Friday, July 12, 2013

Dr. Nut Job

No, doctor, a man Cannot walk over to you after his heart has been ripped out of his chest. His legs will cease to operate within the space of time it takes for his brain to detect the loss of two, maybe three heartbeats.
No, I am not a physician, a clinician, or a research scientist. All anyone has to do in order to know about this is to read sensible literature.
As soon as the brain senses any loss of blood, especially any sudden loss of blood, it goes into an
immediate panic. So does the liver.
No striated muscle in the human body will get any cooperation from the human brain at all.
The brain will attempt for a determinate amount of seconds ( I know I don't know how many.) to
prevent organ death. Organs are not comprised of striated muscle. The human brain will not give
attention to anything else.
The moment a heart stops for whatever reason, consciousness sinks into oblivion. The body barely
has time to steel itself when it feels itself about to hit the "floor", for instance.
Have you closed yourself up in your "crazy little corner of lab" world to shoot one small animal too
Humans, I would suggest, must be much different than the small creatures you claim to have shot in the heart.
I know if a human body is in some moving act before the head is lost, the body may continue that act
for a few seconds if it is a simple enough familiar action, because the muscles don't know the brain is
The brain, however, is acutely aware of the heart.
I know a person may be capable of sound after a shot to the heart, but actual speech?
I am so certain someone shot in the heart and lung has absolutely no ability to lift himself enough to
get both his arms underneath his young body.
Don't you know that too?
Stop shooting small animals Dr. D.
Cease and desist to even think about shooting small animals in the heart.
It's making you batty.
Try going back to planaria. You know, the little flatworms which can be sliced evenly down the
middle, and in a short time each half will be a whole living worm being. You remember. That's
probably Science 10something.
However- DON'T try doing the same to a small animal or a human being. It will not work!
I noticed you told one of the prosecution team in the Trayvon Martin case that scientists can't
experiment with shooting humans in the heart. Remember what the prosecutor, I believe it was
Mr. De La Rionda, said?
He of course said, 'I know.'

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