Monday, July 8, 2013

Sabrina Fulton

Ms. Fulton has to be the bravest woman I've 'seen' in quite some time.
She tweeted out a message the day she was to testify in her son's trial, speaking of the young man in the present tense.
Then she promptly subjected herself to a man who was advocating for his murder.
She has to be going through a hell particular to America.
The whole scene reminded me of my own mom, and how bitterly she suffered her childhood in the
country she pledged allegiance to each day.
She learned to read in 1928. And whenever she picked up the local newspaper to show off her new
skill...she read about a lynching.
I was reminded too of a man I saw interviewed on cable news.
He remarked that he had had Obama's background with a Caucasian mom, a black dad, and a law
degree from Harvard.
He was different,though, because he had gone to jail.
One of the young people in my family asked me why some white people were so hateful. I had to
explain to her some are intent on inheriting the privilege slavery bestowed on many of the original
American settlers. She didn't get it.
Ms. Fulton, all grown up, doesn't get it either.

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