Sunday, July 28, 2013

I Wonder

I wonder what dumb excuses the jury gave for acquitting Emit Till's murderers.
When Byron DeLaBeckwith got arrested the first time, he spent his days in a cell that was never
Every day people brought him food and money and he went into town buying what he wanted, coming back to the jail in the evening when he got good and ready. What a hero they all had- my, my.
Ben Chester White's killers got off scott free.
It's a bit better for killers of black men now though.
If a person likes, he can call the police before the killing is even done, to have them meet him
at the scene, then send him on his way.
Black people should be more and more careful in this country. The offspring of 19th and 20th century immigrants keep forgetting we are not also the offspring of people who immigrated here.
Whatever privilege they feel they should inherit came from slavery making this country already rich
enough to defeat the most powerful army on earth in 1776, way before the immigrant waves began.
Whatever privilege they feel should pass to them from American whiteness comes from other
Americans having been black, and still existing as black Americans.
Slavery come from the blood, sweat, tears, and toil of the African kidnapped. Before slavery, there
were no states- united or otherwise. Maybe that is what Senator Barack Obama meant in 2004.
When Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke here in Detroit to give his 'I Have A Dream' speech, all our
local newspapers had to say the day of the speech was: 'He is breaking the law. He doesn't have a permit.'
They Scott Walkered him way back then, stopping short of throwing him in jail.
The laws here are making a mockery of justice, which mean they are now simply precursors to a
police state.

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