Friday, July 19, 2013

POTUS Seems Quite Hopeful

I don't know, though.
Sasha and Malia are privileged;  hanging out, necessarily, with other privileged persons.
How else could they be safe?
Sasha and Malia will always have relatives in Kenya, Ireland, and maybe Canada.
What about us?
We are a minority, our roots in enslavement.
When one of our young is killed, we are always expected to get quiet and orderly.
Well, then, it could be we should all have passports.
Maybe Marcus Garvey had a good idea.
Maybe Milton Henry was leaning in the right direction.
I think President Obama said he could have been Trayvon thirty-five years ago.
Wasn't that in 1978? Wasn't 1978 113 years after slavery was abolished, and 359 years after
my forefathers were dragged to these shores in chains?
Are we waiting another 113 years, or surely not another 394 years?!
Perhaps in D.C. things seem better. What do I know. I live in Detroit. Here, the same young
who were so accepting of other races, other gender identities, other nationalities, seem to be
suffering newly hardened hearts as they reach high school. That doesn't portend well for poor
people in our cities. What about when your presidency is over?
There are white people and mixed raced people in my immediate family, POTUS, and they are
very decent people- but I keep getting the idea they are in a different sort of minority.
Our hopes as black people are unfortunately hanging by a thread.
If even a black President can't keep our babies safe, to whom are subject?
How do we once again get out of these states' rights nooses? And how many have to die before
we have abolished them?
The U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Supreme Court seem to believe Only in states'
We haven't ever had a Black Klux Klan.
We haven't formed the Black Citizens Council.
We don't have the Mao Mao Society.
All the Black Panthers did at first is pass out food, and vow not to strike first.
What did we do wrong?
You know, POTUS, I hear Burkina Faso can be lovely this time of year.

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