Monday, July 29, 2013

Silly Drug Wars

Drug wars in the U.S. are a people at war with themselves.
Most successful drug dealers won't sell drugs to just anybody. They have a good, specific,
functioning clientele who rarely come under the purview of the police- a clientele who pay well,
and pay on time.
So if a person is not functioning well, he or she should get a script for drugs of choice.
In this way, neither use nor addiction has to be closeted in such a way as to cause such an infinity of constantly criminal behaviors affecting any and all strata of society.
What's the good of my working to afford food for both myself, my family, and several jailed people
who used or carried marijuana  yesterday. Couldn't I save that money for my family vacation, or my
children's college fund? After all, that is money spent every single day.
Why should I pay an extra dollar for every pair of pants I need because someone boosted a bunch of
them from some retailer to feed a drug habit?
If an addicted person can pay, rehab should be available. For others who want rehab but cannot afford
it, taxpayers could ration that with a lot less expense than current prisons/probation systems eat.
We will always have prison. It could be used much more effectively.
We need probation systems. They could squash a great deal more recidivism.
Whereas drugs don't all have to be legal, some of the laws are dumb as actual enforcements.
How many officers should be killed so a guy won't use drugs?
How many elderly people should be killed while being robbed for the sake of some one's drug fueled
How many times will small children be left alone because mom shouldn't take them into the drug
How many foster families will get these kids later after the neglect has already damaged them?
How many tax dollars will build more jails to enslave unmotivated persons to do unwanted jobs?
How much money is too much money to waste on Dick or Jane not having available drugs?
Drugs will always be available.
When will we get out of the money dumping denial our drug wars are?

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