Friday, July 12, 2013

Mr. De La Rionda

I am so grateful Mr. De La Rionda pointed out how many arms Trayvon Benjamin Martin would have to have had in order to cover up the mouth of a (screaming) person, while 'reigning blows' down on said creature person, pummeling the head of the predator into the sidewalk, and reaching for a gun, all within the space a very short time; while leaving no evidence whatsoever of any of this on
his own person.
The prosecutor here is being quite careful to say he will let the jury decide.
I don't blame him.
So many people identify with the killer in this trial, that any prosecutor would have to be sensitive to an all white jury, or risk inciting them.
So many people in this country feel, 'If one of you breaks into one of our homes, then one of you, or
all of you can get shot through the heart. Makes no difference which one of you, or how many of you.
Trayvon Benjamin Martin may never have heard of such extreme sentiments.
Mr. De La Rionda has heard of them.

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