Sunday, July 21, 2013

Ray Kelly

What is the black professional class thinking?
Get that man out of New York, please.
He likes to stop. He likes to frisk. Now he will have the world to suspect.
He will have much less time to continue the torture of black men.
I do have to admit our blackness may be an unintended inconvenience for us from the war on terror.
The most vicious and effective terrorists sent to the U.S. for the 9-11 attacks were purposefully
chosen for their darker skin and their hair color and texture.
The attack planners, when helpful to their puroses, took menial jobs, blending right into the minority
stereotypes which were described for us as those taken for granted by majority culture individuals in Ralph Ellison's, The Invisible Man.
One way to be sure an ordinary-looking black man is not carrying bombs on him is to search all the
black men.
I suspect the 'underwear bomber' didn't help matters any either.
Perhaps Mr. Kelly threw anybody he could under the bus to be sure nothing more happened to
New York...not on his watch. Let the man go. His methods are killing the wallets and reputations of half a million people a year.

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