Friday, September 12, 2014

The Progressive Pacifists: Sounding Angry And Odd

I think people who used to be simply the liberal base of the President's party have become a bit
deranged- peacefully that is.
They are in the "do nothing" category, or the "do nothing yet" category.
Do nothing because there are only 10,000 ISIL fighters.
Oh no, do nothing because there are only 31,000 fighters.
Do nothing because they haven't beheaded that many Americans. We aren't sure they will keep
beheading Americans wherever they can find them.
Do nothing because they haven't yet planned to strike the White House.
Do nothing because they are not half way across the ocean yet. We can't see the whites of their eyes.
Do nothing because they don't have the capacity to be too harmful yet.
Oh wait- do nothing because they have billions of dollars and lots of land and they are too much for us.
What do you mean you have to do something?
Have you tried talking nice to them- have you?!
If you are thinking you should do something about ISIL, you have to give back the Nobel Prize.
You do not have our definition for the word peace.
Peace insures you will Do Nothing!
Time changes.
Terror threats and tactics change.
The terrorist groups change.
Terrorist supportive governments change.
But you- you the leader of the free world, you cannot change.
You need to keep to our definition of peace, or not have a definition of peace.
You need to get with the Bartelby program.

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