Monday, September 29, 2014

Black Men In The News

You people! No- kidding.
The media are in a tizzy.
Black men are punching their wives and girlfriends.
And they all seem to be heterosexual.
Is there a connection?
I guess white men don't hit.
Gay men don't hit.
And black men are getting killed for doing less.
Lots o' news.
Here's the catch- unarmed black men are getting killed.
Police are afraid, apparently, of unarmed teenagers and young men.
In Florida, police got a gang of robbers this year- but didn't shoot them until they had laid down
their arms and were flat on their bellies. They even gave up their own informant to a shooting.
Young black men will be killed if they are unarmed.
Well, not only if unarmed.
Black teenagers can't wear hoodies in the rain. They can be shot dead.
Young black men can't wave down the police when having car trouble. Shot dead.
Black teenagers can't jaywalk. Shot in the back, shot in the head- all at close range.
Young black men can't buy gun-like items at big box stores. A barrage of bullets.
Young mentally challenged black men can't wave a knife. Gunned down- two against one.
Young men can't submit to handcuffs while in back of a police vehicle. Shot down.
Older black men can't be accused of selling loosies. Choked to death with E.M.S. complicit.
A young black man can't look for a license when ordered to- four bullets in a blaze of fire; and
such a black man can't take off a seat belt when entering a gas station either.
A young black man can't get into a limousine on his wedding day. Shot down.
A young black man can't break up a fight on the subway. Shot while lying flat on his face.
A young black man can't have a sword slung over his shoulder. Shot in the back.
A young black man can't reach for a license even if it is not in his car. Shot multiple times.
These young men are unarmed. Is that the problem, really- police are that afraid of young, unarmed
black men?
Are we yet done with the "can'ts" for young black males?
I know I have had enough of it.
Is it that young white males don't do any of these things?
And if we are sick of all this, what can we do about it?
I have heard from many, many officials that what we need to do is 'remain calm'.
Do they mean remain calm as in "young, black, and unarmed"?
I don't see one, single solitary thing about which we need to remain calm. I truly don't.
Were our Nelson Mandela-type activists right in the sixties? Are we going to be eating chicken if
a revolution comes?
I always knew we could go down because we are a small minority in a racist world.
But I don't think we can be required by "da laaw' to go down as sitting ducks.
Rumplestiltskin went to hell in a self-imposed rage.
We don't have to turn over our first-born, last born, or middle born son because those of little faith
want to sit around the way some want to sit around to see how many heads ISIL can get t' rollin'.
Right now, Ferguson is doing what it has to do to show 'badges' they have lost all moral authority
over black citizens.
I don't know what can be done; but if we are waiting for the Law and Order "ding ding" to
straighten things out, we are obviously going to lose more young people each month.
I can see why Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had begun to come to a meeting of the minds with Malcolm X.
Plymouth Rock (back to which most of these "Americans" cannot trace their heritage, ) has 'shorely'
landed on us- real talk.
Or maybe we need to remember, Burkina Faso is nice this time of year.

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