Monday, July 29, 2013

Health Care In The City of Detroit

Health care here in the city is quite expensive.
Most people who live here have grown old here.
We bear the health care costs of some very young, quite sick people, and a great many aging people.
Some of our adults still young enough to work, may have  problems  stemming from drug abuse, mainly because they aren't so young anymore; whereas older persons have a great many of the usual per capita woes of an aging population. So many who are working, don't have health insurance, or don't have adequate health insurance.
The poverty in Detroit is extreme enough to cause many children here to grow up in isolation.
The isolation later causes more mental health problems than should be seen in our population.
Our health care system has a great many frequent users, but a bit fewer regularly paying monetary inputters.
A city with a shrunken tax base and a population of more than a fair share of somewhat compromised
citizens will have some  fiscally significant health care problems.
Our land mass is too large, for one thing, to maintain, for our less than 800,000 persons population.
The gap between rich and poor spans too large a space for things to get much better from declaring a
bankruptcy. One group lives its lifestyle. The other scrapes by, and rarely the twains do meet.
If Detroit doesn't have a chance to expand its middle class, it has to shrink in size,  and so does the standard of living for all Detroiters.
We, the city of the elderly, will continue to suffer, to lose services more essential than ever for
people a bit too frail to take care of city service functions individually. But-
Wish us luck. We truly have worked hard.

Silly Drug Wars

Drug wars in the U.S. are a people at war with themselves.
Most successful drug dealers won't sell drugs to just anybody. They have a good, specific,
functioning clientele who rarely come under the purview of the police- a clientele who pay well,
and pay on time.
So if a person is not functioning well, he or she should get a script for drugs of choice.
In this way, neither use nor addiction has to be closeted in such a way as to cause such an infinity of constantly criminal behaviors affecting any and all strata of society.
What's the good of my working to afford food for both myself, my family, and several jailed people
who used or carried marijuana  yesterday. Couldn't I save that money for my family vacation, or my
children's college fund? After all, that is money spent every single day.
Why should I pay an extra dollar for every pair of pants I need because someone boosted a bunch of
them from some retailer to feed a drug habit?
If an addicted person can pay, rehab should be available. For others who want rehab but cannot afford
it, taxpayers could ration that with a lot less expense than current prisons/probation systems eat.
We will always have prison. It could be used much more effectively.
We need probation systems. They could squash a great deal more recidivism.
Whereas drugs don't all have to be legal, some of the laws are dumb as actual enforcements.
How many officers should be killed so a guy won't use drugs?
How many elderly people should be killed while being robbed for the sake of some one's drug fueled
How many times will small children be left alone because mom shouldn't take them into the drug
How many foster families will get these kids later after the neglect has already damaged them?
How many tax dollars will build more jails to enslave unmotivated persons to do unwanted jobs?
How much money is too much money to waste on Dick or Jane not having available drugs?
Drugs will always be available.
When will we get out of the money dumping denial our drug wars are?

Sunday, July 28, 2013

I Wonder

I wonder what dumb excuses the jury gave for acquitting Emit Till's murderers.
When Byron DeLaBeckwith got arrested the first time, he spent his days in a cell that was never
Every day people brought him food and money and he went into town buying what he wanted, coming back to the jail in the evening when he got good and ready. What a hero they all had- my, my.
Ben Chester White's killers got off scott free.
It's a bit better for killers of black men now though.
If a person likes, he can call the police before the killing is even done, to have them meet him
at the scene, then send him on his way.
Black people should be more and more careful in this country. The offspring of 19th and 20th century immigrants keep forgetting we are not also the offspring of people who immigrated here.
Whatever privilege they feel they should inherit came from slavery making this country already rich
enough to defeat the most powerful army on earth in 1776, way before the immigrant waves began.
Whatever privilege they feel should pass to them from American whiteness comes from other
Americans having been black, and still existing as black Americans.
Slavery come from the blood, sweat, tears, and toil of the African kidnapped. Before slavery, there
were no states- united or otherwise. Maybe that is what Senator Barack Obama meant in 2004.
When Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke here in Detroit to give his 'I Have A Dream' speech, all our
local newspapers had to say the day of the speech was: 'He is breaking the law. He doesn't have a permit.'
They Scott Walkered him way back then, stopping short of throwing him in jail.
The laws here are making a mockery of justice, which mean they are now simply precursors to a
police state.

Governor Jennifer Granholm

This governor can tell you what happened to Detroit, Flint, Benton Harbor, and other black cities in
the state of Michigan.
She can tell you the tales of struggles she had with the Republican legislature here.
As a matter of fact, she could write a book on the ways the legislature here tried to twist and turn itself inside out to destroy the city of Detroit. And whereas she may not want the sort of notoriety a
book of that sort would bring her- I hope she does just that.

Don't Blame Our Unions

UAW workers are just about the only people in Detroit making any money except professionals.
Police, fire, and some hospital workers have good salaries.
Companies in Detroit don't think it is worth being here unless they can get huge tax breaks from the
city, and pay sub standard wages to Detroit workers.
In the seventies the UAW began to suffer mightily when much of the assembly lines were robotized.
I was on the Mustang line at  Dearborn Assembly in those years. It was heartbreaking to see guys
reaching and pulling and bending and stretching in such torturous rhythms they could barely afford to cough, or sneeze, or even clear their throats.
They were trying to save their jobs from robots. We already had so many on our lines.
One of the problems driving costs up so high was of course, racism. This is America. The seventies
were about leveling the playing fields white privilege was so dependent upon.
Every black person who was hired in was classified 'major assembler'. At least that was the majority
of the rule.
Every white person who was hired was classified, 'quality control'.
Major assemblers were worked like dogs, mules, oxen. They usually developed alcoholism problems
because they needed such relief after awhile, and alcohol was easy to get.
The overtime was also addictive.
Guys thought if they could get a house and some furniture while they were young, they could begin
to forgo some of the overtime as they aged.
It didn't work out that way. More and more overtime became mandatory.
The union wanted the companies to hire more people, but they only hired enough to keep the lines
going at breakneck speeds, even though a lot of people had to call in sick Mondays and Fridays.
The unions did a break with the white guys. The companies hired way more quality control inspectors
than they needed.
Quality control got all the overtime they wanted, but did very little work. In a ten hour shift, some
guys would find a place to take a nap after four or five hours when I was in the radiator plant.
Mustang Assembly, I'll admit, was a bit more disciplined than that.
All this dysfunction went right into the quality and the price of U.S. cars.
Maintaining white privilege in the auto industry was costly, but the culture of the companies mirrored
the culture of the spaces in which people lived, the majority of the people.
Minorities took what they could get. The only people the Big Three hated more than they hated
minorities were women. In the surrounding culture, look what dominion men had over women?
They wanted nothing to threaten that. Women set the standards nowhere at home or at work. Men
wanted, insisted, it should remain that way.
Now the unions have had to make tremendous concessions; but Detroit needs those jobs.
As I said, hardly anyone else is paying.
Every factory job someone has in this city is supporting at least twice as many people as it normally
would be expected to bolster.
Everyone has a brother, a sister, a girlfriend, a boyfriend, a mom, a dad, a son, daughter, niece, nephew, out of work.
No one completely turns his or her back on all disadvantaged family members or the children of
family members
Whereas marriage isn't a norm here, love still is.
But since the Big Three were the main hirers, and they didn't like hiring black people, many young
people who wanted professional jobs left the city at a pretty good clip.
Those black people living here who did get good jobs at auto companies in the seventies, later tried
to get jobs for their kids in the same company.
That didn't work out well.
Monied people would support their kids through a Master's degree, only to have the kid wind up moving back home, or leaving Detroit.
Sooner or later, this began to happen to white families as well, suburban families. Whoever cheats the system on a regular and enduring basis, eventually destroys it for everyone.
Auto companies didn't once give quarter to the fact that Japan, for instance, only hired people best
qualified for the jobs. People in Japan didn't expect to get credit for being white or brown, so their
companies gave credit only for work and work product.
Even the behemoth, Compuware, built their company in downtown Detroit, but wanted nothing to do with hiring black people. Peter Karmanos, the company head, also hated unions. He blamed unions for the fact that companies could not come here to have an easily exploited class of workers. He was the Detroit Mitt Romney.
The unions may have been complicit in auto worker discrimination, but they always did do what they could to protect member workers.
We needed more unions here to be inclusive of black workers.
In the eighties, a school for robotics was training workers for the new jobs. The only way to qualify
for admission was to be recommended by an auto company. The companies left the recommending
to skilled trades' supervisors.
Very few black workers attained apprentice or journeyman certifications in the skilled trades, so
supervisors recommended young white guys.
Even now, electricians, plasterers, plumbers ,etc. are normally white in mostly white or all white unions.
Black skilled tradesmen are very well qualified; but they need to be in these unions, earning union
We need these unions now more than ever, because even if the organizations don't diversify, when union wages  are paid, our own tradesmen charge just under what union protected earners do.
The Affordable Care Act will create jobs for us because we have an intricate, varied, and vast system
of hospitals,and hospital workers. A new Whole Foods just opened up in our Medical Center this year.
Then when we don't have to pay such high no fault insurance (because our state can no longer claim they pay burdensome costs for auto accident hospitalizations) we can use our ACA wages to
buy more cars.
I can only hope this 'city manager' stuff won't gut our diversity laws in this city.
Old people live here now. More trouble is yet to come if Detroit city pensioners are to lose their
income and benefits. those incomes are sometimes the only steady ones in a Detroit family.
We do care about each other, warts and all. Instead of any of you out there continuing the hatred our state shows us- wish us luck.


Apparently, we aren't regular people. We are an uncivilized bunch of know-nothings according to the
I don't feel uncivilized.
I believe I know some things.
For instance, I know the U.S. constitution should come into play when a state usurps the rights of U.S. citizens in a municipality.
I know we Detroiters don't need an appointed 'emergency manager' in order to declare bankruptcy.
I realize the criminal justice system does all it can to criminalize our male children.
I know business, real estate, and some segments of labor abandoned Detroit when it became apparent
to them no all white contractors were allowed city contracts.
I know the state legislature, and the now governor, are arch enemies of this city.
We have been roundly criticised for years for having even a school system.
Who would want to go to school with a bunch of black children? Well, our children do.
Who would want a school full of black teachers and administrators?
We do- though we don't often have that anymore.
Most middle classed blacks have moved into the surrounding suburbs.
But those of us who stayed, stayed either because we didn't care for suburban living, or we had no
money to leave.
Those of us who want to stay on know of some good things in the city.
Greektown is still fun, even if it is small.
The universities here offer community outreach in many areas.
Marygrove college is here. It still trains teachers and allied health professionals.
The University of Detroit is here. They run undergrad programs and train dentists and lawyers.
Wayne State University is here with myriad nationally famous undergrad and grad programs.
Mercy College in Detroit is  now part of The University of Michigan.
The soul food restaurants are mainly cash and carry, but we love them.
Cars are easy to purchase here.
The Detroit Opera House often has great classical fare, especially in dance.
Theater is not as plentiful as it once was- but when shows come to the Fisher theater they are quite
The Detroit Repetory Theater is esoteric, but a mainstay for decades.
The Bonstelle and Hillberry are world famous, and run by Wayne State.
Of course our churches are vibrant, plentiful, some beautiful, and engaging.
Our churches come in all denominations.
Rich Detroiters have been criticised for staying here, and sending their kids to private schools.
Poor unwed mothers have been sent to outlying cities in order to get Section 8 housing.
They come back home.
Living in Detroit is not always easy, but it is better to be here than to pay a million dollars to live in
sterile, abstract surroundings.
Poor families cannot afford to live elsewhere,
Rich families can afford security, and to get away to wherever they want whenever they want.
Young families have moved to nearby suburbs, or, if they are unwilling to pay exorbitant taxes, to
Clinton Township, far far from center city.
Suffice it to say; not all of us are uncivilized.
Many of us who have been criminalized are not criminal- or dangerous by any means.
We are not so young anymore, but we are intelligent.
Should we move to some creepy suburb so that some freak can stalk and call the 'police' on one of our under-aged sons, then shoot the child through the heart, clean himself up, go home, go on trial after much prodding, so that a 'jury' can tell us all that uncivilized nonsense was 'law'?
No. I don't think so.
As our Mayor Coleman A.Young said when the upright in our state complained about guns in the
city: 'Are you kidding? Can't you see Detroit is surrounded by The Militia?
I believe in gun registration, but Mayor Young was 100% on the money.
This state is more and more an enemy of the people.
Michigan so wants to be Mississippi, circa 1900, if they can't be the Mississippi of the antebellum south.

Who Could Have Helped Detroit?

Mayor Kwame Kilparick
Governor Jennifer Granholm

Friday, July 26, 2013


What a phony.
This juror knows so much about the letter of the law.  What does she know about justice?
She insulted Trayvon Martin's parents bt saying she is as hurt as the child's mother.
Next time, this lady who has laws read to her, and thinks God is supposed to do the job He gave
her to do-  maybe she will stand her ground.
Lots of luck to this woman whose real humanity is a muddle of instruction from the obviously
disingenuous. Who does she refer to when she says the law was read to her? The law was read to
the group as a whole.
The law only required malice of forethought, and killing.
When a grown man says there is something wrong with a kid he has never seen before, then stalks
the child with a gun after having called the child names two or three times in the space of a
moment, and then lies about why he got out of the car in the first place- what more malice could
have been shown a child in order for a thinking person to know that level of accosting is an aggression?
If this man aggressed this child, and then killed this child, the burdern of proof for murder is met.
Did she think John Guy wasn't the law when he explained so clearly to these jurors that the killer
was lying when the story he told would only hav been possible if Trayvon had had about ten arms?
Did she believe the detective was the law when he said he in no way believed Trayvon knocked this
creature to the ground with one blow?
This trial examined a lot of law.
She chose the ones she wanted to use for an acquittal. She didn't stand up for the truth.
Lots of luck to this cheshire cat, grinning.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Cowering Liberals

The closer President Obama gets to the end of his term, the more some liberals want him to raise the
white flag on middle classes thriving under invested government.
Why should we still be talking chain cpi? The sequester was the compromise of the year!
Who takes up the slack when a kid gets kicked out of pre-school, and mom has had to give up a
part-time job, or a planned part-time job.
Some neighbor or family member who may be already working at or near minimum wage takes up that slack, eroding the standard of living the family has been seeking.
Who takes up the slack for all the furlough days government workers are suffering?  The super rich?
No way. The middle class soaks up all that loss.
We have compromised all the jobs we should have had when Republicans rejected the infrastructure
All our progressive legislative strivings have been kept at minimum or kept at bay altogether.
We still, thankfully, have Obamacare, which will create a slew of jobs.  If our President gives it up, those jobs will be lost. Paychecks will continue to be crushed by illnesses, and accidents, and the entire country will incur an even more shrunken middle class than we had in 2008.
President Obama has a lot more to worry about in our need for the new Affordable Care Act than his
legacy if he loves his country.
If liberals are willing to throw us under the bus with prettier language than Republicans use- we need
to elect a lot more progressives.

Mayor Dave Bing

Our mayot has been a great and loyal friend to Detroit. Too bad Lansing did nothing which wouldn't
crush the city in spite of Mayor Bing.
Detroit doesn' t choose its mayors to suit the state of Michigan.
This big Jim Crow state can't abide our desire to stay together, as independent as we can be from them.
Our land mass is so big our businesses needed to pitch in here. They did not.

I Cannot Understand Women

I do understand Jenny Sandford.
I understood Hillary Clinton to a certain extent because she had a lot of specific ambitions her husband was fostering, pushing, and applauding.
Perhaps the public and private have become enmeshed in blurred boundaries.
If so, that's too bad.
Societies, as a whole, need very clear boundaries around private behavior, in order for there to be a space for individuals to form strong relationships and to foster families.
Too bad if we are not keeping these boundaries safe.
I can't see why a woman needs to live with a man she can have for a much less consuming
Some of these husbands would be handier if they just came through now and again.
Many of them would be good as a two night stand every now and then.
If a woman is mature enough not to lie in an intimate relationship, what does she have in common with a liar?
If a man has a salacious nature, how can a woman feel special when he shares himself with so many other people.
Is the joy in an intimate adult commitment no more than a shrug and a giggle when the time comes for the 'committment' part to be realized?
I thought being in love meant each person feels the other is so very special ,that each makes a promise to=never do a thing which would hurt or demean the other.
Each partner makes that personal promise to himself or herself, as well as to the other person.
When these promises get breached, how does joyous interaction get defined in a way unique to a specific couple?
How does a person in a crowded relationship feel cherished as an individual?
How does a person want to have someone faithless raise their children?
Am I a simple parochial?

New York Mayoralty

New York represents a great swathe of the U.S. business and finance conglomerate.  It has to present
a straight face to the world itself on a range of weighty issues including insurance, shipping, diplomacy, security measures, building, leasing, and  many more industries which set standards for the world.
How will dignitaries from important countries keep that straight face when he reaches out to shake
If the leader of an important city has publicly disturbing behavior which is escalating, won't it continue to escalate?
Will some of the women begin to feel more angry and exploited than they have possibly shown themselves to feel now?
Will one of the persons he contacts prove to be more seriously disturbed than New Yorkers bank on
during primaries and races?
Will some of this very public sexuality lead to some sort of criminality, especially in young people?
Why would New Yorkers want to deal with any of those possibilities, or even probabilities as part
and parcel to the governing of their city? 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Mayor Filner etc.

Mayor, if you weren't so physical, you'd be hilarious. Really, you asked a woman to come to work
without panties?  That verges on the hilarious; but not laughing with you, as opposed to at you.
You are surely different, sir. I want to crack up, but it's hard when I hear you are tonguing unsuspecting victims. That is very nasty, Mr. Mayor.
You must be bitter aye, about your wife possibly having completely lost interest in you?
How lonely can you be?
Aren't you at least supposed to be careful enough not to give someone whiplash? Putting people over
forty in headlocks doesn't even sound medically safe.
You seem to have plenty of philandering company,  though.
President Clinton may have begun the more ostentatious philandering.
Still, even he fell off wuth his choice of M.Lewinski.
When I saw Gennifer Flowers, I realized guys just sometimes do the wrong thing.
Since that time you politicians have gone on to just doing  the crazy thing.
Politicians are accosting people in public bathrooms and congressional saunas; you are stoking the hopes of chunky girls, people in virtual worlds. You yourself have an unusual fondness for sexually soliciting grandmoms.
So people, can valuing true intimacy actually be as scary as all that?
As a matter of fact, I believe science says it really can be!


I think someone should explain to Edward Snowden: There exists no country on this planet which will welcome him to sign confidentiality agreements regarding their government or anything else in their national structures, then 'leak' the information exposed to him in ways breaching the agreements he graced with his actual signature.
Who's gonna tell 'im?!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

A Hole In The Heart

What about the hole in Tracy Martin's heart?
Doesn't Mr. Martin have any civil rights? Didn't someone stalk his minor child?
Does Sabrina Fulton have civil rights?
Can anyone who feels like it accost her underaged son?
I don't see how we have a leg to stand when trying to explain human rights to the Russians or most any other modern country.


All the help our elected officials requested from the State of Michigan has been refused for years.
Now that they have Kwame in jail, and all our other officials removed by their funky 'emergency
manager' situation, they know what we need to get back on our feet. It should be hilarious, but it
isn't quite.
For one thing, they are claiming, we have to tear down all the abandoned structures in the city.  Well
those could have been torn down already. Our city laws won't allow crews to come in here to do the
work unless some minorities are in the crews doing the work.
Way back when Hissoner (Mayor Coleman A. Young) was leading the city, some of the skilled trades unions had no minorities.
So businesses and status quo organizations told us we could rot.
We have had a rough time in many ways.
Our city is full of elders; but we never did decide we had to run this city according to the terms the suburbs were laying out for us.
Our children come of age, then move out of state or into one of the surrounding suburbs.
We stay, a lot of us, because this is where our vote counts.
We have been criticised for having very well-to do citizens who refused to move outside the city.
The local newspapers claimed families who had two earners, each with heftier six figure salaries
should move rather than send their kids to private schools, and later buy them expensive wheels.
Detroiter's aren't like that.
For instance, I was born in this city. My children's dad was born in this city. My parents came to this
city when one was six months, the other five or six years old.
The suburbs here pay huge taxes so that black people as a whole won't be able to afford to live there
One of my own daughters left here for greener pastures years ago.  She wasn't established here after
Another one of my daughters left when she got married. This city didn't have a job good enough for her new husband.
Businesses here with excellent jobs mostly hate native black Detroiters, and people in a union.
If a business doesn't have to do business with the city, it doesn't.
Most of our neighborhoods are strapped for services.
We love our elected officials though, and are not waiting for the 'rescuers'.
We are biding our time until we can vote again.

Ray Kelly

What is the black professional class thinking?
Get that man out of New York, please.
He likes to stop. He likes to frisk. Now he will have the world to suspect.
He will have much less time to continue the torture of black men.
I do have to admit our blackness may be an unintended inconvenience for us from the war on terror.
The most vicious and effective terrorists sent to the U.S. for the 9-11 attacks were purposefully
chosen for their darker skin and their hair color and texture.
The attack planners, when helpful to their puroses, took menial jobs, blending right into the minority
stereotypes which were described for us as those taken for granted by majority culture individuals in Ralph Ellison's, The Invisible Man.
One way to be sure an ordinary-looking black man is not carrying bombs on him is to search all the
black men.
I suspect the 'underwear bomber' didn't help matters any either.
Perhaps Mr. Kelly threw anybody he could under the bus to be sure nothing more happened to
New York...not on his watch. Let the man go. His methods are killing the wallets and reputations of half a million people a year.

POTUS Under Fire

Progressives are screeching about 1) the press and the Justice Department
                                                       2) the government collection of citizen data
                                                       3) Bradley Manning
                                                       4) drones
                                                       5) Guantanamo
Shall I go on?
The right wing is constantly bellowing about 1) his nationality
                                                                         2) his religion
                                                                         3) his wanting help for ordinary citizens
                                                                         4) his advocacy for women's rights
                                                                         5) his advocacy for unions and the abolition of flat
                                                                         6) his health care initiatives, including but not limited to
                                                                         7) his cabinet appointment nominations
                                                                         8) his federal judiciary appointment nominees
                                                                         9) his Supreme Court appointments
                                                                        10) his advocacy for all American marriages
Shall I go on?
Black Elites are outraged that he isn't outspoken on race talk.
Don't we, as black people, have enough trouble already?
Isn't John Roberts already writing opinions giving states dominion over all black people and all black
peoples' interests?
President Obama is the only President in decades who has done nothing to legislate against black
citizens at any point in his entire career.
He has quietly kept homelessness in big cities to an absolute minimum during the whole recession/depression.
Black people should know better than any other group, that if the President overtly says and does a
lot to help his own people we will reap it from a lot of those still in the majority in this country.
When right wing radio is talking, the vituperative, crazed talk of backlash against the President's
culture all day every day, they don't intend to speak covertly, and they slobber for the chances to
behave the way they speak.
Now why would our President want to encourage any of that?
He is doing what he can, when he can, not covertly- but also, we hope, not one bit showy.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

What Killed Detroit?

In the main- Lansing.

Jordan Davis

Jordan Davis, a black teenager, sitting in the back of an SUV in Florida was unarmed when he was
gunned down by a white man who opened fire on the vehicle where Jordan's companions were also
People who want justice to be delivered though democracy need to find a way to hold freaky
shooters accountable when juries will not. We don't raise our children to be sitting ducks, or to obey
all white strangers all the time.

Slow Down Raechel

Raechel Jeantel may want the slang of young people, as regards race, to be mainstreamed so that it is validated. However, the "N" word, in all its forms, will be inflammatory if whites use it when
speaking to or about black persons.
Black men are the usual recipients of the word in black culture. When using it, they mean to say to
one another, 'White people don't think much of you.'
Black women use the word at times, but rarely is a black woman referred to with this word, by either
males or other females.
The word sometimes infers- 'White people don't like your attitude about work..'
Among black people in general, the term can be hilarious, especially outside parts of the black middle
class, and the black privileged- save those in hip-hop culture.
This word doesn't need to be validated in society as a whole. The concept triggering it much predates our cultural use of it in the black community. 'They' had it first, and misused it mightily. 'They' can
afford to let it go without asking 'us' what we do with it.
The slave history of Raechel's ancestors may be encumbered with different slang.

Friday, July 19, 2013


As a black man, President Obama can either lead on issues of race, violence, criminality, and civil
rights...or he can follow.
As an American President, why in the world would he want to follow?

What About White On White Crime?

Why do we keep hearing about black on black crime?
Nearly everyone who perpetrates, does so against his or her own race, especially as regard
capital crime.
The thing is that subconsciously, some Americans are outraged that they have not inherited white
privilege. Some Americans are outraged that Black people could dare go from being property, to
threatening property.
And of course we are more than certain that only white men ever dare be fearful to white women.
Keep in mind,however: white women who are actually murdered are so far and away murdered
by white men.
These guys don't need hoodies to be dangerous.

POTUS Seems Quite Hopeful

I don't know, though.
Sasha and Malia are privileged;  hanging out, necessarily, with other privileged persons.
How else could they be safe?
Sasha and Malia will always have relatives in Kenya, Ireland, and maybe Canada.
What about us?
We are a minority, our roots in enslavement.
When one of our young is killed, we are always expected to get quiet and orderly.
Well, then, it could be we should all have passports.
Maybe Marcus Garvey had a good idea.
Maybe Milton Henry was leaning in the right direction.
I think President Obama said he could have been Trayvon thirty-five years ago.
Wasn't that in 1978? Wasn't 1978 113 years after slavery was abolished, and 359 years after
my forefathers were dragged to these shores in chains?
Are we waiting another 113 years, or surely not another 394 years?!
Perhaps in D.C. things seem better. What do I know. I live in Detroit. Here, the same young
who were so accepting of other races, other gender identities, other nationalities, seem to be
suffering newly hardened hearts as they reach high school. That doesn't portend well for poor
people in our cities. What about when your presidency is over?
There are white people and mixed raced people in my immediate family, POTUS, and they are
very decent people- but I keep getting the idea they are in a different sort of minority.
Our hopes as black people are unfortunately hanging by a thread.
If even a black President can't keep our babies safe, to whom are subject?
How do we once again get out of these states' rights nooses? And how many have to die before
we have abolished them?
The U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Supreme Court seem to believe Only in states'
We haven't ever had a Black Klux Klan.
We haven't formed the Black Citizens Council.
We don't have the Mao Mao Society.
All the Black Panthers did at first is pass out food, and vow not to strike first.
What did we do wrong?
You know, POTUS, I hear Burkina Faso can be lovely this time of year.

B37 Is Educated?

This woman sounded just like a bumpkin when she was on Anderson Cooper's show.
The next day, she supposedly released a statement which did seem to be written by someone who
was very well educated. I feel certain that someone was not her.
She can't understand Raechel Jeantel; but a person with an accent can still be intelligent.
That's a lesson all of us have to learn in America. Learning the strengths of others, broadens us.

Monday, July 15, 2013

What Is Everyone Talking About?

If a white child is stalked and made fearful in the night, the child is having his civil rights attacked. A citizen does not have to be black in order to demand a stalker back away from infringing his civil rights.
If Trayvon were white, we'd still have to say his civil rights were trampled, because he was a minor
being stalked by someone who killed him.
How freaky does someone have to be to think it's ok to follow, to alarm, and to murder a young human because he is perceived to seem suspicious?
Are we back to those killings when someone purposefully provokes a person of a certain race, creed, or color, to strike in fear so that it's ok for the fearful person to be attacked and killed?
I was sure we settled such behaviors as criminal decades ago.
I believe John Guy purposefully alluded to right vs. wrong in his recent trial closing, negating  irrefutable facts related to a right of any individual to stalk and kill human beings.
The juror who was holding out for second degree murder was right. Calling names, stalking, accusing,  murdering, all describe hateful attitudes at the least.
A child of any race has had his civil rights trampled when any of those things are heaped on him by
someone who, minutes later, murders him, or her.
I wonder if the right-thinking juror was threatened in some way. The community in which she lives is very small, and can obviously be cut-throat.

Tracy Martin And Sabrina Fulton

My hope for them is that they will be able to parent their child forever. My prayer for the rest of us
is that we will be able to help them do that.

Lawyers For The Prosecution

What could the prosecutors do to change who these tribally entrenched jurors actually are?
Those people know what a street fight is.
What difference would it have made to insist Travon Martin was never on top of the killer?
What difference does it make if at one point Trayvon did find himself on top? How could he have
slammed the stalker's head into the concrete over and over unless this attacker had no arms, no
shoulders, no hands, and no neck?
Common sense does tell us that much. Why would the prosecution try to convince full grown
people of that obvious truth? Wouldn't that have been condescending?
Should a team of Jacksonville lawyers condescend to a hometown jury?
Never in a million years would that have worked.
We can do all there is to do in a case, or we can do what could possibly work.
Prosecutors impeached witnesses as best they could. Those witnesses were full of hyperbolic
statements no one would believe unless they simply decided to believe. What could prosecutors
do about that?
As prosecutors pressed these wildly extreme witnesses, they got wilder.
No way in the world would this killer have been weaker than a boy of seventeen.
If this murdering low-life was so "stunned" he would not have had the presence of mind to reach behind him to pull out a gun, while his head was being pounded the whole time, and without
Trayvon fighting him for that gun.
If he were screaming as his head was pounded, his screaming would have sounded more gurgled
and garbled, especially if there were a hand over his mouth. Anyone could know that.
Mr. Guy was explicit in his remarks that anyone would know Trayvon did not have ten hands. No
way could he have covered the murderer's mouth, pounded his head, and reached for that, gun all at the moment that shot rang out. And so this killer has to have had a mouth full of Trayvon's blood
he disgraced by stuffing it with the addition of a fistful of filthy self-serving lies.  Why did this
creepy stalker need that mouth to be full of rotting self-serving lies? What is it he needed to cover
up? Maybe he didn't want to say he finally got to stalk and kill a black kid.
What does a teenager have to do then, in order to be safe?
Oh- should he start again saying, "Yassuh, yassuh Mr, Bossman"? That didn't work. So it cannot work. And it cannot be ok for teenagers to be gunned down by stalkers.
The big white sheet, the burning cross, have been transferred to little loopholes in killing laws,
and the permission to suspend all common sense. If you want to think of a skinny black kid as a man with super musculature- it's ok with the law. If you want to believe a black teenagers as people with
ten hands and arms- it's ok with the law.
If  some loser comes along who decides to be the accuser, the jailer, the prosecutor, the judge, the
jury, and the executioner- that's ok with the law. What a system!
Why in the world would the prosecutors make up some story? They were admitting we didn't know
exactly what the story was because the defendant in this case kept a bubbling up a mouth full of
lies. Nothing, in the end, happened to make this killer afraid for his life.
Angela Corey could have tried the case herself, but she was very high profile as the outsider
prosecutor who brought charges in a town where many of these jurors at the least, had friends and
neighbors who felt the killer should not even have been arrested.
The prosecution would have given itself no advantage with Corey as lead prosecutor.
If a man carrying a nine millimeter firearm with the safety off, exits his car with someone in mind he has defamed, and trails this other person against professional police advice- then he is going hunting.
Only common sense proves that. No evidence anywhere or of any sort can comport without common sense ensuing at some point.
We have prosecutors in Lake County Illinois who listen to right wing radio all day, but don't believe
they need to accept DNA evidence, because neither science nor enough common sense to accept
science has to be accepted, even by educated people, if they love self-serving lies.
That killer shot the boy because he wanted to kill a young black male. He would not have felt a need
to kill a young white male. As Attorney Guy said quite emphatically, 'he shot Trayvon because he
wanted to- not because he had to.' 
Angela Corey believed the voice on the 911 recording would not have stopped the very instant the
shot went off if it had been the killers voice, especially when this killer claims he didn't even know
the shot had killed the youngster.
All children are asked not to talk to strangers, not to bring strangers home.
Trayvon was doing what all parents ask their young people to do. He was a nice kid, trying to save
himself and his family. Watch out Red Riding Hood. The story has been updated. The wolf does eat you. Your family gets heartbroken. The huntsman pats wolfy on the head.
Or should black teenagers now assume that any white stalker should be profiled as a killer? Is that the lesson we have to prepare our young people to learn? What does a kid have to do in order not to get
Mark O'Mara keeps saying in public that Trayvon made a mistake of perception.
Trayvon did not, but-
Someone did.

Let's Get This Straight

Black men do not defame, stalk, and then kill young black teenagers.
Any questions?

Dirty Unpretty Things

The film, Dirty Pretty Things was about things which were inherently supposed to be good, but
innocent lives were destroyed for no reason, just to obtain those valuable things.
Peace and property values are good things.
We don't have either when racist vigilantes pick and choose who and when to kill.
Thank the Lord.
That jury was terrible.
They didn't care Trayvon had just turned seventeen.
They didn't care Trayvon had no more cement or concrete than the killer had.
They didn't care Trayvon was doing no harm in attempting to get home.
They didn't care Trayvon had very little opportunity to defend himself.
They didn't care that ANYONE being stalked gets frightened.
They didn't care Trayvon had no criminal record.
They didn't care Trayvon lacked a grown man's musculature.
They didn't care a boy's voice was screaming on the 911 tape.
They didn't care this child had no defensive wounds.
They didn't care the break-ins in that complex were from African American males who
did not live in that complex. They weren't legitimate visitors to that complex.
How reasonable is it for anyone to doubt the facts I've just stated?
For what I've been describing, a person who looks at those things as a collective is an unreasonable
bigot- and proud of it!


In one sense, we do have to imagine Floridians feel a right to do as much profiling as New York.
New York is a truly racist profiling machine.
Subtly, they encourage everyone to follow them.
Bloomberg practically insists everyone follow them.
So, New York, you who has a police force which constantly guns down unarmed black men,
other states want as much privilege as you do when it comes to destroying young black men.
They didn't have a real policeman, I know. They didn't have an actual man, I know.
They are learning, though. They are learning from the master.
We want to know why some freak killed Trayvon, while we are still wondering why Mr. Diallo
is dead.
Why is Sean Bell dead?
Why did Oscar Grant's life mean nothing?
Why can't Morgan Freeman or Forest Whittaker have any peace in New York?
The United States of America is definitely not a model of human rights leadership.
We have such an uphill battle to fight in this country for our young people.
Childhood is disappearing at an alarming rate.
We have one man raping young children for over fifty years.
We have priests raping young children.
We have a man just becoming a man slaughtering first graders.
We had Youngsters in an Amish school gunned down.
I really hope black people will not be the only ones protesting the murder of a lone child
who had no weapon, no intent, and no knowledge whatsoever of the evil stalking him.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Ben Chester White

For some reason, Trayvon's case reminds me of the killing of Ben Chester White.
Mr. White was 67yrs. old when in 1966, in Mississippi, three white men offered him a job. Their original aim, according to one of the vicious ones was to "kill them a nigger".
They took the African-American senior citizen out to a field, and killed him.
One of the killers confessed; but his jury couldn't decide on a verdict. No other trial was ever held.
Charges against the ring leader of this trio were dropped. The third killer, the last man to be tried
last man to be tried, was acquitted.
According to the confession of the man who admitted the killing, Mr. White's last words were, "Lord,
what in the world did I do to deserve this?"
Those are the words the man who confessed could not forget- leading him to admit his culpability
to the police.
I can see Trayvon's killer has no such conscience.
But I've been thinking Ben White's alleged last words must have been something along the line of
what Trayvon was thinking when his chest exploded in fire.
His killer is likely a sexual predator who knocked the ear bud from Trayvon's ear, wrestled the child
to the ground, and pinned him. So he wouldn't have defensive marks on him. He was the one with
MMA training. If Tryavon landed any blows, it was by design of the predator.
The young man never knew what hit him. His screaming came as he realized what was happening to
The police, knowing the killer, were most assuredly not going to do forensics on Trayvon's body, or
on that of this killer.
Now, if you had to prosecute this case in front of a hometown jury- not your hometown, knowing you
were not allowed to allude to assault, how would you do it?
The prosecutors did a good job. There was not going to be a point to inflaming this jury.This was
obviously a group of women who loved the idea of having a "protector" in the neighborhood.
So as my daughter was saying, he's soon going to be "coming to a neighborhood near you".
Feel safe yet?

I Stand Corrected Then

Apparently it isn't so hard to excuse a "creepy cracker" from killing an unarmed teenager the killer
has stalked as prey after defaming the young person to the police.
My heart bleeds for Tayvon's parents. They know this verdict was quite wrong.
I've heard friends say the jury had to follow the law.
Which law?
If we have to follow the letter of unjust laws, then why did Martin Luther King Jr. elect to write
his letter from the Birmingham jail?

Saturday, July 13, 2013

A Jury Prediction

They will convict or be unable to decide. I didn't want to say "hang".
It seems to me this jury does not have sympathy for this defendant. At least one was, reportedly, frantically taking notes during the whole trial. She may not have done that if her jury mates were ostracising her for it.
Additionally, they seem to hate Mr. O'Mara on the defense team.
He grins and smirks; and though we can't see the jury, O'Mara doesn't ever seem to react as though he is connecting with them.
That shouldn't matter; but people, not computers, decide jury verdicts.
And it's difficult to excuse putting a bullet into the heart of an unarmed teenager a killer has been
stalking and defaming.

Race Riots

Will white people riot if the killer is convicted?

Friday, July 12, 2013

Six White Mothers

The women on the jury of the Trayvon Martin murder case are all very different people. They are not
going to be any more alike than if they were all neighbors.
They won't be any more alike than me and my cousin who is married for the second time with three children, one black, and two Arabic.  I married only once. All my children are black.
Six women aren't alike because each of them is white.
Angelina Jolie is white-  so is her mother-in-law, and her husband's ex-wife.
Yet, Angelina couldn't be more different than the two afore-mentioned women.
Some of the women on the jury may hurt as though Trayvon could have been any one's young son.
Some of them may hurt as though they just realized their son was a predator-murderer.
We can't assume anything much about a person because we assume she has a womb.
Some of them may sense they would feel better getting a sex change.
Women are just people. Pure and simple. We cannot profile this group. Profiling is an obviously
unfortunate habit.

Prosecuting Attorney Guy

Mr. Guy gave the jury an explanation today of why the case doesn't have to be related to the races of
those involved in this murder.
He meant the jury would not want any young man to gun down another who was unarmed, unaware, chatting on his cell phone, no malice in his heart,  simply trying to get home to a young relative waiting for skittles.
He said, "This case was about right and wrong- it's that simple."
I can say John Guy is a white man.
But John Guy is the white man.

Stay Up Players

Young black males in this country are supporting Trayvon all over the internet!
They are blacking out their previously published photos, and they are posting photos of themselves
saying: 'this is me five years ago (etc.) when I was sixteen.
I am so proud of them. They know better than anyone- the creepy stalker had no beef with Trayvon.

John Guy

What a Guy!!!
This prosecutor really nailed it!
And Seema Iyer did too when she called him 'eye candy for the ladies'.
These prosecutors were not going to 'wave' race flags at this all white Florida jury.
That would have been a dumb thing to do no matter what all these legal analysts are saying.
What if there is a Paula Deen on that jury. She could probably be fair if people don't get her to
feeling prickly about her heritage or her Samuel Alito-type sensibilities.
If this wasn't a difficult race issue trial, not many of them would be asked to give their opinions
Paul Henderson was the best MSNBC analyst aside from the queen, of course, Joy Reid.
Mr. Guy was definitely on the money every step of the way in court today. According to Joy Reid, John Guy preached a sermon up in there.
She was right.
Did Mr. Guy confer with an AME preacher to get his thoughts together on today's summation?
He was so beyond excellent today.
Finally, we heard someone admit it- 'this was every child's worst nightmare, to be followed home
late at night by a stranger'.
He offered us the very obvious possibility that Trayvon would be understandably reluctant to have
such a stranger follow him home when he knew no adult was at the house.
He told us we owe the living respect, but we owe the dead the truth.
He tied some of the killer's lies to making himself  look to be the blameless victim he was Not.
He tied many of the rest of the killer's lies to attempts at making Trayvon seem more menacing than he obviously was.
He talked about how we use our human hearts, thank the Lord.
Mr. Tracy Martin and his lawyer Mr. Crump seemed especially appreciative of that tack.
He reminded us that Trayvon Benjamin Martin was only sixteen years and twenty-one days old;
and that the last thing he did in this world was 'try to get home'.
He reminded us that Trayvon had a right to defend himself, to fight for his life, though he lost it.
Mr. Guy let everyone know: 'that child had every right to be afraid of a stranger following him- 1st
in a car, then on foot.'
He made the assertion: 'that man didn't shoot Trayvon because he had to, he shot him because he wanted to'.
I loved the moment when Mr. Guy obliterated all the goofy mannequins, videos, and cut-outs.
He said, 'Trayvon is not a piece of cardboard. He never has been, and he never will be.'
Attorney Guy powerfully let the jury hear him say the way they could know this case is not about race, is that they realize if a seventeen-year-old Trayvon Martin had been driving around  'who called the police, who had hate in his heart, hate in his mouth, hate in his actions, following,
then shooting and killing a twenty-something neighborhood man, with they would surely hold  Trayvon responsible.
No matter what verdict that jury comes back with now, Trayvon Benjamin Martin got truth,
right out of the mouth of Mr. John Guy today; so inasmuch as truth is some good portion of any just cause- Trayvon, then on this day,  has gotten a great measure of whatever justice this world has in its pitiful power to offer.

Mr. De La Rionda

I am so grateful Mr. De La Rionda pointed out how many arms Trayvon Benjamin Martin would have to have had in order to cover up the mouth of a (screaming) person, while 'reigning blows' down on said creature person, pummeling the head of the predator into the sidewalk, and reaching for a gun, all within the space a very short time; while leaving no evidence whatsoever of any of this on
his own person.
The prosecutor here is being quite careful to say he will let the jury decide.
I don't blame him.
So many people identify with the killer in this trial, that any prosecutor would have to be sensitive to an all white jury, or risk inciting them.
So many people in this country feel, 'If one of you breaks into one of our homes, then one of you, or
all of you can get shot through the heart. Makes no difference which one of you, or how many of you.
Trayvon Benjamin Martin may never have heard of such extreme sentiments.
Mr. De La Rionda has heard of them.

Dr. Nut Job

No, doctor, a man Cannot walk over to you after his heart has been ripped out of his chest. His legs will cease to operate within the space of time it takes for his brain to detect the loss of two, maybe three heartbeats.
No, I am not a physician, a clinician, or a research scientist. All anyone has to do in order to know about this is to read sensible literature.
As soon as the brain senses any loss of blood, especially any sudden loss of blood, it goes into an
immediate panic. So does the liver.
No striated muscle in the human body will get any cooperation from the human brain at all.
The brain will attempt for a determinate amount of seconds ( I know I don't know how many.) to
prevent organ death. Organs are not comprised of striated muscle. The human brain will not give
attention to anything else.
The moment a heart stops for whatever reason, consciousness sinks into oblivion. The body barely
has time to steel itself when it feels itself about to hit the "floor", for instance.
Have you closed yourself up in your "crazy little corner of lab" world to shoot one small animal too
Humans, I would suggest, must be much different than the small creatures you claim to have shot in the heart.
I know if a human body is in some moving act before the head is lost, the body may continue that act
for a few seconds if it is a simple enough familiar action, because the muscles don't know the brain is
The brain, however, is acutely aware of the heart.
I know a person may be capable of sound after a shot to the heart, but actual speech?
I am so certain someone shot in the heart and lung has absolutely no ability to lift himself enough to
get both his arms underneath his young body.
Don't you know that too?
Stop shooting small animals Dr. D.
Cease and desist to even think about shooting small animals in the heart.
It's making you batty.
Try going back to planaria. You know, the little flatworms which can be sliced evenly down the
middle, and in a short time each half will be a whole living worm being. You remember. That's
probably Science 10something.
However- DON'T try doing the same to a small animal or a human being. It will not work!
I noticed you told one of the prosecution team in the Trayvon Martin case that scientists can't
experiment with shooting humans in the heart. Remember what the prosecutor, I believe it was
Mr. De La Rionda, said?
He of course said, 'I know.'

Had Trayvon Seen That Gun...

Trayvon Benjamin Martin didn't see that gun. If he had had any inkling the gun was there, ther'd have
been a struggle for it.
Trayvon had no idea what that man wanted of him. The predator was the one who used the element of surprise. Trayvon didn't know he was fighting for his life.
Trayvon was screaming to protect his physical person from harm.
He was screaming to protect his physical integrity, the pride in his physical preferences, his physical
will and his physical identity.
He had obviously been pinned because he ran into a predator with MMA training. Had he been able
to effectively fight back, we'd have seen plenty of defensive wounds on the child.
But this is how predators operate. Predators sneak around, often in the dark, stalking perceived prey.
They see a child alone, perhaps in a place somewhat unfamiliar to the young person, then they pounce.
I'm surprised the prosecutors in this case aren't describing and analyzing time lines.
It seems Trayvon didn't actually know what hit him until it was too late.
 Even Tracy Martin had to listen to the 911 tape over and over, seeking to figure out what this
particular night crawler wanted of his son.
The freaky man didn't know Trayvon as an "asshole".
He didn't know Trayvon as a "fucking punk".
He knew he himself was prowling the neighborhood in the dark, stalking a very young man. He knew
he himself harbored ill will and evil intent toward this child. Yet and still- this killer did understand
that he himself knew nothing at all about Trayvon Benjamin Martin.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

A Republican America

We don't need public schools.
We don't need public school teachers.
We don't need public school administrators.
We don't need university degrees.
We don't need college professors.
We don't need police departments.
We don't need fire departments.
We don't need clean air.
We don't need clean water.
We don't need many doctors.
We don't need many nurses.
We don't need many emergency rooms.
We don't even need many hospitals.
We don't need health insurance.
We don't need living wages.
We don't need labor unions.
We don't need even minimum wage.
We don't need a lack of flat salaries.
We don't need the National Labor Relations Board.
We don't need banking regulations.
We don't need anti-child labor laws.
We don't need immigration reform.
We don't need citizenship.
We don't need fair housing.
We don't need reproductive health choices.
We don't need to vote.
'Nuf said?

Are You An Intoxicated Impaired Psychopath?

 Let's see.
When is the last time you 1. Saw a kid walking down the street and called the police?
                                          2. Slurred your words while speaking to those authorities on the phone?
                                          3. Referred to the person you phoned the police about using several
                                              derogatory terms?
                                          4. Decided the person you don't know, but just verbally abused as
                                          5. Parked your car in the place where you could easily catch up with
                                              said young person you don't know?
                                          6. Got out of your car, confronting the person you were asked by police
                                              not to follow?
                                          7. Claimed to be beaten by the young person you followed without laying
                                              one finger on him in self-defense?
                                          8. Shot the young person in the heart?
                                          9. Explained to police you were too weak to defend yourself in any other
                                          10.Have wanted to do all of the above?
No? None of those things?
This bar is too high for you?
Apparently, the scenario is a completely 'reasonable' one for many Americans.
And oh- you'd have to add the caveat that some of your best friends and neighbors are 'black'/

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Are Your Elbows Scraped?

If I were laying on the ground being pumelled from someone on top of you, would you use your arms
to protect yourself?
Would there be some mark on the person you hit back?
If you took a continued beating while wearing short sleeves and reaching behind you for a gun,
would you have some scraping on the back of your arms and/or elbows?
I think a person under direct attack uses his or her arms in some way.
If not, why not?
If so- why does nothing show?
Why is nothing on hands or arms cleaned or bandaged?
Something is very wrong when no defensive wounds whatsoever are discovered or even mentioned
by a killer who claims he was attacked.
Something is very wrong when that killer claims to have been screaming through an attack, yet lands
not one mark or blow on a person he claims he is screaming to for mercy?
Trayvon Martin had no injuries aside from the gunshot wound.
I spoke to someone in my family who believes the killer flashed a badge, then attacked- knowing he
intended to get a few minor injuries to his person, then shoot to kill, to leave no witness.
Whatever happened to Trayvon from the time his phone went dead until the screaming began is not
detailed in this trial.
Some media analysts have wondered as I do, but that time lapse has not been explained at trial.
A dead teenager with no mark on him in trial testimony, means the defense story is a complete lie.
In a way, that's not a completely awful thing because Sabrina Fulton and Tracy Martin are still alive.
However, Mr Tracy Martin realized something was terribly wrong immediately upon realizing he had to listen the the most revealing 911 call about twenty times to figure out what exactly was
happening to his son the night he was killed.
Rev. Al Sharpton seems to believe the Sanford police do have a suspicion or knowledge they haven't
attested to because when he interviewed black people in Sandford, he heard that what happened to
Trayvon wasn't particularly unique. Killed black people there have just run out of luck as far as the
Sandford Police Department is concerned, no matter how perverse the circumstances seem to be.
This time, a citizen of that community killed the son of a woman who was not from Sanford.
Essentially that is what happened in the killing of Emit Till.

"These Assholes Always Get Away"

Well, what 'assholes' ?

Monday, July 8, 2013

A Lesson From Egypt

The Egyptian Army deserves wonderful praise for making certain Tahrir Square did not become
Tiananmen Square on the occasions of public Egyptian unrest.
What should they have done instead?
Are we saying the army should have become executives, judges, and legislatures?
Apparently, citizens do vote with their feet.
Mr. Morsi had weeks and days to listen to the thunder of the mobilizing dissent. He refused to hear it.
When Brazil had a similar uprising a few days ago, they met the force of it with measures which spread calm.
Turkey had uprisings days ago as well. The Turkish leader instituted delay measures on policies and
plans his public fiercely opposed.
Leadership has to respond to the public it has, not the public it needs.
Mr. Morsi may initially have done the best he could.
Whereas President Hosni Mubarak was deposed, the judiciary and police departments in Egypt were reportedly
left too whole for new policy initiatives and new policy philosophies to become responsive to the
needs of a much beleaguered people.
Governments move slowly enough as it is. If the executives of government get sidetracked by religious concerns in a society feeling too long oppressed, steps have to be taken to let the people
feel an ease of oppression- even if it comes from a more righteous place than political inertia.
Egyptians are showing us a vote we seem to be having a hard time measuring.

Voice Recognition Is Not A Question For The Killer

Here is the question for the killer: Were you or were you not screaming to the top of your lungs the
entire time you were involved in an attack on February 26, 2012?
If so, you do remember. You do let authorities know, and your throat will be raw or sore the next day.
You will notice that.

Mr. Tracy Benjamin Martin

I heard the testimony of Mr. Tracy Benjamin Martin as regards the first time he heard the 911 tape of his son's voice after the young man was killed.
I had to cry.
I wanted to feel detached from the terrible sadness.
Mr. Martin heard the tape when he went to the Sandford Police Station to identify his boy. He made
himself think he could be going to pick him up. When the tape was played for him, he pushed away
from the table where they'd seated him, dropped his head, and said, "No."
Naturally the word would apply to denial of the facts and circumstances of his son's death, not necessarily the fact of whose voice he believed he heard crying out.
But then Mr. Martin said a month into Trayvon's death, he listened to that tape again over twenty times in the office of the Sandford mayor, to see if he could figure out what made someone stalk and kill his son.
He remarked it was his son's last cry for help.
Finally, Mr.Tracy Martin was excused from court questioning. He got up and walked out of the room as fast as it seems his seemingly weak or buckling legs would carry him. His head was hanging so far to his side, his neck seemed to be broken.

The Decent Persons In Sanford, Florida

One has to feel badly for them. Are they going to want to live there still? I mean the people who
are able to believe Trayvon Benjamin Martin was gunned down in cold blood for no decent reason-
how will those persons, going forward, feel good about living in the community where the young
man was shot?
I would want so badly to get out of 'Dodge'; but I know at times families cannot gather up every one's
life in the family to pull up stakes.
I would be so disappointed to live where a child died in that way.
However, I suppose I do live where in a place where a child was killed in that way.
I would sure like that fact to be over.

Trust Me

Point a gun at a teenager.
If he doesn't have cover, if she doesn't think she can run, you have the young person's full attention.
I had a gun pointed at me during a bank robbery. I was eight months pregnant, still working my teller
job.  It never did occur to me to use the 'n' word, but the gun seemed huge and real. I did exactly what I was told to do. Of course the gunwoman was a young girl, and I have rarely heard of black people
calling females the "n" word.
I still remember that girl saying; "If you make a sound, this gun is pointed right at your stomach. The
baby will get it first."
I didn't think for one moment of disobeying that gun. She didn't have to threaten the baby.
Today, however, the defense has gone a long way toward attempting to convince the Trayvon Benjamin Martin jury that the killer in this case was as weak as water.
The man who taught this killer self defense moves for a year would have us believe the stalker person could not possibly have been able to defend himself in any way.
My, my, my


Benghazi was mainly a creature of the CIA and the House committees funding embassies and outposts. Besides, Mr. Mitt Romney couldn't wait to condemn the Benghazi diplomats for apologies
they made when they themselves believed the initial shelling of the embassy was inspired by the
sacriligious film from California.
Romney did that way before Susan Rice said a word about the messages she was asked to publicly
relay. To me, he seemed completely disgraceful; but it fell away from news reports almost like magic. And then...
The IRS was just doing its job, at the behest of a conservative Republican Revenue Service manager.
Even Shirley Sherrod, a couple of years ago, was doing her job in a non-controversial way.
Eric Holder did nothing improper or unusual in official contacts concerning James Rosen  and the Obama Justice Department. Mr. Holder also managed 'Fast and Furious' as best he could, having inherited the program and its weaknesses from the previous administration. What would we expect?
The G.W. Bush administration left behind a wreck in so very many things.
None of theses scandals are amounting to anything more than a waste of investigational monies.

Mythical Monster Of Overreach

Before POTUS could get his hand down after his second swearing-in, the Republican House began
its claims (and hopes) of White House scandal.
Republicans believed quite firmly in the overreach of second term presidencies.
What they didn't take in to account was the facts of the presidencies they were considering were backlash presidencies.
POTUS did not win the 2012 election as a backlash candidate.
He has no reason to want or need to implement a secret agenda.
POTUS has the thumbs up of the Americans who want our country to progress in this world.
He has the backing of the part of the middle class which wants America to continue on the path of
world peace.
We have a group in this country who could care less how many of us are killed by climate, by guns,
by broken bridges, by defunct levees, etc.
No matter how many taxes the richy riches pay, even they admit they cannot and do not pay enough
to support this country. We, mainly the middle class, pay for ourselves. Why should we give dominion over all that we have and do to a privileged few?
We should not.

Trayvon's Biggest Mistake

The young man thought because he wasn't in Detroit or Chicago he was in a 'nice' neighborhood.
He may even have believed stalking was a crime, or stalking a minor was a crime.
The child and his family have learned the hard way, none of those beliefs could have been farther from the truth in the place the young man went for iced tea and skittles.
One needn't be involved with drugs (though the killer had the sound of someone heavily under the
influence of some drug(s) that night) or guns, or gangs, or theft, or even disturbing the peace.
A killer can materialize, pretend to be attacked, pretend to be screaming without ever fighting back, then shoot a kid dead then manipulate the child's body.
Sounds OK?

Screams Of Mortal Terror

If Trayvon's murderer was screaming during the killing, why did he stop? Shouldn't he have at least shouted, 'Get the police! Call an ambulance! I had to shoot a kid.'
How does someone shoot through the heart while screaming at the top of his voice to dead calm once
the shot is fired?
Are we supposed to have common sense? I guess the defense doesn't think so. I guess a dead unarmed teenager isn't proof enough something does Not add up.

Sabrina Fulton

Ms. Fulton has to be the bravest woman I've 'seen' in quite some time.
She tweeted out a message the day she was to testify in her son's trial, speaking of the young man in the present tense.
Then she promptly subjected herself to a man who was advocating for his murder.
She has to be going through a hell particular to America.
The whole scene reminded me of my own mom, and how bitterly she suffered her childhood in the
country she pledged allegiance to each day.
She learned to read in 1928. And whenever she picked up the local newspaper to show off her new
skill...she read about a lynching.
I was reminded too of a man I saw interviewed on cable news.
He remarked that he had had Obama's background with a Caucasian mom, a black dad, and a law
degree from Harvard.
He was different,though, because he had gone to jail.
One of the young people in my family asked me why some white people were so hateful. I had to
explain to her some are intent on inheriting the privilege slavery bestowed on many of the original
American settlers. She didn't get it.
Ms. Fulton, all grown up, doesn't get it either.

Killer's Uncle Proves Prosecution Claims

A man saying he was a killer's uncle testified in the Tayvon Martin case Friday, July 5, 2013.  He
claimed as clear as day he heard a voice on the 911 call a TV station played as one made while Trayvon's murder was taking place as one  he remembers hearing when his son(s) and his nephews were boys.
The prosecutor has been saying all along that those screams were the screams of a 17 year old person.
Only one 'boy' voice was heard on the 911 calls made that night. Only one boy died during the emergency calls made that night form the place Trayvon Benjamin Martin was visiting.
The killer's uncle appears to agree with both those assertions.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Teenagers Are Not Free To Defend Themselves?

Trayvon Martin had no marks on the parts of his body which were reportedly examined. A racist rapist was obviously set a murderous series of premeditated acts in motion, used martial arts on a youngster who wasn't particularly athletic, used the teenagers defensive actions to pretend to have been attacked himself, then attempted or completed an assault of the young man whether the youngster was dead or alive.
This man who is surely a freak of nature wanted to attack and kill. He prowled the neighborhood,
feeling and even saying "they" always get away. He knew Trayvon would want to get away, which is why he said as much to law enforcement on the phony call he made to clean up his filthy motive for wanting to follow this young man.
He didn't know, hadn't met Mr. Martin; yet called him one of a group of "assholes", a group which as of yet has not materialized.
So if someone much younger really is beating you up, why aren't you fighting back? What is it that
you are planning to do instead?
Why do you need to lie about spreading the young man's arms out? You obviously tucked them under
him because you didn't want the chance of being further impeded. You weren't so sure you got him in the heart?
He was dead in twenty seconds. The fight was out of him.
So now, whatever you were previously, now that you have killed Trayvon, you are a cold-blooded
killer, a pedophile, and a necrophiliac.
I have seen and heard plenty of teen aged boys in fights. That voice pleading for you to stop, that voice, screaming for help, that was not a grown man's voice, and that was not a natural desperation in
a cry from a teenager getting hit. That cry was from a young person trying to prevent an unnatural act.
The least you can do now, for society and for his parents  and family and friends, is rot in jail.
People know a bunch of lies, when hearing a bunch of lies
A string of lies from the mouth of a killer is not one bit...reasonable..

Today, Governor Ryan Is Finally Free!

Thanks to all who stood by him. So sorry his darling wife could not greet him, but i thinks she was there.
No good deed goes unpunished Governor Ryan; but the history of your legacy is a powerful one, even now as you're still with us. That history is fueling people near and far, not places like Lake County, Illinois which should be more amenable to your honesty- but you are an inspiration in Dallas county, for instance, all the way down in Texas.
Someone has to be willing to counter the backward bloodthirsty. Someone has to evolve. Thanks again Governor George Ryan. We don't have many Republicans like you any longer. Thank you so much.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Trayvon and Jamie Fox

Thank you so much to Jamie Fox at last night's BET awards ceremony,  for wearing on the front of his sweatshirt, a full face shot of young Mr. Trayvon Martin in his hoodie. Thank you so much Mr. Fox. Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you.

Moms From Aurora

I think in particular about the mom who lost her six-month old baby in that theater shooting. Her arms will feel empty, forever.
She didn't lose her baby because no one in that crowded theater had a gun. She didn't lose her baby
because she herself wasn't packing. She lost her baby because when bullets start raining down on
normal people, those people take cover.
I haven't done exhaustive research; but I am beginning to believe from something I read about
Native American villages, that certain identifiable populations cannot sustain growth without
some young man becoming homicidally group averse.
There are some groups unable to grow without absolutely dire consequences.
As cities empty, killing in the cities increases due to lack of available resources in the environments of various groups of the populations there. When people coming of age see in their
minds' eyes, the city shrinking, those persons then notice the numbers of those around them with a keener awareness. In the primitive parts of the brain, some of a certain age come to believe resources
they feel are necessary for survival, be they concrete or abstract, will be both more available for sharing, and less jealously gaurded for the taking or asking.
Lack of resource sharpens certain awarenesses.
It takes a bit more than individual mental disease to sharply increase the numbers of mass murders we
suffer in America.
As large cities empty, suburbs grow. In some suburbs, this growth presents as a deadly threat to some
people. In cities, grudges cause murder; but not mass murders.
I could be wrong of course. Nevertheless, it's worth a look by scientists, because evolutionarily, according to Native American tradition, not all human populations can grow past a certain point without murders ensuing. In the case of the United States...mass murders.
No mom should ever lose a six-month old baby to senseless gunshot wounds in a theater.