Monday, July 15, 2013


In one sense, we do have to imagine Floridians feel a right to do as much profiling as New York.
New York is a truly racist profiling machine.
Subtly, they encourage everyone to follow them.
Bloomberg practically insists everyone follow them.
So, New York, you who has a police force which constantly guns down unarmed black men,
other states want as much privilege as you do when it comes to destroying young black men.
They didn't have a real policeman, I know. They didn't have an actual man, I know.
They are learning, though. They are learning from the master.
We want to know why some freak killed Trayvon, while we are still wondering why Mr. Diallo
is dead.
Why is Sean Bell dead?
Why did Oscar Grant's life mean nothing?
Why can't Morgan Freeman or Forest Whittaker have any peace in New York?
The United States of America is definitely not a model of human rights leadership.
We have such an uphill battle to fight in this country for our young people.
Childhood is disappearing at an alarming rate.
We have one man raping young children for over fifty years.
We have priests raping young children.
We have a man just becoming a man slaughtering first graders.
We had Youngsters in an Amish school gunned down.
I really hope black people will not be the only ones protesting the murder of a lone child
who had no weapon, no intent, and no knowledge whatsoever of the evil stalking him.

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