Monday, July 15, 2013

Lawyers For The Prosecution

What could the prosecutors do to change who these tribally entrenched jurors actually are?
Those people know what a street fight is.
What difference would it have made to insist Travon Martin was never on top of the killer?
What difference does it make if at one point Trayvon did find himself on top? How could he have
slammed the stalker's head into the concrete over and over unless this attacker had no arms, no
shoulders, no hands, and no neck?
Common sense does tell us that much. Why would the prosecution try to convince full grown
people of that obvious truth? Wouldn't that have been condescending?
Should a team of Jacksonville lawyers condescend to a hometown jury?
Never in a million years would that have worked.
We can do all there is to do in a case, or we can do what could possibly work.
Prosecutors impeached witnesses as best they could. Those witnesses were full of hyperbolic
statements no one would believe unless they simply decided to believe. What could prosecutors
do about that?
As prosecutors pressed these wildly extreme witnesses, they got wilder.
No way in the world would this killer have been weaker than a boy of seventeen.
If this murdering low-life was so "stunned" he would not have had the presence of mind to reach behind him to pull out a gun, while his head was being pounded the whole time, and without
Trayvon fighting him for that gun.
If he were screaming as his head was pounded, his screaming would have sounded more gurgled
and garbled, especially if there were a hand over his mouth. Anyone could know that.
Mr. Guy was explicit in his remarks that anyone would know Trayvon did not have ten hands. No
way could he have covered the murderer's mouth, pounded his head, and reached for that, gun all at the moment that shot rang out. And so this killer has to have had a mouth full of Trayvon's blood
he disgraced by stuffing it with the addition of a fistful of filthy self-serving lies.  Why did this
creepy stalker need that mouth to be full of rotting self-serving lies? What is it he needed to cover
up? Maybe he didn't want to say he finally got to stalk and kill a black kid.
What does a teenager have to do then, in order to be safe?
Oh- should he start again saying, "Yassuh, yassuh Mr, Bossman"? That didn't work. So it cannot work. And it cannot be ok for teenagers to be gunned down by stalkers.
The big white sheet, the burning cross, have been transferred to little loopholes in killing laws,
and the permission to suspend all common sense. If you want to think of a skinny black kid as a man with super musculature- it's ok with the law. If you want to believe a black teenagers as people with
ten hands and arms- it's ok with the law.
If  some loser comes along who decides to be the accuser, the jailer, the prosecutor, the judge, the
jury, and the executioner- that's ok with the law. What a system!
Why in the world would the prosecutors make up some story? They were admitting we didn't know
exactly what the story was because the defendant in this case kept a bubbling up a mouth full of
lies. Nothing, in the end, happened to make this killer afraid for his life.
Angela Corey could have tried the case herself, but she was very high profile as the outsider
prosecutor who brought charges in a town where many of these jurors at the least, had friends and
neighbors who felt the killer should not even have been arrested.
The prosecution would have given itself no advantage with Corey as lead prosecutor.
If a man carrying a nine millimeter firearm with the safety off, exits his car with someone in mind he has defamed, and trails this other person against professional police advice- then he is going hunting.
Only common sense proves that. No evidence anywhere or of any sort can comport without common sense ensuing at some point.
We have prosecutors in Lake County Illinois who listen to right wing radio all day, but don't believe
they need to accept DNA evidence, because neither science nor enough common sense to accept
science has to be accepted, even by educated people, if they love self-serving lies.
That killer shot the boy because he wanted to kill a young black male. He would not have felt a need
to kill a young white male. As Attorney Guy said quite emphatically, 'he shot Trayvon because he
wanted to- not because he had to.' 
Angela Corey believed the voice on the 911 recording would not have stopped the very instant the
shot went off if it had been the killers voice, especially when this killer claims he didn't even know
the shot had killed the youngster.
All children are asked not to talk to strangers, not to bring strangers home.
Trayvon was doing what all parents ask their young people to do. He was a nice kid, trying to save
himself and his family. Watch out Red Riding Hood. The story has been updated. The wolf does eat you. Your family gets heartbroken. The huntsman pats wolfy on the head.
Or should black teenagers now assume that any white stalker should be profiled as a killer? Is that the lesson we have to prepare our young people to learn? What does a kid have to do in order not to get
Mark O'Mara keeps saying in public that Trayvon made a mistake of perception.
Trayvon did not, but-
Someone did.

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