelible image in the hearts and minds of so many with her
bony 'Halloween' finger pointed right in the President's face, again in a time when he came bearing
good will.
To note these behaviors, an untrained observer might think POTUS had gone to order federal troops for the desegregation of southern universities.
Oh, right, southerners may still be angry about that. Maybe they were taking it out on POTUS.
But no, Chris Christie's respect for and deference to our President painted a picture of such stark contrast to those other governors, that African Americans may always be loyal to least 20%
of that voting public.
And African Americans, especially those in New Jersey, will always love Christie for the way he behaved at Whitney Houston's home going.
Even suppressed, if Christie can count on that minority vote in a close  national election, he could win.
Whereas the Governor hasn't yet calculated exactly how to trounce the tea party, he does knows they are no friend of New Jersey in spite of whatever else may happen. Governor Christie also knows he will not see to what extent the teas have destroyed themselves  on their own until after the 2014 elections.
He realizes he has nothing more to lose with those crackpots.
If he does manage to wrangle a nomination in 2016 to go head to head with Hillary Clinton, he might
easily cement great numbers of the African American vote. That could of course
make all the difference, unless all our large cities have been emptied by then. I doubt it could happen;
but that is another Republican aim...empty the cities of their minorities.
In the scenario that Joe Biden runs instead of Hillary- well Christie's chances seem a lot more dim.
With or without President Obama, Biden already has the hearts and minds of African America.
Governor Christie has two years to get right with the rest of centrist America.
The Tea Party, of course, is in a slow burn. That should help.
As for Ms. Buono, she took one for the team.
The Democratic Party wants to be influential in getting Christie to the primaries, even if is through
deft neglect of one of their own.
Democrats don't think he can withstand prime time; but they want all possible challengers on stage
at once, attempting to look as nutty as the man or woman standing beside him- or her.
Democrats don't want a so-called "moderate" coming from out of nowhere in 2016, pretending he or
she won't do all possible to flatten progressive ideals.
Christie has two years to work with his democratic legislature on record as a middle class advocate.
He will be under the Democrats microscope.
Time will tell if he can be the homophobic, pro-life, anti immigration tight-fisted hero of the right
who nevertheless finally properly disperses Sandy money, while spurring middle class job growth.
If he can do it, democrats have a heads up for 2016.
If Republicans are grooming someone else with Christie's electorate clout, the Ms. Buono has suffered the slings and arrows of a million Democratic Party slights for no particular reason.  I hope
that doesn't turn out to be the case because she seems way more progressive than Terry McAuliffe
who did pull out the gubernatorial win in Virginia. Lord knows we need all the progressives we can get in this country, hurricanes notwithstanding.


Here is the real 51st state.
Most Michiganders live in Michigan.
However, more than a million of us, including Detroiters, live in Michissippi.
The state has powers worse than those we complain about as imposed by the federal government.
Here in Detroit, the state put our elected mayor on trial...over and over again.
They finally got him, so that he was found guilty and sent to prison..
Then, they put one of our most loyal city council members in prison.
The person they tried to install in her place didn't have clean enough hands for that to work, thank
We elected a new Mayor.
They dismissed him, putting someone of their own choosing in his place.
Meantime, they changed Michigan to a 'right to work' without unions state.
We got it on the ballot, voted it down, and they did it again. We have a 'right to work' without
proper work representation...again.
Walter Reuther is in heaven wondering how this could happen to us.
This state declared our city bankrupt, and is in court at this moment, attempting to take contracted
pensions from our retired.
They are attempting to force all our children into 'charter' schools.
Last night, during yet another city election, the state claimed someone called Mike Duggan won the
election fair and square.
That didn't happen. Detroit has two mayors.  One Mayor is in prison. The other lives here as a private
We need them back. However...
I here Burkina Faso is lovely this time of year.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Updated Is Not Cancelled!

POTUS is not an insurance salesman. And since when do health insurers not obfuscate? These
companies agreed to be grandfathered into compliance with health care law once the exchanges came online. Instead of rewriting policies so that they offer now regulated benefits, and advising beneficiaries about applying for available subsidy, these policy peddlers tell people their old policy
is cancelled due to Obamacare, and if they want a legal policy now, they must pay what...five times the previous cost in some cases?
Tell people the real story, the whole story, and nothing but the story, you phony execs.
Now we know more about why courtroom oaths are written the way they are under penalty of perjury. With better health care, we are also getting a lot of the requisite losers in these culture wars.
And while we are on the subject, let's let people go out of business if they are to provide me the
insurance of their religious belief instead of my religious belief. 
Someone will come along to buy them out. Then they can use that money to go to their churches
and tithe.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Please Stop Praising That Reagan Guy

He worked in a climate which offered bi-partisan work; and no Democratic Tea-types. That guy was
so extreme he would have adored the Tea Party!
Why did he so loudly, vociferously, and overtly attack all black people on welfare?
Why did he want students shot when they protested at California colleges during his gubernatorial
stay in that state?
Why did he have to go all the way to Germany to honor fallen WWII German soldiers?
He couldn't have sent an email, a note, at least something quieter than an international trip, if he felt he must honor those soldiers?
Why did he believe he didn't have to follow the law of The Boland Amendment, which was explicit?
After breaking that law, why did he find it necessary to sell weapons to both Iran and Iraq during the
war between those two countries?
Why did he feel he had to ignore those who told him the way he prosecuted 'Star Wars' was going to
spread deadly weapons to every terrorist group in the world?
Why didn't he listen to those who explained to him how deadly 'leveraged buy-outs'  would be to
ordinary American middle-classed savings over time unless they were properly regulated?
Though he was once president of the actors' union in Hollywood, he did all he could to crush as many
important unions as he could when he became U.S. President.
This person was a nightmare of a president. He did, however, do his due diligence as a wildly
suppressive backlash guy. He ran on promising to offer backlash policies to American achievements
during the seventies, and he delivered in spades.
If he'd had the leverage the "teas" have wielded during America's post 2010 politics, he'd have been a
slashing kid in a candy store until the middle class was whittled down to the nothingness he wanted
Judge Robert Bork to whittle civil rights legislation to, in perpetuity,

President Obama May Need Another Hip-Hop Phrase

To the Republicans: U O E N O....
Rocko does know.

Sunday, October 27, 2013


At last, pundits are beginning to point out that POTUS is exactly right. The health care law is not the
health care website.
Those who must go to clinics in person, or eventually use a phone, will still have access to health care.
Computers don't deny or affirm an individual citizen's legal right. They are only one possible tool used to access the right.
Anyone who presents his or her person either virtually, or in person, or over wires, has a legal right to
information on health care laws and personal health care insurance costs and subsidies.
Besides, Obamacare rolled out years ago. This new phase of it in no way comprises the entirety of the
Millions of U.S. citizens have been benefiting from Obamacare. Hasn't the Tea Party heard? Tell them, someone.

Mr. Dewey Bozella

I knew there was a wonderful reason I loved POTUS. Only a spectacular conscience would deem to
allow a man with the weight of  our President's world to reach out to a human being with Mr. Bozella's specific confluence of misfortune, determination, and selfless victim memorialization.
Congratulations Mr. Bozella.

Our Court Is So Very Wrong

The not Supreme court has deluged us with such an awful flooding of all sorts of money in our
politics I see no way to get free of it.
Whereas speech is a thing, and should indeed be free, speaking is an act- and is increasingly
drowning out speech with its bought-and-paid-for screeching.

The Unsupreme Court Is A Trickster

SOTUS left the states the right to withold expanded Medicaid to U.S. citizens. Brilliant.
So the government has had to scramble to include as many of those citizens as possible in the exchanges.
Of course, there was not enough time or money to include them in a seamless process.
Democrats may be unable to complain, because the entire law wasn't attacked. But I can complain.
Those states' rights advocates on the court  are ignoring the preamble of the Constitution, which
commands us not to withold anything as vital as health care from any citizen of our country, even if
the citizen lives in a hegemonious state in this union. U.S. citizens belong to the U.S.  The Court loves to ignore that, more and more of late. 
At least they are way out of step with the progress our company seeks. I take comfort in that fact, hoping they will not last so much longer.

The Real Crimes In New York

Bill DeBlasio, if he does win the New York mayoral race, may discover some unpleasant facts about
real crime in his city.
No one has had time or will to investigate what unfortunate things happen to New Yorkers. All the
officials are frisking and prosecuting unprosecutable behavior.
Community tortured by a police force won't report real victimizations to a bunch of rabid dogs, unless they see absolutely no choice.
The police in New York need to 'see themselves as others see them'.
Well, they may that insight. They haven't bothered to care.
Now if they need to transition to actually trying to solve and prevent real crime, how will they convince the community they need in that vein to think of them as value add professionals. For years
they've been armed thugs with badges.
Good luck New York.

Cruz Is No More Running For National Office Than Is A Pig In A Poke

Republicans don't try to stop Ted Cruz. Why would they? They enjoy his shenanigans. They know
America won't vote for crazy cage fighting. Cruz is out there simply to draw out the ire of the left.
Cruz is taking one for the team.
Whereas Americans will vote for a Barack Obama who seems to want to unite America, only fringees
will vote for a Canadian-born, naturalized American to push for an unnaturally devised plot to shut down the entire American government and work hard as well to promote America as a deadbeat nation.
What can the Teas get away with? What does the Republican party have to live down in the ideologies of its base?
How much will Republicans get the Democrats to "compromise" away before the national elections
have to defend only crumbs left in the economy for the American middle class?
Ted and Mike and Rand will find out.
For the life of me, I cannot see how the vile policies these people espouse can be called principles.
I suppose if we re-read Machiavelli we could use that name as an adjective for these Republican
hopes and dreams.

Dems Poised T' Compromise On Cutting The Cuts

Don't we have enough chopping coming down the pike? People are getting their food aid cut just in time for Thanksgiving. Republicans think we are all pretty pleased about it.
Anyone outside the 47% is perfectly happy to have the kids next door to them having hamburgers for
As this is still America, I don't think it works quite that way.
The churches will be overwhelmed this season, despite what the Ayn Randians might be blathering on about.
A good percent of business people in this country think they actually deserve cheap labor at starvation wages.  A good 90% of these persons seem to think they have actually earned the privilege
to pay starvation wages.
They believe if their tithes don't keep families at or near the poverty line afloat, those families need to work more jobs.
I don't know how much longer people will put up with a raise of $.25 per hour every five years.  But for as long as they attempt to do so, they will be exploited by companies they work for, and later they
will be ridiculed for the neediness these low wages inflict on them.
At least with proper health care, family leaders will be able to look for work deserving of their efforts. I know Republicans hate that most of all. Lack of benefits  has shackled many an intelligent hard-working person in this economy. Proper family health care availability will ease up the weight of those shackles.
Now if the National Labor Relations Board would get on with it, maybe companies will begin to see-
laborers don't owe them exploited labor.
These companies don't 'earn' the work we do. They are to be ready to PAY us for the work we do. Perhaps these people will be able to better understand  the definition of the word, 'pay'.  We are no longer sharecroppers, or miners working for 'the company store'.
We need paychecks equitable to the efforts we provide. New, unwanted concept in American business, right?

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Negotiate What?

We are suffering anyway. Why should we sign on the dotted line to make it official? Republicans are
arguing now to make cuts even deeper than the "sequester" our Democratic representatives hate.
When we should be negotiating on the "sequester", we are negotiating the policies the Republicans
want in order to make those same cuts deeper, more acute, and chronic...lasting virtually forever.
Then Republicans want to negotiate for only six weeks at a time on the quality of life we chose to engender in our society when we voted in the 2012 elections.
So six weeks from now, we negotiate away Social Security.
Six weeks from then, we negotiate away Medicare.
Six weeks from then, we negotiate away Food Stamps.
Six weeks from then, we negotiate away Medicaid.
Weeks from then, we negotiate away immigration reform.
Wait a bit, we have to give up health care after all.
Coast a week or so, then we relax all gun laws.
By summer, we give up all voting rights.
Before summer ends, we close the Energy Department, the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Labor Relations Board, The Occupational Health And Safety Board, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Department of Education.
When the Republican agenda is then near completion, what government will there be left to open?
Who will be left to vote for elected representatives, and what will those representatives do in Congress
No one will be left to vote; and representatives will be doing what they are doing now...nothing.

Food Stamps

If people who did get money deposited to their EBT accounts were relieved to see it last week, they
breathed a sigh of relief a bit too soon.
Most stores who traditionally honored the accounts of people who used food stamps, have stopped
accepting the food stamp method of pay.
Grocers, and even Target have stopped allowing food stamps as a method of pay in many, if not all
places in the country.


Last week Treasury tried to get savers to buy into our economy. The same savers who buy into our
interests all the time refused to put their money here unless we paid them double the interest rate we
normally pay. It costs us billions; but we needed the money.
We are no longer the most stable government in the world. Money here is not necessarily safe. Money here now shrinks our grows at the whims of the ideological. Awful. How will we survive these people?
As in the eighties and nineties when it took every effort President Clinton could muster to stem the flow of the damage done to world markets when Aids victims used triple the health care dollars we
could afford to spend, and stopped putting the money into the economy they had been doing increasingly for many years, as the super consumers they were.
If we survive these Republicans, it will once again take us years to recover.  We have to find a way to
get them from strangling the majority of our citizens.
I do have to admit, however, that these same people really would like to have only 78,000,000 people
in this country.
As far as these people are concerned, America has 234,000,000 citizens too many, except for those who are happy to play the role of the vanquished, and those happy to be the self-hating poor or the
disadvantaged minority in our country.
Republicans are tickled to destroy the mainstream thinkers in this country; and they are quite often tickled to say so.


One of four Americans may always love the teas. Does that mean the remainder of us can simply go
to the devil?
Why are Republicans talking about the fiscal ruin of our country when our children and grandchildren come of age?
They themselves are costing us billions of dollars of ruin each day,  right here and now.
Three of four of us have got to find away to stop these people from tanking our government. When
people threaten the government by direct neglect, they are treasonous.

Lions, No Tigers, But Bears

Thank the Lord the Rocky Mountain workers are back on the job. Who can imagine what would go on with wildlife populations if they go unmonitored for x number of days? Only wildlife management
knows how long things like this can be neglected. Oh- Republicans don't believe in science. However, I can't imagine when it would be safe to let tourists go back into these park spaces if professionals will not have an idea what has been happening to the fauna and flora of these parks in the interim between normal watchdog procedures and the undetermined amount of time those procedures will have been suspended.
A lot of people and businesses besides tourists depend on the tourism in our national parks.
The Great Smoky Mountains, I understand, employ 11,000 persons per fall season, and take in between 8 and 14 million dollars per year.
What business are they doing this year?
Close to zero.
And the'll be over soon.

Friday, October 11, 2013

The "I" Word

Republicans are attempting to get President Obama to react to their nonsense so that they can invent
some other "scandal" they can use to discredit the administration. They love that word 'Impeachment'.
They are a bunch of traitorous vipers who would gladly destroy their own country to further their
twisted aims at chaos, even though the remainder of us have to live here as well.
I might have blinked had I been leader of the Democratic Party.
But I will never be President of the United States.

Cruzin' For Some Bruisin'

What makes a Canadian Mexican think Senator Jesse Helms isn't turning in his grave to have the southern racist  Helms name invoked by a minority guy?
He'd just as soon have reached into Cruz's slick mouth and ripped his tongue right out.
Yeah Cruz- that would really be 'squishy'.

The Bachman Bozo

What an active, virulent racist she is. I know she is proud of it. And if she watches Saturday Night
Live, doesn't she know what "twerking" is? But if her husband is gay, Lawrence O'Donnell shouldn't
feel sorry for the guy. Maybe he should feel sorry for Bachman's girlfriends. She is certainly not a  nun unless she is in the service of Damien, from the movie.
She couldn't wait to get the "I" word out of her mouth this week. She saw her insane "tea" delight was
coming to naught, and began again with her "impeachment" slop. She went on to call the president a
"thug".  Did she ever call Antonin Scalia or Daryl Isa a thug?
POTUS has not committed an impeachable offense, and all the kings horses and all the kings men can't make it true for Bachman's fuzzy thinking fantasies.
She loves being on the wrong side of history. She is actually dangerous, as she had citizens of the
Mid-East believing Hilary Clinton had anti-Muslim sentiments, while Mrs. Clinton was in the
At the start of the 2012 campaigns, she even begrudged the black farmers the settlement they were
finally paid from a case they'd won in 1984!
She can't get out of the people's House soon enough.
I wish she could take the remainder of the 'tea' with her.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A New U.S. Slavery

Naturally the Tea Party doesn't mind federal workers toiling without pay. They know how to use
procedures instead of blackmail to change settled law. They could care less.  So if we are not going
to be inventive, if we are not going to issue cash designated by document, or on the bills themselves
as "breach" payments to workers and T-Bill holders and other debtors- then let's use the discharge
Foreign bondholders are not our biggest problem. We are our own first priority. Some bonds are
already looking legally shady.
So we can dump Tea Party votes, dump Boehner, or dump our own national interests.  I vote for the
first possibility, know we will try the second, but hope we stop considering our continuation of the
If people are elected  to not vote, to stop votes, the job they accept upon taking their oaths has
already been abandoned as they seat themselves in Congress. They deserve no consideration.
When people work in the U.S.- the Constitution says they MUST be paid, even people protecting
some of our most useless Congressmen.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

With Or Without Them

Blood and treasure for the entire remainder of this year are at stake. Treasury needs to be asked to pay the bills. We don't need to choose who survives and who perishes because Republicans support
breaking all contracts our government has committments to honor. Whatever the CR is right now, POTUS should sign it under protest with a  note of that protest in the document. He should ask treasury to add a small "b" to some part of the group of bills which will be used to make our payments in accordance with our Constitution, or on each of the bills or notes Treasury prints.
Each payment made should be called a "breach" payment, and will become a "rescued" payment when the debt ceiling is finally raised.
Any Congressman who supports this initiative should send his vote to the President in writing, for purposes of history.
The Fourteenth Amendment is real; and so is the suffering and punishment Americans are suffering
for doing no more than voting to put progressives in our government, and to re-elect our President. Let's honor the Fourteenth Amendment. Let's pay our bills.

We Did Not Want A President Romney

Why do the House Republicans think we owe it to them to let the President negotiate away all the things we voted for in 2012 ?
I don't think chained CPI is fair.
I don't think any of the Sequester is fair.
I think we need a Public Option.
I am very upset we don't have a second stimulus.
I voted so that D.C. would have conversations about what I think the U.S. agenda should be.
How is it that any flake in the U.S. House of Representatives has a right to nullify my vote?
Maybe the House should nullify itself, while leaving the White House and the Senate alone.
The Republicans are once again talking about the debt our grandchildren my face while they take food from our grand children's mouths, locking up the children's schools, and refusing to bury the
children's relatives killed in our wars... today...right now.

Government Shootdown

What I want to know, is this: why did you capital police gun down an unarmored woman who was
Why didn't you know there was a baby in the car?
You have ways of seeing past tinted glass.
Didn't you have police tanks which could have blocked this lady's path? It wouldn't have taken a
million of them.
What happened to the road barriers you could have triggered.

Boehner's Negotiations Last Forever

Republicans think one negotiation bleeds right into whatever other one they would like, without pause, ad nauseum.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

John Boehner Is Still Preferable To Eric Cantor

I hate to say it;  but if John Boehner gets pushed hard from either the left or the right, the country will
be in a mess.
No one in line to take the Congressman's leadership gavel can hold a candle to John Boehner's reasonable side. He at least would govern if he could.
But he helped to create the monster the right wing is in the House now. So who killed 
Dr. Frankenstein?


I think Democrats need to negotiate our Affordable Care Act. We should agree it stays in  force only until 2015, at which time it becomes  the choice between Medicare or Medicaid for all-  or includes a 'public option'.  The choice  about which of those things to offer can be theirs, the Republicans.
Furthermore, we don't need to actually allow Republicans to choose between those two possibilities unless they abandon the "sequester".
Oh- I am actually just getting started. Why can't Progressives be the ones playing hardball at times?
I wouldn't mind at all.

POTUS Does Not Have A Health Care Law

Why do pundits continue to assign ownership of the Affordable Care Act to President Obama?
President Obama signed that law over to us three and a half year ago.  The Affirdable Care Act belongs to the citizens of the United States of America. It's our law, the way payroll deductions for
taxes are our laws. What President would we give ownership for w-4s?
I am proud our President got the Health Care Law passed. I'm also proud he gave it to us..."we the people".

Monday, September 30, 2013

Why Feel Sorry For Boehner?

Isn't he the same loser who invited sharecroppers, dressed as though they were just about to begin
their sharecropping day to the President's State of the Union Address?
Doesn't he think disrespect has just as much bona fide as disagreement, even toward the highest office in our land?
He is a flake.
He is getting what he deserves, and probably is "slow" enough to be enjoying it.


We already know Lucy has the football. Why is the news media droning on about this? 
There is no fight in Congress, just a terrorism threat.
I'll blow everything up if you don't do this.
And I'll blow everything up if you don't do that.
I'll huff and I'll puff until I blow your whole house down.
We know all that already.
We know fairy tales and folklore, and you wild crazy wolves are folklory.
I don't believe for one moment these are moral people with good philosophy.
These are people who want unearned privilege.
These are the people who believe we should foster groups who can engender weakness in other
groups, pretend the weakness was inherently there anyway, then pounce on those who struggle
with gaining their strength while the weaknesses dumped on them are still fully exploitable.
Teas believe those philosophies to be acceptable ways of living whether the remainder of us
consider it moral or not moral. They think of those behaviors and philosophies not as immoral,
but as amoral. And that is the was Teas live.
So many people in America were encouraged to behave that way for so long, that morality hadn't
entered into it one way or the other.
The inheritors of those behaviors, the admirers, and the imitators as well, expect that now it's their
"turn" to run down as many strugglers as they would like the law to allow.
No, it isn't, though. They don't get a turn at so much unearned income as they have witnessed a bunch
of the privileged gorge upon for so long.
Those behaviors have always been too destructive to too many persons. As soon as we can rid ourselves of them, for as long as we can exterminate them from American life- we will.
We are 'the people'.

If POTUS Were White

President Barack Obama would incite a riot in the Teas even if he were not Black.  He has made Democrats so powerful in so  many areas of American life, that Republicans would have to have
changed their rhetoric, or attacked that of Democratic leadership.
While they did all they could do with all the crazy stuff, like his falsifying his birth records, and the
story of his infancy. They criticised his childhood, his mom, his wife, his vacations, his religious faith, his pastor, his cabinet picks, his patriotism, and more, mercilessly.
They spent so much time on those things, he had a chance to work his magic on his agenda, while
leading his party to be able to do the same. Who would ever have believed Senator Patty Murray could deliver the way she did in 2012?!  And between 2008 and 2012, POTUS got magic to work
in the Energy Department, in Health And Human Services, in the Labor Department, in the Department of Education, in the Housing Department, magic which will outlast his two terms, which
will mean we probably won't see a great deal more homeless persons even if times get bad again.
We will be able to afford at least two years of a precision-oriented college education for our children
and grandchildren even if some four year institutions remain out of reach, and quite frankly stop
reaching our desired outcomes.
We will stop some of the pollution we've done with our cars and trucks by having better fuels.
Our children will have better health care for all periods in their lives.
We don't have to worry so much about companies doubling down to push more "unpaid internships".
Who knows what POTUS is actually doing now, while the Republicans are immolating themselves
in the Congress?  Shouldn't they have learned by now it's probably something momentous?  Something they will hate? Or something they will hate he was the one who accomplished the thing, whatever it might be?
POTUS doesn't think the way we normally would expect someone to think. Instead of plotting a way
to get from A to B, he starts at B in his mind. He discerns the many many internecine ways he could
possibly plot a path back to A. Then he does the Robert Frost. He picks 'the road less travelled', or paves one which has not previously existed.
Though he hasn't won all fights, and it's not over until it's over, there isn't a way to trip him up on his
weaknesses while he is behind your back making his strengths into even stronger powers.
President Obama has the moral courage to embrace humility when it presents itself to him. That is how he won the trust of the majority of the American people. They simply believed he had no gimmicks in mind when he planned his plans. They believe that still. How can Republicans trump
that? Unless they can face up to when they are wrong, when they have lost, they will continue to lose.
Just the way we do continually in everyday life when we are faced with their awful policies.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Who Do You Think You're Kidding?

Defund Obamacare? Let me get this straight. Congress defunds
Obamacare, replacing it with nothing-  POTUS signs it, then you Republicans will fund the
Do you think the rest of us are what, stark-nake fools?
Did we just fall off the turnip truck...not that a turnip farmer would believe this nonsense either.
Be real. We are not going to "defund" or overturn Obamacare. Yet if we were going to do that, it
would be for nothing. You are liars; and most of your candidates are liars.  You would
do nothing you claimed you were going to do in return. Any questions?

I'll Bite

What is Putin talking about?
He was always famously an atheist. What does he mean God created us as equals?
How is it dangerous for Americans to think of themselves as exceptional?
Vladimir Putin is as big a phony as there anyone can be. As a matter of fact, he is exceptionally

Rand and Vladmir- BFFs

Premier Putin has heard about American exceptionalism; but he believes it is a myth. Yet Rand Paul
has decided POTUS is the American enemy.
What a nut he remains. Still talking to Aqua Buddah I guess, whoever that is.
No one can believe a word Putin says.
No one can believe a word Assad says.
How is letting Assad give Iran a foothold in the Mediterranean mean the U.S. is defending itself?
Letting that happen means we have no interest whatsoever in defending our own interests.
POTUS has American interests at heart. Beleeb dat! I mean, believe that!
Self defense is the law.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Are We Making Sense?

Unilaterally, or multilaterally, we have no choice but to secure chemical, biological, and nuclear
weapons. We may not agree with our President, but we better get used to him.
Syria won't show restraint even though they have the choice to do so.
Russia has to be kept motivated.
We don't need to wait until a proliferation of poison gases reaches some enterprise we need.
We don't need to wait until some koo-koo decides to unleash a biologic epidemic we cannot contain.
We have no reason to wait until a scorch-the earth nuclear weapon reaches some country we call an ally.
We need wait only until POTUS says 'go'.
POTUS does know how long to wait and what we should wait to see.
That is why we elected him. We, in general, elecct a President who will know these things.

B-29...You Want Your Life Back?

You do? The life that gave you the willingness to go along with murder?  You need your life to
evolve into a thing which presses you NEVER to support a law which supports murder. You need to
know B-29 will never again be a coerced person in the support of a murderer.
You have the life you have now.
But you were not shot through the heart at age seventeen.
Suck it up.
Sabrina does.
Tracy does.
The law cannot dictate to you without a trial.
The evidence can try the case.
Common sense interprets law.
The law cannot interpret itself. If it took only lawyers to interpret the law, what is the jury doing there
in the first place?
Any fool can say the dead are guilty.
Any fool Will say the dead he killed had to die!
Why would any of us think there was evidence of that? We know we interpret murder for those who
are killed. No law can tell us what verdict to find. Lawyers and judges can assist appeals if they believe a jury is in error.
You getting the same life you had before you voted for murder would mean Trayvon didn't deserve
justice at all. No one involved in acquitting that creature deserves to be the same unless that person is to get away with being evil.  Be thankful you aren't among those happy to belong to evil.
I am thankful we have instant communication, so Sabrina and Tracy know some segments of this society won't getting away with what happened to their child.
There were plenty of lawyers in that courtroom. You ladies could believe them, or not believe them.
You had a very clear choice about what to believe. If someone else can tell you how to vote, then you are not a citizen. Some of those lawyers outlined the murderers lies.
One of them said as clear as day, ' that child would have to have had a million hands to slam a mans head into the sidewalk, while putting his hand over the man's mouth, and still reach for the man's gun'. Did you hear him?
Even the law cannot dictate the possibility of that as a scenario which happens in a few seconds time.
Those of you who accepted that scenario were thinking of what you wanted to do. You were not
thinking of your duty.
Anyone who cannot discern a child's screams without a scientist telling them what to hear doesn't feel the need to bother.
Take comfort in knowing whatever pain you will suffer does indeed pale in the face of losing a child
shot through the heart by a freak for no reason whatsoever, save personal lust.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Trayvon's Murderer

A great many immoral actions and decisions in Trayvon's murder have rendered Florida what I guess
they wanted in declaring innocence where there wasn't any.
Since then, we see they did a disservice to everyone, including his family, and including themselves.
If people were saved in a car incident I wish it could have been by someone decent. However, we can't know what happened there because a culture of lies flies into Florida the way hurricanes do.
This time, maybe black youngsters will see this killer coming.
Bob Dillon famously sung about killers returning from war, 'who's gonna take away his gun?'
This killer is simply returning from killing. How is he supposed to even get help now.
I hope he will be the problem from now of the sort of people so pleasant about letting him roam free.

Neither Chemical Or Biologic Weapons Will Be Contained By Madness

These weapons may have unintended consequences for us all. These weapons should be destroyed
carefully. We cannot afford anymore epidemics.
How do we know the death of too many bacteria, and the extinction of too many bacterial species is
not the thing which gave the AIDS virus a leg up on virulence.
And why should Iran have a chance to gain so much more power in the Mideast through  willing Syrian coalition regimes?
Already Iran seeks constant favor with Pakistan.
And gas is going up now. If that continues for much longer, start growing food in your gardens.
Trucks will not be delivering it to grocers who can't afford what it costs to get it to them.
And why should we begin to suffer all that anew so Syria can kill children with impunity?
We are just now getting back on our feet here.
Do you recall Lord Of The Rings?
Then  'let's get a fire going!'

Who Got Justice In the Castro Death?

Every man, woman, and child related to the jailers- and even the jailers themselves have gotten a
life-changing, life affirming breath of air from the relief of not having to minister to the evil strutting
around in the person of the kidnapper torturer, A. Castro.
How could anyone human feel at all humanized knowing  the job he or she had to do to keep
that creature safe and alive?
How could those men and women go home to loved ones feeling clean?
Of course prison personnel have to be as professional as possible; knowing every prisoner has to be fed, clothed, treated without extreme cruelty. However, to meet responsibilities in this case would have been itself a torturous burden for these prison caretakers.
I hope the three women he aggressed for so many years will realize the sacrifices they've made to
push his evil away from them have not been made in vain.
They are even now saving many families for a happier, healthier life by accepting this awful creature's early death.

The White House Is Certain

Since we have chosen to thwart our leaders' best judgements on limited strikes in Syria, Bashar al-Assad has had a chance to open his mouth as though we could believe a word he says.
Perhaps when we are paying $12 for a handful of carrots, and our farms are shrinking, our hospitality
industries floundering, we will be more certain about children dying in Syria from governmental gas
as a horror related to U.S. interests.
We will be as certain as we were last century that Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain proved a bit
late to the powers response table.
We trusted a guy who was not actually elected years ago. Now we have a trustworthy leader, but
we are allowing ourselves to be gun shy.
We are a nation who either has to learn to trust the honest leaders we have now or go along with leaders of brutal regimes whose policies will wither us from afar.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Black, Brown Skin In NYC- The New Armband

New Yorkers are being tormented by police supposedly because  they live in high crime areas.
All over the world, people in poverty-stricken areas have a greater tendency to live with high crime rates than their neighbors in more middle classed neighborhoods.
I suppose in NY authorities feel luckier than authorities in say, neighborhoods in Scotland afflicted with high poverty rates.
They can see us coming.
Now, this outgoing mayor wants to fingerprint poor people, again, before the person who is one of the poor has committed a crime.
In Bloomberg's lust to build scores of luxury office buildings and residences in the city as he exits
the active government power in the city, he now has businessmen asking for tax breaks if they build edifices with two entrances- one for the rich, and one for the poor. That is, New York City poor- studios for a bit over $900.
Is Bloomberg reissuing the torments inflicted on his fore bearers?
Decades ago, the "group" government officials decided were the biggest problem-causers were quite
often "rounded up" for reasons which did not matter, because no reason is reasonable for inflicting
that sort of commonplace assault on the bodies of any persons perceived vulnerable, in that their race, religion, or national origins seem recognizable.
The worst thing about Bloomberg's horrors are that he really ought to know better.
We all ought to know better.
We should have recognized the nightmare when the Armenians were stripped of civil rights, as a start
to the remainder of the terrors inflicted on them at the turn of the twentieth century.
Serbia has taught us in more recent history.
Rwanda has informed us.
The build-ups of mishandling people by governments can lead to even more crushing policies against those peoples, especially when people begin bitter complaints against the treatment.
Bloomberg and his cronies are mishandling people.
Another truly astounding thing is that now we tolerate these outrages not only from states, but by lesser municipalities targeting minorities for habitually degrading, debilitating treatment.

Michigan State Representative David E. Nathan

Representative Nathan doesn't want us Michiganders to have to endure No Fault "reform".
His defense of our insurance is that it has been working.
Michigan House Bill 4612 would alter those benefits.
But wouldn't our car insurance premiums go down, as I have hoped since the ACA was enacted?
Some no fault could be necessary, but with lifetime caps destroyed for those who have health insurance, we don't need it to be as expensive as it has been for the past thirty years.
When it comes to rehabilitative care for auto accident victims, I know Mr. Nathan could have a point.
He also worries about home and vehicle modification costs, as well as in-home attendant care.
Inasmuch as Michigan's Medicaid expansion would cost drivers $25 more than they pay now, that
sounds unconstitutional.
Someone will have to challenge states accepting federal Medicaid payments for expansion while
charging citizens for it. The initial expansion sees federal funds paying 100% . I don't see how a state
can hope to collect more than 100% on any citizen benefit.
Michigan insurers, according to Nathan, will offer a net $125 savings on our premiums, but only for
In 2016, insurers are free to raise our rates again. That makes no sense, because in 2016 the ACA will
be fully implemented- as in...paying all expansion claims.
Representative Nathan worries because MCCA ( Michigan Catastrophic Claims Association) is considered a private entity, therefore not required to disclose how they determine insurance rates for
Michigan citizens.
So, since this group services citizens as public entities- that makes no sense either. No state should be
allowed to receive federal monies if that state's insurance watchdogs are allowing companies to raise
rates without transparencies.
MCCA is immune to the Freedom of Information Act, and the Open Meeting Act.
If Michigan accepts federal health care monies, both those immunities need to go.
Our Republican legislature claims the MCCA will be dissolved after its final liability is paid, presumably sometime during fiscal year 2015, and their assets will be transferred to a new entity called Michigan Catastrophic Claims Corp.
Well, we shall see.
After WWII a great many German companies dissolved themselves, moving their personnel to the
U.S. as innocents, then congealing a great many of those business principals into brand new companies with brand new names.
I tried to steer clear of giving any business to these companies if I suspected they were hiding their
But even back then, in the 70s, I knew they were out there. I know now too, how slick some companies think they are when they may claim to be MCCC instead of MCCA with government
winks and nods.
If House Bill 4612 doesn't deliver the savings we drivers deserve from the millions our state will
collect from ACA for driver health care they no longer have to pay, we should be very, very angry.
For Michiganders, small car insurance premiums often will mean the difference between a family
having two sorely needed cars instead of one.
Whatever state a citizen lives in, U.S. constituencies should demand lower no fault rates.

Saturday, August 17, 2013


Close the donut hole! Medicare people can afford to stay healthy if it closes. Obamacare will do that for us if Republicans get out of the way. Medicine is "way" expensive.
Insurance policies for healthy people can be had for forty dollars a month if they want the most basic
policies. Even if all 30million new insured want only a forty dollar policy, the system will enjoy a new $120,000,000 per month. Not every newly insured person is going to get sick every month.
However, not many will show up in emergency rooms completely uninsured.
So emergency rooms can open again.
I've  read a lot in recent years, and years not so recent actually, about nurses who quit nursing because rural people had no emergency rooms available.
Maybe all that can reverse itself. So many of us will get unintended benefits from nurses
coming back into the system. I only hope we can get enough doctors.
Maybe you hate POTUS. But you don't hate medical care.
Enroll. Hurry!

White On White Crime

So is anything interesting happening with white on white crime?
Are any new deterrents in place to ease it?
It seemed quite often to be mainly against women when violence was involved.
And when I peruse TV channels, I see a lot of crime reality depicting various types of violence,
sparing us most violence against children.
There is a show called Snapped.
One is called Dateline. Then we have...
American Justice
I Almost Got Away With It
Dominick Dunne's crime dramas... (Dunne's daughter was killed by someone who did not pay for the crime.)
I Killed My BFF
Caught On Camera
Nancy Grace
Who The (Bleep) Did I Marry?
There are more.
I hope the Violence Against Women Act,  recently passed in the U.S. Congress, has helped.
When Debbie Stabenow was in the Michigan legislature women in Michigan got a lot safer on a very
regular basis. I have no idea how she worked her magic, but the fact that she did was wonderfully
inspiring to me.
I can think of some who didn't like it at all of course.
In one case, a man brought a woman he didn't know, but met at a bar, to his home the same night he met her.
When he got cantankerous, the lady called the police.
When the officers arrived, they removed him from his own house.
In Michigan, no one could make another person feel threatened in a domicile- any domicile.
Once, in a downtown  Detroit courtroom,   I saw a very quiet lady was speaking to a female judge.
The judge was asking her if her husband had raised his voice eat her in their shared home.
This lady seemed to be in her late thirties, very pretty. I wondered why she was so intimidated.
She answered the judge, saying her husband had indeed shouted at her.
The judged then asked the husband if he had raised his voice at his wife.
The husband answered the judge in the affirmative, admitted he had done what he was accused of doing.
So the judged asked the woman if she called the police because her husband had frightened her.
Barely above a whisper, the woman admitted she had become frightened.
The judged then informed the couple the husband would have to be legally barred from their home
until he had completed anger management courses
The couple looked panicked.
The judge asked them both if they understood her order of  "no contact".
The lady said she couldn't afford to pay the family bills if her husband paid room and board
somewhere else.
The judge got the lady's husband to agree he could stay with a family member.
Then, the judge admonished against either of them compromising her ruling, then let them go.
I remember thinking, "Wow, this couldn't be more serious. I hope this family will be OK."
This couple was black, but the laws were state laws.
Later, a friend of mine was locked up for a night. His girlfriend (a family member of another of my
friends) accused him of threatening her. So he had to be in jail a certain number of hours in case his
girl wanted time to get away, leaving no forwarding information.  That was the law.
That made me nearly breathless.
Michigan was serious about its women.
Thank you Debbie.
Now, though, one wonders if anything has been rolled back. I hope not.
People of all colors are apparently capable of doing great bodily harm to one another.
Is any of that important during Stop And Frisk climates?
If not, what is happening to victims of crimes not reported, not prosecuted, or conveniently not noted in police files.
Does any of the suffering and/or intimidation of people not Black or Hispanic merit the serious
consideration of officers who have had time to Stop 4.3 million minority young between 2004 and 2008?
Sure. Police resources are limitless.

Friday, August 16, 2013


How many believe Trayvon would have been gunned down, the killer knowing the police were on the way, if Trayvon appeared to be white, or even dressed in African garb?
I don't know what the average American believes.
I know what American Black men believe.
Even those who believe in these men, and believe what these men believe about themselves should know that to an average Black man, the support isn't the same as having the
body that Is set apart.
American Black men have decided they Are apart
When American Black men come together, most come together as those who agree they are apart..
Sometimes they like it; but they always hate how it came to be.
They hate this coming to be quietly.
They hate it together.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Citizens Worry About Fraud

Fraud destroys your mortgage.
Fraud destroys your retirement funds.
Fraud which gives people less than four dollars per day for food is tiny; and not worth sacrificing
millions of dollars and millions of tiny little stomachs in order to incite paranoia in ourselves.
My doctor's office put up a sign asking people to report Medicaid fraud.
The office is in an upper middle classed neighborhood of working business and professional people.  I felt certain the people in question hadn't drastically changed their habits to embrace medical services fraud.
So I asked the receptionist, who knew me fairly well, "Why do you  think you are seeing Medicaid fraud now?"
She replied, "We have young people driving up in Mercedes Benzes, and giving us Medicaid cards for payment!"
I told her-  "I know a lot of young people who've moved back home after college. They can't find
good enough work to continue living on their own. Some of them do qualify for Medicaid, and parents let them use the car if they need to see a doctor."
She thought about it.
"Check some of them out," I challenged her.
After a short time, the sign came down. I think she must have investigated.

Markwayne Mullin Mumbo Jumbo

What a loser!
So many people who are fit and working get their parents' groceries, you loudmouth.
I know a lady who gets the groceries for her auntie.
Many people who cannot afford to buy all their mom's groceries are still willing to go to the
store for her.
Not every elderly or disabled person feels comfortable going to the grocery store nearest
their home. Sometimes bargains are farther away, so the elderly person may send trusted relatives.
Not every senior gets Meals On Wheels.
You are the one who is a complete fraud. You publicly accused people you don't know at all.
If you want to show intelligence, investigate bank fraud.
Apparently, you worship at the altar of labor theft, and labor fraud.
Offer someone a job somewhere if you are so worried about musculature.
Stop ogling a person's body for the use you believe should be made of it.
If you are so attracted to a young guy, why don't you tell him that?
You yourself are on the government dole. Do you legislate?

Black Fathers

Until you have walked in their shoes, or heard the truth from their own mouths, leave them alone.
You won't walk in their shoes. American black men do feel they are a completely separate genus
and species than any other group on earth.
You won't hear the truth from their own mouths, because you aren't one of them. They don't speak
the truth to any but each other, and that on rare occasions.
Black women are not in their speciation. Not as far as they are concerned.
Black children are not fully incorporated.
White people are barely affiliated.
I don't know if I can include all those Black men who feel culturally assimilated. Some of them are
only concerned with equality.
However, those people are the exception- not the rule.
Very few people on earth have heard black men speak true affinity to one another, except at times during family gatherings. Even then, they will often take each other aside: 'Hey brother man, lemme holla at y' 'bout somthin.'  Only they are privy to those conversations.
I've read about their communication connections to each other in books.
I've seen movies attempt to depict it.
I haven't seen anything come close to authenticity though, excepting in some of the earlier episodes of the TV series- The Game.  I don't know how producers managed that!
Sometimes, rap music approaches it.
But then- how would I really know? I am not a Black man.
There are times I can tell they don't mean to hold back.
There are times I can tell they don't know they are holding back.
But in most Black men, something inexplicably specific to them, inside of them, is held aside. They mean for something they hold askew as unique and dear and not for public, or "other" consumption to remain forever unacculturated except for the American Black maleness of it.
There is no way, therefore, to tell them how to parent their children, unless they ask because they really want to know.
How often will that happen? Don't hold your breath.
Sometimes black men stay away because they love their children.
Haven't you read For Colored Girls?
Some would stay away if they loved their children.
American Black men, who feel they set the standards nowhere, won't submit to an inability to set the
standards at home.
They'd rather not even have a real home.
Somehow, they usually ask anyone they feel on the outside looking in...'what's love got t' do with it?'

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

"Rot" In The U.S. Air Force

According to The Rachel Maddow Show, critical nuclear weapons' bases have been failing at weapons' handling.
One base flew live nuclear warheads across country from North Dakota to Louisiana. 
So the Secretary of the Air Force and the Air Force Chief of Staff and several lower level
commanders were relieved of their duties.
Since then, one of the Air Force Deputy Commanders has said, "there is a 'rot' in the nuclear
handling force in the Air Force ranks.
Seventeen other officers were removed from launch control duty.
Two of these bases are continually flunking their readiness and proper procedures functioning exams,
even as late as June of this year.
The Commander in charge of training was relieved in June.
What can the Chief of Staff do?
What can a trainer do?
There truly does exist a 'rot' in the ranks because the chief of staff has no top notch pool from which
to select.
The trainer cannot train cement.
The intellectual rigor required to understand the processes and power in nuclear matters and reactions
happens to be a massive requirement.
People who wind up in the ranks of these Air Force details don't have to compete with enough other
brilliant people to acquire their jobs.
Nuclear power is seventy years old.
One needs to be able to understand its history and evolution in order to understand how and why its
protocols are important and relevant in various complicated warhead realities.
How can the U. S. Air Force find a pool of the most intellectually exercised minds who have the loyalty, discipline, patriotism and willingness to serve this country?
They cannot. The U.S. uses a great deal of its most powerful intellects to force many of the remainder
of its citizens with the most muscled thinking processes to use every waking moment of their lives to
stay alive, stay out of jail, and avoid suppression in general.
Wake up America.
You are wasting time, talent, and energy- in geometric proportions over the time we've had nuclear power.
Force your best people into competence and excellence by forcing them to compete with the best of
each other for real, high level informational acquisition.

Does POTUS Believe This?

Bloomberg believes it.
POTUS says young black and Latino youth are disproportionally represented as crime perpetrators.
No, not always, not actually...
These youth are disproportionally reported as perpetrators of crime.
So many times authorities shrug off the criminal behavior of white youth.
I had white friends who religiously went into stores with our black friends so that the black guys
could meander around the store while the white guys robbed the people blind. The theory the white
guys had worked. They would say if the black guys went with them the store operators would be so
obsessed with following the black guys around that the rest of them could work their will with
the merchandise.
The group would pay for half the things they'd amassed.
A million of these stories abound in this country.
So many police precincts report the sort of crime they feel like reporting, and get federal money for
the crimes ascribed to the people they want to accuse.
So many women in this country get slapped on a regular basis, and so much of that in communities
with a majority of white citizens is overlooked.
So many more young white women are raped than any of us see on the Lifetime channel or in the
Black women don't report rape so much either, but on college campuses (where we suffer a shortage
of black men) rape is as prevalent as it is in our Armed Forces, if unofficial persons are actually speaking to coeds.
What Bloomberg needs is a better definition of  "crime".
Trashing the constitution thousands of time is terribly criminal.
To me, this Mayor is a criminal. He has the power to deny it. He has the authority to convince the
majority of people who aren't assaulted on the streets. Thank heaven, though, one of them has called
him out on it.
Judge Scheindlin has explained to him he has no business using unconstitutional means to stop "crime", because that is CRIMINAL.
He keeps saying, "so what"?
So we have to see in this country: there is crime, and there is Crime.

Affordable Care Act

People still have no idea about the funding of the Affordable Care Act. Even health care
workers are groaning that their health care insurance will go up.
Wouldn't that be illegal? Most policies will be cheaper.
If ten people in a group have health insurance, it could cost $4000 per month.
If 400 people are going to buy the policies instead, those policies will cost only $10 per month.
Why is that so difficult to understand?
If one hundred of us go in on one thousand bunches of flowers, we will all get them for
cheaper than if only fifty of us go in on them.
The cost of a physical is not going up when more people get physicals. The cost of physicals will
go down!
Not only that, but car insurance costs will have to go down. People will have to demand that. No
state can claim too many uninsured people are costing them a lot of money after car accidents.
The worst thing that will happen when more people get health care is that doctors will get overworked if immigration doesn't get solved. America is certainly not interested in educating physicians because drug companies fund our med schools. Drug companies want drugs, not physicians to run health care.
We will need more doctors, but also more health care workers in general.
Perhaps more workers are being trained right now.
I hope people will begin to understand they have nothing to lose when Mary Doe gets a health care
policy. She will not harm you.
All you may have to worry about is a minority person travelling to your doctor's office to have a
seat while waiting for the care her new policy provides.

Robert Mugabe

No sooner said than done.
I can't say the wisdom of nationalizing all Western interests; but you are showing you know to
make ready for the slavish greed the West employs in order to devalue other people's labor,
turning it into their own highly valued wealth.
I know how much I want for my labor.
I know how much of my labor I want translated into your wealth.
In my country, my knowing how much I value my own labor is often called Communism.
To let someone else tell me how valuable my labor is is called Democracy.
You, Mr. Mugabe, are not praised for open, democratic, working public policy.
However, you are absolutely right to make some sort of move toward not letting foreigners tell you
the value they place on your countrymen's labor. So what if greedy foreigners call you names.
Don't believe the hype which says joy comes from being compromised by foreign exploitation.
Don't get caught up in the "communist" rhetoric.
Communism is the extreme, not the rational middle between Socialism and Democracy.
We in the west don't have a name or even a rational for policies which should fit in a normative
mid-point between Communism and the capitalism of  Democracy.
If you can avoid the traps which ensared The Last King of Scotland, maybe you can develop the
languages and economies of such a mid-point.

Woe Betide THE Continent

Watch out Africa!
Now that malaria is all but solved;  if history holds true, the west will swamp you, and attempt to
re-colonize you as Americans are now doing to their own countrymen.
Your citizens may be healthier, but as poor as ever, while new foreigners become as rich as crocus
from exploiting their labors.
As we speak, 1% of the American wealthy are stepping on all other Americans as hard as they can.
They'd be glad to transfer their feet to your lands and resources.
They'd be glad to re-institute apartheid, calling it a different name, but affecting the same results as
At this time, Europe is in about the same position it was when England and King George III
insisted on slavery in the Thirteen Colonies of America.
Many Americans are still bitter about that. Who do they hate for it?... The very people whose ancestors were kidnapped and tortured to do the work colonists felt it was their birthright to be paid to do.
France, Germany, Spain, and Portugal killed or diseased as many Native Americans in South America as did Great Britain in North America.
And so, Africans built the New World because Native Americans refused to be enslaved in their own lands.
Is Europe to do the same now to the Old World in our sub-Saharan Africa of  the Eastern Hemisphere?
Do you want your societies to devolve the way Native American societies have done in
the west?
Already, you house millions of Chinese in your countries.
If disease begins to dissipate on your continent, where will Africans live when displaced by foreigners who are not carefully shown what your countries want as allowable.
Malaria was the biggest barrier to Western infiltration into your motherlands.
Woe betide you if you you don't stand ready for an onslaught you don't carefully monitor.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Political Sex

Since Anthony Weiner is not in office, I don't see how he is qualified to be a New York dignitary.
Since Mayor Filner is already in office, why go to the expense of a recall? Mainly, he is sexually
inappropriate with grannies;  but he can be sued for the money the city may have to pay for his
disturbing proclivities. If he has no more incidences, why does he need to step down? He needs to
cease and desist only his inappropriate tendencies.
If Governor Spitzer hasn't been offensive since he left office, people have a right to believe he'd be
a tremendously effective comptroller, especially since Senator Elizabeth Warren is in Washington for
him to work with for a few years to come.
If a person's presence is not controversial in and of itself, or not any longer controversial, people
may rightly assume the person's judgement is healed, or straightened.

Are American Sexual Mores Amoral?

I don't mean immoral. I do mean amoral.
Do morals attach at all?
Do we attach morals to certain sexual behaviors which are amoral? Behaviors that don't harm anyone shouldn't attach to anyone's morality.
How are we willing to spend so much time on harmless behavior, but none on criminal financial
conduct in the banking industry, behavior that actually does a great deal of harm.
I heard a speech by Ted Cruz's father, during which the Reverend used the term "homosexual
How can a marriage be homosexual? Only the people involved can be homosexual. I would not
have ever said I was in a heterosexual marriage.
Each marriage is as different as the individuals in it.
No two marriages, then, can be alike, no matter what sort of sex is involved- because no two people
are alike.

McCrory - North Carolina Backslider

No, we don't need a specific picture in order to vote.  Many things can identify a citizen.
If .001% persons are voting illegally, then you don't have a whole entire citizen voting illegally.
North Carolina has just enacted a racist Jim Crow law.
New Jim Crow is still racist, burdensome, and completely transparent.
Thank YOU for identifying YOURSELF.

Techno Me

As I sit watching a TV program, a device in my hand can tell me a lot of things about what I am
watching, whether I ask it to or not.
Do we imagine our government doesn't have infinitely more technology than that?
If so, we're delusional.

Joy Reid Is Back!

I hadn't seen Joy Reid, chief of The Grio, on MSNBC', in a while.
I wondered what had happened to her.
The lady is an absolute genius. When she is speaking, I find myself wondering what her IQ must be.
I'm embarrassed about wondering because I am sure doing so is not politically correct. Sometimes
I can't help it though.
Her analysis connects seemingly disparate philosophical dots to current ideological dots.
It can join topically relevant policy dots to anecdotal dots of customs from centuries ago.
Sometimes, she seems embarrassed she can do these feats, because she speaks very quickly, and almost under her breath.
At times, Ms. Reid seems to hold back. On Martin Bashir's show, however, I never see her suppress.

Do You Mean To Tell Me...

that fter all the horror and turmoil of so many families losing their homes,  we don't need public
No you aren't telling me that.
You are telling me the state no longer wants to invest in public schools.
People who own rental properties are obviously unwilling to pay new millage.

POTUS May Be Right About Real Estate

I don't know what the best alternatives would be, but we sure don't need anymore sub prime climates
I was approaching sixty, living in the hood, and I had very young white guys knocking on the door.
They wanted to see the property.  If I would just borrow several thousand dollars, and give them a big
chunk of it, they would see I walked away with a little too.  All I had to do was agree that in a few years I'd be able to afford a huge mortgage payment!
So, was I getting any younger, or what?
Was I going back to working five jobs?
Was I about to obtain a Ph.D. in computer engineering? Biophysics? Applied Mathematics?
Was I sure of hitting the lottery?
Sometimes I'd have to repeat myself over and over..."No, if all goes as it has been going, which I have to assume sir, I may have less income, not more, a few years from now."
When I actually needed to remortgage, I had to search high and low for a thirty year fixed.
I still haven't figured out the urgency. Was it all a playful scheme to them?
Very young white guys were driving up in Chrysler 300s, and I kept saying to myself- "I hope these
guys are also investing in an education, or saving- because they have to know this won't last.
One of them said to me at a closing: "I bet you've done this a thousand times before."
I couldn't understand what he meant. I had only done it once before, and was asking a lot of questions because I was only doing it this time to get a better interest rate, ergo a smaller payment.
My payment lessened by nearly $100 per month.  I was puzzled, but didn't know the industry was
about to explode.
I feel terrible for the people who were making so much money redoing these loans.
I feel terrible for the people  with children who bought nice houses in established neighborhoods, but
moved out right away because they woke up one morning to see they lived in ghost towns.
I feel awful for the lady whose two year old wandered next door to drown because his mom  didn't know her neighbor had moved suddenly, embarrassed about losing her house, without draining the pool.
Fine print...
Lax proofs of income...
It all turned out to be a nightmare.
It rained on the just, as well as the unjust.
So then- it was biblical.
When POTUS says invest in a good rental, he may be exactly right. Too bad for the housing
market if that continues to be the best living circumstance for young families.