Monday, July 8, 2013

Mythical Monster Of Overreach

Before POTUS could get his hand down after his second swearing-in, the Republican House began
its claims (and hopes) of White House scandal.
Republicans believed quite firmly in the overreach of second term presidencies.
What they didn't take in to account was the facts of the presidencies they were considering were backlash presidencies.
POTUS did not win the 2012 election as a backlash candidate.
He has no reason to want or need to implement a secret agenda.
POTUS has the thumbs up of the Americans who want our country to progress in this world.
He has the backing of the part of the middle class which wants America to continue on the path of
world peace.
We have a group in this country who could care less how many of us are killed by climate, by guns,
by broken bridges, by defunct levees, etc.
No matter how many taxes the richy riches pay, even they admit they cannot and do not pay enough
to support this country. We, mainly the middle class, pay for ourselves. Why should we give dominion over all that we have and do to a privileged few?
We should not.

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