Wednesday, September 17, 2014

America Is Fighting A Raw/ Not A War

I don't know why we are unable to come up with a new vocabulary for what is happening to us now.
I can't figure out what exactly was wrong with Reagan, Bush, Bush W. or Cheney.
Before these people got into the fabric of World Peace, the idea that World Peace was achievable did
exist, even after Vietnam. How does anyone think we got flower power once we began to settle social
unrest here in the seventies.
Or- we thought we'd begun. Now I see the Klan have all gotten jobs on police forces in this country.
Who was going to stop them?
I digress.
America had brave, forward-thinking leadership in both World Wars, and in the Korean War.
Before Reagan flaunted the Boland Ammendment, however, inventing 'plausible deniability', a thing
totally implausible and oxymoronic for a leader to engulf himself in, America did not develop the
habit of aggressing sovereign nations without being called upon to help advance a specific peace, or
defend its own sovereignty.
We surely never aggressed other nations under false pretense!
Now we are in a morass exacerbated by so very many years of grinning lies, death, torture, murder-
how in the world do we get ourselves out of this?
We are  harboring and honoring so many war criminals here.
We need new Medals of Honor for the Cindy Sheehans of our nation. She was not the one killing people.
Saddam was no prince, but George W. killed more Iraqis than Saddam ever did.
We can arm any group we want in the Mid East today, and surely we must do something.
What we cannot do, however, is give them more people, well-trained professional soldier people
to behead as 'boots on foreign ground'.
There is no reason in this universe for us to believe in America that we are admired, respected, loved,
or thought honorable in Iraq, except in a slight perhaps by the Pesh Merga and the Yezidi.
Whatever group we throw in with today can easily re-group and rename themselves tomorrow.
That is exactly what they are going to do until we have no more arms to give them.
We have to get in there somehow, yet we have no choice but to be limited.
We are not the Mid East NRA.
We are not going to know the good guys with a gun from the bad guys with a gun for any foreseeably
accurately, measurable amount of time for quite some years to come- if ever.
The conflicts we have now don't have enemies who surrender, who seek out truces, who agree to an
end to hostilities. They don't feel that they were treated fairly in WWI, or that it was ever fairly
redressed with them- so we go right ahead and heap insult, after injury, after aggression right on top
of what they have to resent already. How are we supposed to find groups over there who hate each
other more than they want the freedom to hate us?
We have had the worse trouble from angering Stalin after WWII.
We are still not warm and fuzzy with France from how angry DeGaulle was after WWII.
We need to figure out how we got on so well with the British after the War of Independence. Oh, right, they still owned a lot of property here- as they do now.
How did we do it with Germany. For one thing we helped them do what they wanted; eliminate a lot
of their extremists. Neither of those solutions is workable in the Mid East as I can see.
How did we become allied with Japan? We let them buy all the patents they wanted. Don't think we
dare do that unless we could be sure we sold nothing lethal. Prohibitions of that sort are more difficult
to effect in this 21st century.
We have a stability in South Korea we got by splitting the country in only two parts.
Sociologists say five is a good number.
Instead of people thinking they are going to force caliphates all over the place, maybe they can agree
on redrawing borders which will give them five groups of land.
Fat chance on Iran ever going for that, right?
Someone had better do something.
People who used to be farmers and dentists don't go away quietly. How does anyone think England
did make the colonies so angry. The king was no longer messing with only mountain men, cobblers,
and blacksmiths.
The middle class in the Mid East are not one bit dumb. They were not so happy with us in the first place, and they know all their countries' borders were transgressed, and swollen with the miseries of
millions because George W. and his neo-con buddies do think war is a war game.
Sunni/Shia forces are not seasoned, professional, nurtured, thoughtful, organized, gentleman soldiers
with strict hierarchies and chains of command which cannot easily be broken.
They are raw.
In each form they present, they are raw.
They may want Americans there, some of them, but they all want us well-done.
Do we like that picture?
Besides, then what happens to Israel?
I hate to say it or think it; but Ebola in sub-Saharan Africa may be the only way for us to win true
friends among economies that actually are growing, despite all the problems of living in the most
unyielding expanse of climate on earth.
I know there are microbial thermophiles on the North and South Pole which can survive anything; but I don't think there are harsher seasons lasting such interminable amounts of time.
Hey, I'm not a biogeographer though. I admit it.

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