Friday, July 12, 2013

John Guy

What a Guy!!!
This prosecutor really nailed it!
And Seema Iyer did too when she called him 'eye candy for the ladies'.
These prosecutors were not going to 'wave' race flags at this all white Florida jury.
That would have been a dumb thing to do no matter what all these legal analysts are saying.
What if there is a Paula Deen on that jury. She could probably be fair if people don't get her to
feeling prickly about her heritage or her Samuel Alito-type sensibilities.
If this wasn't a difficult race issue trial, not many of them would be asked to give their opinions
Paul Henderson was the best MSNBC analyst aside from the queen, of course, Joy Reid.
Mr. Guy was definitely on the money every step of the way in court today. According to Joy Reid, John Guy preached a sermon up in there.
She was right.
Did Mr. Guy confer with an AME preacher to get his thoughts together on today's summation?
He was so beyond excellent today.
Finally, we heard someone admit it- 'this was every child's worst nightmare, to be followed home
late at night by a stranger'.
He offered us the very obvious possibility that Trayvon would be understandably reluctant to have
such a stranger follow him home when he knew no adult was at the house.
He told us we owe the living respect, but we owe the dead the truth.
He tied some of the killer's lies to making himself  look to be the blameless victim he was Not.
He tied many of the rest of the killer's lies to attempts at making Trayvon seem more menacing than he obviously was.
He talked about how we use our human hearts, thank the Lord.
Mr. Tracy Martin and his lawyer Mr. Crump seemed especially appreciative of that tack.
He reminded us that Trayvon Benjamin Martin was only sixteen years and twenty-one days old;
and that the last thing he did in this world was 'try to get home'.
He reminded us that Trayvon had a right to defend himself, to fight for his life, though he lost it.
Mr. Guy let everyone know: 'that child had every right to be afraid of a stranger following him- 1st
in a car, then on foot.'
He made the assertion: 'that man didn't shoot Trayvon because he had to, he shot him because he wanted to'.
I loved the moment when Mr. Guy obliterated all the goofy mannequins, videos, and cut-outs.
He said, 'Trayvon is not a piece of cardboard. He never has been, and he never will be.'
Attorney Guy powerfully let the jury hear him say the way they could know this case is not about race, is that they realize if a seventeen-year-old Trayvon Martin had been driving around  'who called the police, who had hate in his heart, hate in his mouth, hate in his actions, following,
then shooting and killing a twenty-something neighborhood man, with they would surely hold  Trayvon responsible.
No matter what verdict that jury comes back with now, Trayvon Benjamin Martin got truth,
right out of the mouth of Mr. John Guy today; so inasmuch as truth is some good portion of any just cause- Trayvon, then on this day,  has gotten a great measure of whatever justice this world has in its pitiful power to offer.

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