Monday, July 15, 2013

What Is Everyone Talking About?

If a white child is stalked and made fearful in the night, the child is having his civil rights attacked. A citizen does not have to be black in order to demand a stalker back away from infringing his civil rights.
If Trayvon were white, we'd still have to say his civil rights were trampled, because he was a minor
being stalked by someone who killed him.
How freaky does someone have to be to think it's ok to follow, to alarm, and to murder a young human because he is perceived to seem suspicious?
Are we back to those killings when someone purposefully provokes a person of a certain race, creed, or color, to strike in fear so that it's ok for the fearful person to be attacked and killed?
I was sure we settled such behaviors as criminal decades ago.
I believe John Guy purposefully alluded to right vs. wrong in his recent trial closing, negating  irrefutable facts related to a right of any individual to stalk and kill human beings.
The juror who was holding out for second degree murder was right. Calling names, stalking, accusing,  murdering, all describe hateful attitudes at the least.
A child of any race has had his civil rights trampled when any of those things are heaped on him by
someone who, minutes later, murders him, or her.
I wonder if the right-thinking juror was threatened in some way. The community in which she lives is very small, and can obviously be cut-throat.

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