Thursday, July 25, 2013

Cowering Liberals

The closer President Obama gets to the end of his term, the more some liberals want him to raise the
white flag on middle classes thriving under invested government.
Why should we still be talking chain cpi? The sequester was the compromise of the year!
Who takes up the slack when a kid gets kicked out of pre-school, and mom has had to give up a
part-time job, or a planned part-time job.
Some neighbor or family member who may be already working at or near minimum wage takes up that slack, eroding the standard of living the family has been seeking.
Who takes up the slack for all the furlough days government workers are suffering?  The super rich?
No way. The middle class soaks up all that loss.
We have compromised all the jobs we should have had when Republicans rejected the infrastructure
All our progressive legislative strivings have been kept at minimum or kept at bay altogether.
We still, thankfully, have Obamacare, which will create a slew of jobs.  If our President gives it up, those jobs will be lost. Paychecks will continue to be crushed by illnesses, and accidents, and the entire country will incur an even more shrunken middle class than we had in 2008.
President Obama has a lot more to worry about in our need for the new Affordable Care Act than his
legacy if he loves his country.
If liberals are willing to throw us under the bus with prettier language than Republicans use- we need
to elect a lot more progressives.

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